Fakultet for lærerutdanning og internasjonale studier (LUI)
Delarkiv i dette delarkivet
LUI - Fakultetsadministrasjonen [7]
Seksjonenes rapporter m.m. -
LUI - Masteroppgaver [1246]
LUI - Master Theses
Samlinger i dette delarkivet
LUI - Institutt for yrkesfaglærerutdanning [201]
LUI - Department of Vocational Teacher Education -
LUI - Fakultet for lærerutdanning og internasjonale studier [22]
LUI - Faculty of Education and International Studies -
LUI - Institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning [223]
LUI - Department of Early Childhood Education -
LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning [530]
LUI - Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education -
LUI - Institutt for internasjonale studier og tolkeutdanning (IST) [139]
LUI - Department of International Studies and Interpreting -
LUI - PhD i Utdanningsvitenskap for lærerutdanning [27]
LUI - PhD in Educational Sciences for Teacher Education
Nye registreringer
Secant loci of scrolls over curves
(Contemporary Mathematics;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Given a curve C and a linear series on C, the secant locus V e−f e ( ) parametrises effective divisors of degree e which impose at most e − f conditions on . For E → C a vector bundle of rank r, we define etermi nantal ... -
Råd for undervisning og forskning ved Institutt for yrkesfaglærerutdanning - Basert på KI-analyser av 86 artikler
(Working paper; Research report, 2024)Bakgrunnen for dette notatet er et ønske om å sammenfatte resultater fra artikler, notater og rapporter om fag- og yrkesopplæring som er systematisert i ulike temaer på hjemmesiden til Senter for kunnskap om yrkesfag ... -
Simplicity of tangent bundles on the moduli spaces of symplectic and orthogonal bundles over a curve
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The variety of minimal rational tangents associated to Hecke curves was used by J.-M. Hwang [8] to prove the simplicity of the tangent bundle on the moduli of vector bundles over a curve. In this paper, we use the tangent ... -
Why Women Exit Politics: The Case of Two Grassroots Activists in a Slum in New Delhi
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article investigates why it is so difficult for women to succeed in politics in India, and it analyses this from a grassroots perspective in a slum in New Delhi. Based on longitudinal ethnographic research, I explore ... -
Holistic Professional Competence, with Life Skills on the Agenda
(Chapter, 2024)Context: In 2020, Norway introduced new curricula that emphasized three cross-disciplinary themes: 1.) Health and Life Skills, 2.) Democracy and Citizenship, and 3.) Sustainable Devel- opment. This action research project, ... -
Approaches to inclusive education A review of the literature on inclusive education for children and youth with disabilities in low-income countries in Africa and Asia
(NIBR Rapport;, Book; Research report, 2024)This report responds to an assignment commissioned by Norad to review peer reviewed literature on inclusive education in ten selected countries in Africa and Asia: Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, ... -
Yrkesfaglærerstudenter i restaurant- og matfag presenterer nyttig kunnskap
(Report, 2024)Denne antologien inneholder 21 artikler basert på bacheloroppgaver skrevet av 22 studenter ved yrkesfaglærerutdanningen i restaurant- og matfag ved OsloMet i løpet av våren 2024. Det er nå en tradisjon at vi samler ... -
Kultursensitiv omsorg og barndommens fantasi: En kvalitativ undersøkelse av eventyrets rolle i norsk-somalisk oppvekstmiljø
(Master thesis, 2024)Tematikken i denne masteroppgaven er norsk-somaliske foreldres bruk av somaliske eventyr som omsorgsmiddel, og om det kan forstås i relasjon til verdigrunnlaget i barnehagen. Denne studien fokuserer på norsk-somaliske ... -
Researching X-professional Collaborations through Co-design and Co-creation
(Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)This article reviews and maps the literature on how co-creation and co-design have been used in relation to research on interprofessional collaborations in education and in practice. Through a review of the 105 research ... -
Workplace Learning Environment and Participation in Work Communities: A Qualitative Comparison of Stayers’ and Leavers’ Perceptions and Experiences
(Vocations and Learning;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In many countries with apprenticeship-based vocational education and training (VET), dropout from apprenticeship training is a major concern. Leaving an apprenticeship early can be problematic, particularly for young people ... -
Creating communicative learning spaces in initial teacher education (ITE) with observation-grounded co-mentoring practices
(Professional Development in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)ITE has been criticised for being disconnected, with different languages being spoken in the two learning arenas of campus and schools. Bringing people together, such as through formal university-school partnerships, is ... -
Hunter-Gatherer Children at School: A View From the Global South
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Universal formal education is a major global development goal. Yet hunter- gatherer communities have extremely low participation rates in formal schooling, even in comparison with other marginalized groups. Here, we review ... -
Ledelsespraksis i oppstarten av skolers arbeid for utvikling av tilpasset opplæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Denne artikkelen rapporterer fra en studie der vi undersøker ledelsespraksiser i oppstarten av skolers arbeid for utvikling av tilpasset opplæring iverksatt på initiativ fra skoleeieren. Studien har et aksjonsforskningsdesign ... -
Breakdowns in Scientific Practices: How and Why Some Accepted Scientific Claims May Have Little Actual Support
(Collabra: Psychology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper considers the reasonableness of claims made in empirical psychological science. Drawing on validity and institutional theories, our conceptual model views research methods as institutionalized approaches to ... -
Research approaches in master-based teacher education preparing student teachers for professional work
(Frontiers in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Student teachers have been found to be critical toward the research approaches they learned from their master’s-based teacher education programmes. Our aim is to discuss how certain research approaches learnt during a ... -
Unexpected gender differences in teacher ratings of academic skills and school track recommendations
(Studies in Educational Evaluation;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Previous research suggests that girls get better school marks and are more often recommended for academic school tracks after primary school. Using data from a representative sample of 4529 students who were followed ... -
Klasserommets praksisformer 20 år etter - En evaluering av seksårsreformen
(OsloMet Skriftserie 2024;4, Research report; Report, 2024-06-18)Dette er sluttrapporten fra evalueringen av Seksårsreformen. Hovedmålet med evalueringen er å belyse de yngste barnas skolehverdag i et 20-års perspektiv, fra Reform 97 og Læreplanverket for den 10-årige grunnskolen (L97) ... -
Vurdering i yrkesfaglig fordypning. En kvalitativ undersøkelse av yrkesfaglæreres og praksisveilederes syn på hvordan yrkesfaglig fordypning bør vurderes
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvordan skole og bedrift bør vurdere elevenes praksis i yrkesfaglig fordypning (YFF). Faget skal bidra til å introdusere elevene for arbeidslivet og gi elevene mulighet til å prøve ut ett ... -
Jobb med hest er best - Ansettbarhet i hestebransjen
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven handler om ansettbarhet i hestefaget. Oppgavens formål er å bidra til økt fokus på Hestefaget og helsebransjen gjennom å se på hva hestefaglærte jobber med etter å ha tatt fagbrev, og hvordan arbeidsgivere ... -
Ethical Pitfalls in Research with Young People: How Can They Be Identified and Addressed?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to shed light on ethical pitfalls that may occur when research- ers conduct research with young people (aged 15–24). Young age itself does not automatically indicate vulnerability. Yet, young research ...