• Exploring teacher agency to address controversial issues in religious education: A forum theatre and action research approach 

      Hammer, Aina; Lenz, Claudia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Dealing with controversy is highlighted in policy documents as a cornerstone of democracy and education. However, previous research points to several challenges for teachers when dealing with controversial issues (CI) in ...
    • Exploring teachers' perceptions of the use of peer assessment in external exam-dominated writing classes 

      Meletiadou, Eleni; Tsagari, Dina (Languages;Volume 7 / Issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-19)
      Several studies on peer assessment (PA) have highlighted significant benefits for the learning process such as increased student motivation, enhanced collaborative learning (especially in terms of EFL writing) and improved ...
    • Exploring the perceived learning of ‘students as researchers’ through two theoretical lenses 

      Bjørkvold, Tuva; Ryen, Erik (Journal of Curriculum Studies;Volume 53, 2021 - Issue 6, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-09)
      This study investigates how students and teachers perceive learning outcomes when employing an inquiry-based learning approach, and how this relates to two conflicting perspectives on teaching and learning in the Norwegian ...
    • Exploring the statistical practices in classroom: STEM teachers’ experiences using dynamic data analysis technology 

      Yabas, Defne; Örene, Batın; Corlu, M. Sencer (CERME Proceedings Series;Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Conference object, 2022)
      In the 21st century, schools have been increasingly expected to raise students prepared for a world of quantities and uncertainty. As statistical practices become an important skill for every individual, researchers and ...
    • Expressed willingness of STEM teachers to teach engineering 

      Doganca Kucuk, Zerrin; Genek, S. E.; Bozoglu, H. S.; Corlu, M. Sencer (Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Teaching engineering at the middle and high school levels has been a topic of discussion among scholars regarding the challenges it creates. One of the most critical challenges at the school level is identifying qualified ...
    • Face-to-face promotive interaction leading to successful cooperative learning:Review study 

      Kristiansen, Selma Dzemidzic; Burner, Tony; Johnsen, Berit Helene (Cogent Education;First Published 01 October 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-03)
      The article presents a review of 34 studies conducted from 1995 to 2017 focusing on face-to-face promotive interaction (FtFPI) factors that may lead to successful cooperative learning (CL) in small groups, as guided by the ...
    • Facebook, Canvas and Social Presence in Online Discussions 

      Johannesen, Monica; Mifsud, Louise; Øgrim, Leikny (ICERI proceedings;16 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper focuses on student discussion fora in a Masters’ programme in ICT-Supported Learning. Previous course evaluations have shown that students were not satisfied with the chosen technology (Fronter VLE) and suggested ...
    • ‘Feeling better’: embodied self-knowledge as an aspect of movement capability 

      Standal, Øyvind Førland; Bratten, Judith Helene (Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy;Volume 26, 2021 - Issue 3: Developing movement capability in physical education, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-17)
      Background: The literature on movement capability critiques the traditional content of physical education (i.e. the what of physical education) and the subject’s reliance on teacher-led methods (i.e. the how of physical ...
    • Filosofisk samtale i undervisningen 

      Børresen, Beate; Persson, Victor (Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift;03 / 2018 (Volum 102), Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-01)
      Artikkelen presenterer filosofisk samtale som et utgangspunkt for å realisere strukturerte og lærende samtaler i klasserommet slik læreplanen legger opp til. Samtale framstilles som noe annet enn det å si hva man mener ...
    • First graders’ stationary behavior in Norwegian after-school programs: A mixed methods investigation 

      Løndal, Knut; Lund, Siv; Haugen, Anders L. Hage; Riiser, Kirsti (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;Volume 18 / Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-17)
      After-school programs (ASPs) might influence the activities and behaviors of children. The aim of the reported study was to investigate how stationary behavior unfolds during ASP time in a sample of Norwegian first graders. ...
    • Five Tips for Integrating Khan Academy in Your Course 

      Gray, William James Andrew; Lindstrøm, Christine (The Physics Teacher;Volume 57, Issue 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-23)
      Khan Academy (KA) is one of the world’s most popular open educational resources (OER), with more than 57 million registered users and 15 million monthly site visits as of May 2016. It is popular with students seeking ...
    • Flashmob i lærerutdanninger – studenters erfaringer med å skape dans sammen 

