Browsing LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning by Title
Now showing items 516-535 of 545
Value of travel time by road type
(European Transport Research Review;14, Article number: 35 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-03)Travel time is less costly if it is comfortable or can be used productively. One could hence argue that the value of travel time (VTT) of car travellers in economic appraisal should be differentiated by road type, reflecting ... -
Veiledning i praksis : om praksisopplæring i norsk allmennlærerutdannelse : en artikkel i NYMY-prosjektet
(Acta Didactica Norge;3 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Artikkelen presenterer to nyere studier av veiledning i praksisopplæring i allmennlærerutdannelsen. Hovedfunnene drøftes i forhold til noen tidligere nordiske forskningsstudier. Studiene redegjør for intensjoner og ... -
Veiledning som lederstøtte i skoleutvikling: den utfordrende oppstarten
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Skoleledelse har betydning for skoleutvikling og påvirker dermed elevenes læring indirekte. Av den grunn trenger skolen ledere som har kunnskap om å lede endrings- og utviklingsarbeid, og en slik kompetanse kan utvikles ... -
Verbal and non-verbal skills in early childhood: dimensionality, developmental trajectories, and gender differences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study examines the dimensionality of and relationships between two subscales from the British Ability Scales – Third Edition, measuring verbal (expressive vocabulary) and non-verbal (reasoning) cognitive skills for ... -
Videreutdanningsstudenters undervisningskunnskap relatert til likhetstegnets betydning i algebra
(Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk;27 (2), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Vi ser på videreutdanningsstudentenes forståelse av algebraiske uttrykk og likhetstegnets betydning og hvilke didaktiske konsekvenser det kan få. Vi presenterer resultatene fra en algebraisk oppgave besvart av 82 norske ... -
Virtual reality in astronomy education: reflecting on design principles through a dialogue between researchers and practitioners
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Virtual reality (VR) technologies have the potential to transform astronomy education practices profoundly: new forms of visual representations, perceptual engagement and embodied participation promise authentic learning ... -
Vurdering av andrespråksinnlærere - en utfordring for skolen
(Acta Didactica Norge;8(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Vurdering av andrespråkselevers språkkompetanse og språkutvikling er en sentral del av læreres arbeid, og forskning har vist at dette er en utfordring for skolene. Det er stor variasjon i vurderingsformer, og skolene mangler ... -
Vurdering for læring : kjennetegn på måloppnåelse
(FoU i Praksis; 2009, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)”Et felles løft for bedre vurderingspraksis” er et prosjekt som ble igangsatt av Utdanningsdirektoratet i 2007 for å undersøke felles kjennetegn på måloppnåelse i blant annet matematikk. Dette kan bidra til en mer faglig ... -
Vurdering som en del av undervisning og læring
(FoU i Praksis;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011-04)”Et felles løft for bedre vurderingspraksis” ble igangsatt av Utdanningsdirektoratet i 2007 for å lage og utprøve felles kjennetegn på måloppnåelse i blant annet matematikk. Erfaringene derfra inspirerte oss til å undersøke ... -
Wearable computer: what's in it for schools? Opportunities and risks
(ICERI2016 Proceedings;9th, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this paper I present and discuss preliminary findings from an on-going experimental study on the use of wearable technologies (FitBit Surge) in two secondary schools in Norway. The Horizon report lists wearable computers ... -
Wearable Technologies in the K-12 Classroom — Cross-disciplinary Possibilities and Privacy Pitfalls
(The Journal of Interactive Learning Research;Volume 29, Number 3, July 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07)This qualitative study explored the opportunities and challenges of wearable computers for supporting learning activities. Specifically, we address the following: 1) whether, and if so how, wearable technologies can be ... -
What are the core aims of English as a school subject? A study of teacher understanding in lower secondary school
(Acta Didactica Norge - tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i Norge;Vol 12, Nr 1 (2018), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Teachers’ interpretations of the core aims of a school subject open or constrain what can be taught and learned in the subject in school. The global spread of English and its changing status in the world have impacted how ... -
“What do I Share?” Personal and Private Experiences in Educational Psychological Counselling
(Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-16)The aim of the study is to explore and develop knowledge about how educational psychological counsellors’ personal and private experiences appear in their counselling practice. We conducted four focus group interviews with ... -
What Do Teachers Think They Want? A Comparative Study of In-Service Language Teachers’ Beliefs on LAL Training Needs
(Language Assessment Quarterly;Volume 17, 2020 - Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-20)The purpose of the study was to investigate English language teachers’ perceptions of assessment, their language assessment literacy (LAL) levels and their training needs. 113 teachers from Germany and 379 teachers from ... -
What Is the Role of the Body in Science Education? A Conversation Between Traditions
(Science & Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Bodily engagement with the material and sociocultural world is ubiquitous in doing and learning science. However, science education researchers have often tended to emphasize the disembodied and nonmaterial aspects of ... -
‘What we have done now is more student-centred’: an investigation of physical education teachers’ reflections over a one-year participatory action research project
(Educational Action Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-06)Although reflection has a key position in the development of teachers’ pedagogical practices, few studies have investigated the development of physical education teachers’ reflections over time. Against this backdrop, this ... -
When anxiety matters as a condition of possibility: About student-teachers’ anxiety experiences towards becoming a teacher
(Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and education;Vol. 25, n.60 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-05)The purpose of this study is to explore the emotional dimension of the student-teachers’ experiences, which is marked by anxiety. This study is based on a combination of a phenomenological informed theoretical framework ... -
“When we use that kind of language… someone is going to jail”: Relationality and aesthetic interpretation in initial research encounters
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of this article is to investigate ethical and aesthetic dimensions of negotiating linguistic differences between researchers and participants in the initial research consent process, based on data from a collaborative ... -
Which questions to ask in classroom talk in mathematics? Presentation and discussion of a questioning model.
(Acta Didactica Norge;Vol. 12, Nr. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this article, we focus on the questions posed in classroom talk in mathematics. Questions are shown to be of great importance of developing productive classroom conversations concerning developing the students’ mathematical ... -
‘While we may lead a horse to water we cannot make him drink’: three physical education teachers’ professional growth through and beyond a prolonged participatory action research project
(Sport, Education and Society;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07-30)Instead of ‘the frenetic rush’ to find effective models of continuing professional development (CPD) that will ‘work’, Armour et al. (2017) suggest rethinking the nature of effective CPD by drawing on the work of John ...