LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning
Recent Submissions
Flerfaglig, tverrfaglig eller fagovergripende - En studie av lærerstudenters argumentasjon på muntlig eksamen i begynneropplæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Faglig integrering og fagovergripende perspektiver blir i økende grad framhevet i internasjonale og nasjonale styringsdokumenter, samt i forskning. Ulike begreper brukes, som flerfaglig, tverrfaglig og fagovergripende, men ... -
Practices of Living Well Among Youth in an Arctic Region
(Chapter, 2024)Global challenges related to health, climate, the economy and political tensions have affected many, including those living in remote areas. We explore how youth live and appreciate life in the Arctic region of Norway. We ... -
Group coaching integrated into national school leadership programs for professional development of school leaders: A similar, yet different approach at a Norwegian and Swedish university
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)A growing body of research has emphasized coaching as a key approach to the professional development of school leaders. In many countries, coaching in one form or another is integrated into national school leadership ... -
Masteroppgaver innen forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag: Studenters og lærerutdanneres perspektiver
(Chapter, 2024)I denne studien undersøker vi naturfaglærerstudenters og naturfaglærerutdanneres syn på betydningen av masteroppgaven i forskningsbasert grunnskolelærerutdanning. Datamaterialet består av refleksjonsnotater fra studenter ... -
En profesjonsrettet og forskningsbasert masteroppgave
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Grunnskolelærerutdanningen er blitt femårig, med et krav om en masteroppgave som skal være både profesjonsrettet, praksisorientert og forskningsbasert. Man kan møte denne utfordringen for eksempel ved å utvide forståelsen ... -
Pre-service teachers’ understandings of exploratory task design in mathematics: from GeoGebra task design to the 8th grade student
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of the study informing this paper was to investigate pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) approaches to task design, posing the research question: How do pre-service teachers respond when they are asked to design an ... -
Sharing interview questions in advance: Methodological considerations in applied linguistics research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Interviews serve as a prominent methodological tool in applied linguistics and beyond, allowing researchers to explore participants’ experiences, ideologies and beliefs. Yet, the extent to which interview questions are ... -
Leadership in uncertainty: Improvisation and positioning in municipal adult education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study examines how six principals in Norwegian adult education centres (AECs) navigate and make sense of and navigate the multifaceted and uncertain environment in which they act. Specifically, the study aims to explore ... -
Associations Between Teachers’ Attitudes Toward the Final Exam in the Norwegian Language Arts Subject and Washback: A Survey Among Norwegian Secondary Teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The issue of washback effects from tests on instruction has been extensively investigated. The nature and extent of washback depend on many factors, some of which are related to teachers and exams. Work to redesign the ... -
Kva vi snakkar om når vi snakkar om studentaktiv læring. Ein konseptuell systematisk litteraturgjennomgang
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)During the last decade, the concept student active learning has gained increased attention in Norwegian higher education. In the international research literature, active learning is contrasted with lectures as an example ... -
Fritidslesing på sjette trinn - Hva motiverer elevene som leser mest?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Fritidslesing bidrar til leseferdighet, men norske skoleelever leser mindre enn før. Denne artikkelen er basert på intervjuer med elever som leser mer enn klassekameratene sine. Vi undersøkte hva som motiverte disse elevene ... -
Verbal and non-verbal skills in early childhood: dimensionality, developmental trajectories, and gender differences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study examines the dimensionality of and relationships between two subscales from the British Ability Scales – Third Edition, measuring verbal (expressive vocabulary) and non-verbal (reasoning) cognitive skills for ... -
Creative dance – practising and improving … what? A study in physical education teacher education
(European Physical Education Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Creative dance, that is to say, movements, with or without music, which allow participants to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings, are sometimes accompanied by a ‘there is no right or wrong way to move’ rhetoric. This ... -
Norwegian science teacher educators’ views of the master’s thesis and the supervision process
(Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of this article is to investigate Norwegian science teacher educators’ views of the master’s thesis and the supervision process in connection with the recent change to five-year master’s programmes. Interviews with ... -
Unyttige roboter: Teknologisom inngang til programmeringfor naturfaglærerstudenter
(Chapter, 2024)Kapittelet fokuserer på hvordan lærerstudenter kan forberedes på å undervise i programmering i naturfag. Vi utviklet et forskningsbasert undervisningsopplegg der lærerstudenter bygger en «unyttig robot» styrt av micro:bit. ... -
Counting maximal isotropic subbundles of orthogonal bundles over a curve
(Journal of Algebra;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Let C be a smooth projective curve and V an orthogonal bundle over C. Let IQe (V ) be the isotropic Quot scheme parameterizing degree e isotropic subsheaves of maximal rank in V . We give a closed formula for intersection ... -
Review on pedagogical practices for computational thinking in teacher education: Characterizing an emerging field
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)As computational thinking (CT) enters school curricula, and research on teaching of CT emerges, the time has come to spotlight CT in teacher education (TE). To this end, we conducted a literature review on CT in TE for ... -
Assessment for and of learning in nonlinear movement education practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Principles such as instructional alignment and step-by-step progression are often seen as crucial features of good assessment practices in school physical education (PE). These features are problematic from ... -
Agreement and Disagreement in Teachers’ Talk: Facilitative Design of Deliberation in Norwegian Initial Education
(Democracy and Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article investigates the roles of the terms agreement and disagreement in teachers’ talk in Norwegian Grades 1–4 classrooms. Through an exploration of what teachers said and did when they used these terms, five different ... -
Near future practices of interaction analysis: technology-mediated trends in educational research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Methodological advancements for the study of learning processes are both shaped by and drivers of technology developments. Interaction Analysis (IA), as a core methodological approach over the past three decades is ...