      Rustad, Hilde; Langnes, Tonje Fjogstad (Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education;Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Kroppsøvingsfaget i bevegelse, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-20)
      Denne artikkelen handler om lærerstudenter og deres erfaringer knyttet til gjennomføring av flashmob som studentdrevet danseprosjekt. Artikkelen undersøker sammenhenger mellom flashmobprosjektet og utviklingen av ...
    • Flashmob i lærerutdanninger – studenters erfaringer med å skape dans sammen 

      Rustad, Hilde; Langnes, Tonje Fjogstad (Journal for Reseach in Arts and Sports Education;Vol. 3, No. 2 (2019): Kroppsøvingsfaget i bevegelse, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06)
      Denne artikkelen handler om lærerstudenter og deres erfaringer knyttet til gjennomføring av flashmob som studentdrevet danseprosjekt. Artikkelen undersøker sammenhenger mellom flashmobprosjektet og utviklingen av ...
    • The FLIPPED STEP study: A randomized controlled trial of flipped vs. traditional classroom teaching in a university-level statistics and epidemiology course 

      Holm, Lene Berge; Rognes, Andre; Dahl, Fredrik Andreas (International Journal of Educational Research Open;Volume 3, 2022, 100197, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-22)
      A flipped classroom, also known as flipped learning, is a teaching method in which students watch online lectures at home, followed by group work in the classroom. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a flipped ...
    • Focusing on Slowness and Resistance: A Contribution to Sustainable Development in Music Education 

      Varkøy, Øivind; Rinholm, Hanne (Philosophy of Music Education Review;Vol. 28, No. 2 (Fall 2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      This essay reflects on the values of slowness and resistance as fundamental ideas directly opposed to modern culture’s ideals of effectiveness and smoothness and discusses how music from the Western classical music tradition ...
    • For dem som ønsker å gå en annen vei: Implementering og praktisering av praksisbrevordningen i fylkeskommunene 

      Schmid, Evi; Breilid, Nils (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 39, nr. 2-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-30)
      Artikkelen omhandler praksisbrevordningen, et toårig praksisbasert løp i videregående opplæring som ble innført som tiltak mot frafall på yrkesfag. I 2016 fikk fylkeskommunene plikt til å ha minst ett tilbud om praksisbrev. ...
    • Forbereder grunnskolelærerutdanningen engelsklærere for undervisning i engelsk som tredjespråk i Norge? 

      Surkalovic, Dragana (Acta Didactica Norge;8(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Temaet for denne artikkelen er flerspråklighet i skolen, med fokus på engelskundervisning i Norge. Artikkelen undersøker i hvilken grad grunnskolelærerutdanningen forbereder fremtidens engelsklærere for arbeid med elever ...
    • Forholdet mellom etterutdanning og skoleutvikling - eksterne fagmiljøer rolle og ansvar 

      Christensen, Hanne; Ulleberg, Inger (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Ansatte i universitet og høgskole har etterutdanning som en av sine arbeidsoppgaver. Etterutdanningen kan være lokalt eller sentralt initiert og den kan være skolebasert eller lokalisert på utdanningsinstitusjonene. ...
    • Forskning for fremtiden? En oversiktsstudie av empirisk forskning på det norske skolefaget kroppsøving i perioden 2010-2019 

      Løndal, Knut; Borgen, Jorunn Spord; Moen, Kjersti Mordal; Hallås, Bjørg Oddrun; Gjølme, Egil Galaaen (Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education;Vol 5 No 3 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-14)
      Artikkelen rapporterer fra en oversiktsstudie av empirisk forskning på skolefaget kroppsøving i perioden 2010–2019. Hovedmålet er å kartlegge hvilke tema forskningen har belyst, samt om – og eventuelt hvordan – forskningstemaene ...
    • Forskningsbasert kunnskap og kvalifisering av lærere 

      Spetalen, Halvor (Research report, 2015)
      Gjennom styringsdokumenter, politisk retorikk og fra lærerutdanningen selv uttrykkes et ønske om at kvalifiseringen av lærere skal være forskningsbasert. Ikke minst for at forskningsbasert kunnskap om ”det som virker” skal ...