Browsing SAM - Institutt for sosialfag by Title
Now showing items 515-534 of 545
Waiting as sociality–relational waithood in Norwegian activation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)ABSTRACT In research on waiting and unemployment, waiting tends to be described as an asymmetrical power relation between those who wait and those who impose waiting within institutional contexts. This paper applies ... -
Warm technology against loneliness among the elderly? A script analysis of the communication solution KOMP
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artikkelen undersøker hvordan ensomhet blant eldre er forsøkt motvirket ved bruk av digital teknologi: Kommunikasjonsløsningen Komp er en skjerm med kun én knapp og en tilhørende app man kan bruke til å sende bilder, ... -
What kind of a problem is loneliness? Representations of connectedness and participation from a study of telepresence technologies in the UK
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Loneliness is represented in UK policy as a public health problem with consequences in terms of individual suffering, population burden and service use. However, loneliness is historically and culturally produced; ... -
What kind of a problem is loneliness? Representations of connectedness and participation from a study of telepresence technologies in the UK
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Loneliness is represented in UK policy as a public health problem with consequences in terms of individual suffering, population burden and service use. However, loneliness is historically and culturally produced; ... -
What professionals say and do: the tension between egalitarianism and hierarchy in interprofessional teamwork
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study aimed to explore the power dynamics in interprofessional teamwork by conducting an ethnographic study of three interprofessional teams working in mental health and substance use services in Norway. Data were ... -
When female circumcision comes to the West: Attitudes toward the practice among Somali Immigrants in Oslo
(BMC Public Health;12(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background Female circumcision (FC) has lifelong adverse social and health consequences for women, and its abolition will not only enhance the health of children and women, but also promote gender equality. Like many ... -
When health is wealth: occupationally differentiated patterns of health capital in post‑industrial Europe
(Social Theory & Health;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-07)This paper explores the general relationship between peoples’ health-related practices and their affiliation with different fields in the occupational structure. It argues that ‘healthy behaviour’ may be particularly induced ... -
Whiffs of home. Ethnographic comparison in a collaborative research study across European cities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article discusses how a process of ethnographic comparison has taken place in a project dealing with home and migration, with a particular focus on the social qualities of smell. This project highlights comparative ... -
Who deserves to be sanctioned? A vignette experiment of ethnic discrimination among street-level bureaucrats
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)To study discrimination in labour/housing markets, and among street-level bureaucrats in the welfare state, present both theoretical and methodological challenges. In the sociological study of discrimination, experiments ... -
Who knows the risk? A multilevel study of systematic variations in work-related safety knowledge in the European workforce
(Occupational and environmental medicine;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-14)Objectives Health and safety instructions are important components of occupational prevention. Albeit instruction is mandatory in most countries, research suggests that safety knowledge varies among the workforce. We ... -
Why and how? Case-based teaching in interprofessional and interdisciplinary education
(Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis;Vol. 15, No. 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-03)The field of interprofessional education is complex and intricate. Students from different professions, who have distinctive knowledge bases, develop a mutual understanding of how to work together in future professional ... -
Willingness to take the COVID-19 vaccine as reported nine months after the pandemic outbreak: A cross-national study
(Social Sciences;Volume 10, Issue 11, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-20)Although vaccination has been identified as an effective measure of reducing the spread of COVID-19, hesitancy to obtain a vaccine for COVID-19 has been shared. The aim of this cross-national study was to examine (i) the ... -
With these two hands my mother holds me, cares for me, this i love. But With these two hands my mother hits me-this i hate. En oppgave om foreldreveiledning som forebyggende tiltak i etniske minoritetsfamilier som praktiserer oppdragervold.
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Temaet jeg ønsker å belyse i min bacheloroppgave er foreldreveiledning som forebyggende tiltak i møte med etniske minoritetsforeldre som praktiserer oppdragervold. Ettersom jeg er oppvokst i Norge med foreldre som har ... -
Women - voicing resistance
(Journal of Family Theory & Review;7(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-01) -
Work First or Education First? Frontline Service Challenges of Providing Enabling Activation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Activation policies, especially formal upskilling, can strengthen social inequality among long-term unemployed people. Also, receiving skill-enhancing activities may be at odds with the ‘work first’ principle. Drawing on ... -
Work participation in adults with rare genetic diseases - a scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Work participation is a crucial aspect of health outcome and an important part of life for most people with rare genetic diseases. Despite that work participation is a social determinant of health and seems ... -
Work-Related Satisfaction among Clinicians Working at Inpatient Treatment Facilities for Substance Use Disorder: The Role of Recovery Orientation
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH);Volume 18 / Issue 14, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-12)Several psychosocial factors have been suggested as facilitators of change among inpatients treated for substance use disorder (SUD). Research suggests that staff members are also influenced by the practice in which they ... -
Worker collectivity in child welfare: Mobilising action and commitment through team meetings
(Qualitative Social Work;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-09)The burdens of working in the frontline of the child welfare and protection services are well documented. Studies have identified individual and organisational indicators that lead to burnout, turnover and retention. In ... -
Yngreomsorgen i møte med eldreomsorgen – hvordan påvirkes pleie- og omsorgstilbudet til de aller eldste?
(Fontene forskning: et tidsskrift fra Fellesorganisasjonen;6(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Et av de mest slående utviklingstrekk innen pleie- og omsorgssektoren de siste 20 årene har vært en omfattende endring i alderssammensetningen blant brukerne av hjemmetjenester. Relativt sett økte antallet brukere under ... -
You and me and all of us: The significance of belonging in a continual community of children in long-term care in Norway
(Children and Youth Services Review;Volume 118, November 2020, 105352, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-13)This paper examines the significance of children’s social lives and communities with other children, particularly for one group of children growing up in a care arrangement combining residential and foster care in Norway. ...