Browsing Velferdsforskningsinstituttet (NOVA) by Title
Now showing items 441-460 of 692
Parenting in the second generation. The changing family figurations of descendants of Pakistani, Indian and Sri Lankan Tamil immigrants in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study explores how second-generation parents in Norway manoeuvre generational and institutional relationships and what consequences this may have for participation in ethnicity-based networks and majority society. ... -
Parents socioeconomic status and children's academic performance
(NOVA Notat 7/09, Notat, 2009)This paper investigates the relationship between parents’ socioeconomic status and their children’s performance at school. Proxies used for parents’ socioeconomic status are their educational level, employment and cultural ... -
Partydop og ungdomskultur
(NOVA Rapport 10/02, Report, 2002)Tradisjonelt har man gjerne knyttet ungdoms narkotikabruk til en belastet bakgrunn, psyko-sosiale problemer eller liknende. Trolig er bruk av partydop også knyttet til en subkulturell orientering, hvor rusmiddelbruk inngår ... -
Patterns and correlates of old‑age social exclusion in the Balkan states
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Social exclusion (SE), or the separation of individuals and groups from mainstream society, is associated with poor health and wellbeing, yet a substantial number of older people are socially excluded. There is increasing ... -
På egne ben
(NOVA Rapport 22/05, Report, 2005)Hvordan forløper overgangen fra barndom til et selvstendig voksenliv for unge nordmenn? Hvilken rolle spiller familien i de unges etableringsfase i en godt utbygd velferdsstat som den norske? Dette er de to hovedtemaene i ... -
På utrygg grunn. Barnevernstjenestens arbeid med sikkerhet ved plassering
(2020;10, Research report, 2020)Dette forskningsprosjektet er utført på oppdrag fra Barne- og familiedepartementet. Det undersøker hvordan barnevernstjenestens sikkerhetsarbeid i plasseringssaker forstås og organiseres med utgangspunkt i barnevernsansattes ... -
Pengespill og dataspill
(NOVA Rapport 2/13, Report, 2013)Hva gjør at enkelte ungdommer utvikler problemer med pengespill eller dataspill? Forsvinner disse problemene over tid? Hva er konsekvensene av bruk av pengespill og dataspill? Dette er blant spørsmålene som belyses i denne ... -
Planer for et aldrende samfunn? Bolig og tjenester for eldre i kommunene
(NOVA Rapport 17/14, Report, 2014)Rapporten drøfter bolig- og tjenesteplanlegging i kommunene i lys av den forventede veksten i antall eldre. Hva prioriterer kommunene: Sykehjem, omsorgsboliger og/eller hjemmetjenester? Er kommunene bevisst på betydningen ... -
Playing without goals: gendered practices in recreational youth football
(Journal of Youth Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-04)Participating in sports is a highly valued part of growing up in the Western world. This is especially true in the Scandinavian countries, where the voluntary sports organizations are closely connected to the welfare state. ... -
Playing without goals: gendered practices in recreational youth football
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Participating in sports is a highly valued part of growing up in the Western world. This is especially true in the Scandinavian countries, where the voluntary sports organizations are closely connected to the welfare state. ... -
Politisk mestringstro i ungdomsskolen. Casestudie om demokrati- og medborgerskapsundervisning i fire norske ungdomsskoler
(NOVA Rapport;15/2023, Research report, 2023)Opplevelsen av politisk mestringstro er avgjørende for at ungdom ser på seg selv som deltakere i demokratiet, men denne mestringstroen påvirkes i stor grad av sosiale kategorier som kjønn og sosioøkonomisk status. ... -
Polysubstance use and its correlation with psychosocial and health risk behaviours among more than 95,000 Norwegian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic (January to May 2021): a latent profile analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Polysubstance use represents an adolescent health risk; however, large-scale studies investigating this issue during the COVID-19 pandemic are scarce. We aim to (i) characterise substance use profiles among ... -
Popular support for a universal basic income – still sensitive to playing the immigration card?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to investigate the persuasive power of immigration on people's attitudes towards a universal basic income (UBI). We use a survey experiment in which respondents, after being asked about their immediate ... -
Popular support for a universal basic income – still sensitive to playing the immigration card?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to investigate the persuasive power of immigration on people's attitudes towards a universal basic income (UBI). We use a survey experiment in which respondents, after being asked about their immediate ... -
Post-injury lives
(NOVA Rapport 21/09, Report, 2009)This report discusses different aspects of living with impairments acquired in midlife. Drawing on qualitative interviews with a sample of ten middle aged, middle class men and women who have suffered reductions in functional ... -
Predicting suicide attempts among Norwegian adolescents without using suicide-related items: a machine learning approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Introduction: Research on the classification models of suicide attempts has predominantly depended on the collection of sensitive data related to suicide. Gathering this type of information at the population level can be ... -
Preference-based patient participation in intermediate care: Translation, validation and piloting of the 4Ps in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: The implementation and evaluation of patient participation to obtain high‐quality transitional care for older people is an international priority. Intermedi- ate care (IC) services are regarded as an important ... -
Prestasjonsforskjeller i Kunnskapsløftets første år
(NOVA Rapport 9/10, Report, 2010)Dette er andre delrapport fra prosjektet Kunnskapsløftet – også et løft for utjevning av sosial ulikhet i læringsutbytte? Rapporten undersøker betydningen av kjønn, minoritetsstatus og foreldrenes utdanning for elevers ... -
Problemer har ikke kontortid. Akuttberedskapen i barnevernet
(NOVA Rapport 5/09, Research report, 2009)Hendelser kan kreve akutt bistand fra barnevernet uansett når på døgnet de inntreffer. Det er store forskjeller i landet i barns muligst til å få barne-vernfaglig hjelp når krisen oppstår etter kontortid. Rapporten drøfter ... -
Et prosjekt som protesjé
(NOVA Rapport 14/04, Report, 2004)Hvilken betydning har det for en skole å få tilgang til en ekstern mentor i sitt verdi- og holdningsarbeid? "Skal-Skal ikke" er et statlig finansiert verdiprosjekt der 26 skoler, barnehager, menigheter og lokalsamfunn ...