LUI - Institutt for yrkesfaglærerutdanning
Nye registreringer
The continuum of rapport: Ethical tensions in qualitative interviews with vulnerable participants
(Qualitative Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Rapport is generally considered an essential component of successful interviewing, where participants are willing to share and divulge information. The present paper contributes to the research on rapport in qualitative ... -
Råd for undervisning og forskning ved Institutt for yrkesfaglærerutdanning - Basert på KI-analyser av 86 artikler
(Working paper; Research report, 2024)Bakgrunnen for dette notatet er et ønske om å sammenfatte resultater fra artikler, notater og rapporter om fag- og yrkesopplæring som er systematisert i ulike temaer på hjemmesiden til Senter for kunnskap om yrkesfag ... -
Holistic Professional Competence, with Life Skills on the Agenda
(Chapter, 2024)Context: In 2020, Norway introduced new curricula that emphasized three cross-disciplinary themes: 1.) Health and Life Skills, 2.) Democracy and Citizenship, and 3.) Sustainable Devel- opment. This action research project, ... -
Yrkesfaglærerstudenter i restaurant- og matfag presenterer nyttig kunnskap
(Report, 2024)Denne antologien inneholder 21 artikler basert på bacheloroppgaver skrevet av 22 studenter ved yrkesfaglærerutdanningen i restaurant- og matfag ved OsloMet i løpet av våren 2024. Det er nå en tradisjon at vi samler ... -
Workplace Learning Environment and Participation in Work Communities: A Qualitative Comparison of Stayers’ and Leavers’ Perceptions and Experiences
(Vocations and Learning;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In many countries with apprenticeship-based vocational education and training (VET), dropout from apprenticeship training is a major concern. Leaving an apprenticeship early can be problematic, particularly for young people ... -
Ethical Pitfalls in Research with Young People: How Can They Be Identified and Addressed?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to shed light on ethical pitfalls that may occur when research- ers conduct research with young people (aged 15–24). Young age itself does not automatically indicate vulnerability. Yet, young research ... -
Frameworking vocational teachers’ digital competencies: An integrative literature review and synthesis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Two decades of international research on the digital competencies of teachers have provided several frameworks for empirical studies and curriculum development. However, research publications addressing the needed digital ... -
Children With Developmental Language Disorder Have Lower Quality of Life Than Children With Typical Development and Children With Cochlear Implants
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine quality of life (QOL) and its relation to language skills in children with developmental language disorder (DLD). This was examined by comparing QOL to a control group of ... -
Challenges and helpful conditions for Vocational teachers in Europe: Findings from the VETteach project
(Chapter, 2023)This study, conducted by the IBP at the University of Rostock and partners with responsibility for VET teacher education in an Erasmus+ project, aimed to identify challenges faced by these teachers and analyze similarities ... -
Multitasking og acting helsefagarbeiderlærlingers strategier for å imøtekomme krav og forventninger
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Det er et økende behov for å rekruttere og beholde helsefagarbeidere. Mye av ansvaret for pleien er overført til kommunene, liggetiden på sykehus er gått ned og pasientene er sykere når de kommer hjem. I en slik kompleks ... -
Yrkesfaglærerstudenter presenterer oppdatert forskning - en antologi basert på 12 bacheloroppgaver skrevet av studenter ved yrkesfaglærerutdanningen i restaurant- og matfag ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet, 2023
(Research report; Student paper, others, 2023)Denne antologien inneholder artikler fra 12 bacheloroppgaver skrevet av 14 studenter ved yrkesfaglærerutdanningen i restaurant- og matfag ved OsloMet i løpet av våren 2023. Det er nå en tradisjon at vi samler studentenes ... -
Scoping Review of Positive Mental Health Research for Students in Vocational Education and Training
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Context: In this scoping review, we examine the knowledge base concerning positive mental health studies for students in vocational education and training (VET). The VET student population embraces approximately 30-52% ... -
Organisering av samarbeid mellom skole og arbeidsliv i yrkesfagutdanningen
(Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Norsk og nordisk forskning tyder på at det er utfordringer med samarbeidet mellom skole og arbeidsliv i den yrkesfaglige utdanningen. Et manglende samarbeid mellom skole og arbeidsliv kan føre til at elevene får en mindre ... -
Creating a Free Space for Professional Development through Collaborative Self-Study
(Studying Teacher Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores how collaborative self-study, initiated by experienced challenges and insecurity in new roles, contributes to the professional development of teacher educators. We document how four vocational teacher ... -
What matters? Empowering non-artists to use arts-based learning: Leading developmental projects in schools and workplaces
(Organizational Aesthetics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Tomorrow’s schools and workplaces need people with new ideas who are willing to be courageous and who can challenge the status quo. This paper suggests that increased use of art-based learning in schools and workplaces can ... -
How Can Collaboration between Schools and Workplaces Contribute to Relevant Vocational Education?: Results of an Action Research Project in the School-based Part of Norwegian Vocational Education and Training
(Vocations and Learning;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Collaboration between schools and enterprises in vocational education and training (VET) is a challenge in many countries, Norway included. There is a tendency to organise VET in separate theoretical and practical learning ... -
En utdanningsreforms møte med ulike skolekulturer og forståelsesrammer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å bidra med kunnskap om hvordan ulike skolekulturer og yrkesfaglæreres ulike utdannings- og yrkesbakgrunn har preget tolkningen av læreplanen i et nytt utdanningsprogram. Utdanningsreformer ... -
Flerkulturalitet i opplæring av helsefagarbeidere
(Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study will focus on multicultural competence as a topic in vocational training of health care workers in upper secondary school in Norway. The research question is: How do vocational teachers practice multiculturalism ... -
The power of art: Examining the long-term effect of arts-based interventions in education and working life
(Organizational Aesthetics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article explores the long-term impact of a one-year, 160-hour, part-time University course, exemplifying how art-based interventions help foster competencies in participants inside working life and participants out ... -
Are action researchers mixed up? Reviewing and revising basic assumptions, concepts, and terminology in and by means of action research
(International Journal of Action Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The article explores and discusses whether we as action researchers are undermining or subverting our own intuitions and intentions, or at least not doing justice to it, when mixing a) learning and exploration through ...