• Skole–hjem-samarbeid i videregående skole: autonomistøtte i elevenes dannings- og utdanningsprosess 

      Vedeler, Gørill Warvik; Strandbu, Astrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      I denne artikkelen utforsker vi erfaringer med skole–hjem-samarbeid i videregående skole. Vi inviterte 113 tidligere videregåendeskoleelever til å delta i dialogkaféer for å belyse skole–hjem-samarbeid som pedagogisk ...
    • Skriveramme som støtte i arbeidet med fagskriving? : studie av 8. klasse elevers tekstskaping i samfunnsfag 

      Øgreid, Anne Kristine (Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Bruk av formmønster blir jevnlig diskutert som støtte i skriveopplæringen. Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke sammenhengen mellom lærerens undervisning der bruk av skriveramme inngår, og elevtekster i et skriveprosjekt ...
    • Småkryp - 2. klassingers tegninger i naturfag Crawly things – second graders drawings in science 

      Aksland, Charlotte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this qualitative exploratory study, 35 drawings of crawly things and their context from 18 pupils 7-8 years old were analysed. In addition, focus group interviews with 6 of the pupils about their drawings were conducted. ...
    • Social positioning in boys’ and girls’ oral presentations 

      Svenkerud, Sigrun; Dalland, Cecilie; Klette, Kirsti (Education Inquiry;4(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-12-06)
      This study explores ninth-grade (15-year-old) students’ oral presentations in language arts and art education. The main research question is: In which ways are the students’ social positioning and use of verbal and non-verbal ...
    • "Som hos Blake". Nick Cave og den guddommelige imaginasjonen. 

      Kvalvaag, Robert Williams (DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur;Nr 1-2 (2020), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01-13)
      Tidligere forskning har etablert en sammenheng mellom William Blake og Nick Cave, men hva denne sammenhengen går ut på er i liten grad utforsket. Både hos Blake og Cave er det en nær forbindelse mellom imaginasjon og poesi. ...
    • "Sore eyes and distracted" or "excited and confident"? – The role of perceived negative consequences of using ICT for perceived usefulness and self-efficacy 

      Scherer, Ronny; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Many adolescents feel confident about using information and communication technology (ICT) and believe that it can help them to learn and achieve. However, recent research also shows that some adolescents are reporting ...
    • Spor i ord: En undersøkelse av ordet "gagarr" (hund) i norrøn poesi 

      Lind, Anne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article is based on recent research about Irish loanwords to Old Norse, but also a former discussion about the word gagarr (dog) and whether it originates in Norse or Gaelic languages. The main argument here for ...
    • 'Sted' som utgangspunkt for kritisk tenkning i geografi 

      Wetlesen, Annika; Eie, Siv (Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO);Vol 16 Nr. 2 (2022): Kritisk literacy på fagenes premisser, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-06)
      Geografi var tidligere et av hovedområdene i den norske grunnskolens samfunnsfag, men i læreplanen Kunnskapsløftet 2020 har geografifaget blitt mindre tydelig. Samtidig kan et mer gjennomgående geografisk perspektiv og økt ...
    • Stimulering av global bevissthet gjennom internasjonalisering 

      Helleve, Mette Birgitte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The topic of this article is nurturing global consciousness through internationalization in teacher education. As a teacher educator, I have been supervising 29 student teachers in their three-month practice in Namibia and ...
    • The story of Maia: I will try to survive! 

      Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education;, Conference object, 2019)
      Two major concerns in mathematics teacher education research are the role of subject matter knowledge and the development of self-efficacy in teaching mathematics (SETM) in preservice teachers (PSTs). These two bodies of ...
    • Storylines in Voices of Frustration: Implications for Mathematics Teacher Education in Changing Times 

      Andersson, Annica; Foyn, Trine Mette; Simensen, Anita Movik; Wagner, David Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We have interviewed becoming mathematics teachers, in the last semester of their education, asking how they experience their time as teacher students with the focus on inclusive teaching. In their forthcoming daily work, ...
    • A stratification on the moduli spaces of symplectic and orthogonal bundles over a curve 

      Hitching, George Harry; Choe, Insong (International Journal of Mathematics;25(5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-05-22)
      A symplectic or orthogonal bundle V of rank 2n over a curve has an invariant t(V) which measures the maximal degree of its isotropic subbundles of rank n. This invariant t defines stratifications on moduli spaces of ...
    • The strength of countable saturation 

      van den Berg, Benno; Briseid, Eyvind Martol; Safarik, Pavol (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In earlier work we introduced two systems for nonstandard analysis, one based on classical and one based on intuitionistic logic; these systems were conservative extensions of first-order Peano and Heyting arithmetic, ...
    • Student teachers and their attitudes towards ICT Lesson learned from three different countries 

      Camilleri, Patrick; Engen, Bård Ketil; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard; Colomer Rubio, Juan Carlos; Gassó, Héctor Hernández (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE);Vol. 5 No. 4 (2021): Special Issue: Digital Competence in Teacher Education across Europe, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-30)
      This paper explores the attitudes that student teachers in Malta, Norway, and Spain convey to digital technologies in formal educational settings as they start the 1st semester. A number of studies look at educational ...
    • Student teachers`professional learning on and across learning arenas of teacher education 

      Raaen, Finn Daniel; Thorsen, Kirsten Elisabeth (Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE);Vol. 4 No. 3-4 (2020): Special Issue: Perspectives on teachers’ transdisciplinary professional competence, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12-29)
      Teacher education is supposed to be able to offer student teachers professional learning that will enable them to deal with the academic and social needs they may be confronted with in school. This calls for teacher education ...
    • Student teachers’ problem-based investigations of chemical phenomena in the nearby outdoor environment 

      Höper, Jan; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie; Remmen, Kari Beate (Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-15)
      Learning science outdoors can enhance the understanding of theoretical scientific content taught in the classroom. However, learners are rarely afforded the opportunity to go outdoors to learn chemistry. This study ...
    • Student teachers’ responsible use of ICT: Examining two samples in Spain and Norway 

      Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk; Gassó, Héctor Hernández; Rubio, Juan Carlos Colomer; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard (Computers & Education;Volume 152, July 2020, 103877, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-31)
      Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an important component of initial teacher education (ITE) in Europe and in the continuous professional development of practising teachers. The development of ...
    • Student's experiences with online teaching following COVID-19 lockdown: A mixed methods explorative study 

      Almendingen, Kari; Morseth, Marianne S.; Gjølstad, Eli; Brevik, Asgeir; Tørris, Christine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Background The COVID-19 pandemic lead to a sudden shift to online teaching and restricted campus access. Aim To assess how university students experienced the sudden shift to online teaching after closure of campus due to ...
    • Studenters møte med en FoU-basert grunnskolelærerutdanning 

      Thorsen, Kirsten Elisabeth; Lundberg, Pål (UNIPED;Årgang 44, nr. 3-2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-15)
      Styringsdokumenter for grunnskolelærerutdanning på masternivå legger vekt på utvikling av studentenes profesjonelle FoU-kompetanse. I denne studien, som inngår i et større prosjekt om profesjonell lærerkompetanse, stiller ...
    • Studenters tidsbruk – grunnskolelærerutdanning 1. til 7. trinn 

      Gray, William James Andrew; Martinussen, Geir (Uniped - Tidsskrift for universitets- og høgskolepedagogikk;Ågang 42, Nr. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Undersøkelser av studenters tidsbruk har oftest foregått ved at studentene ved et mer eller mindre tilfeldig tidspunkt i året har blitt bedt om å anslå sin gjennomsnittlige arbeidstid per uke, gjeldende for hele året. En ...