SAM - Institutt for sosialfag
Recent Submissions
Examining the impact of interviewer rejections following “Don't know” responses in forensic interviews of alleged preschool-aged victims of abuse
(Applied Cognitive Psychology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)When forensic interviewers reject children's “Don't know” responses, either by repeating questions or pressuring the children to provide different responses, children may change their subsequent responses. The primary ... -
Organizational Supports for Practice Research: Illustrations from an International Practice Research Collaborative
(Research on social work practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Organizational support represents a critical driver of practice research projects. This analysis includes four international examples of such support (Norway, Finland, Belgium, and USA and China). The four studies capture ... -
Interventions to Reduce Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review with a Narrative Synthesis
(International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Child maltreatment has been a prominent topic on the political agenda for the past decade. However, while there are several types of interventions that can potentially benefit the prevention of child maltreatment, uncertainties ... -
Arbeid etter jobbklubb? En longitudinell analyse
(Søkelys på arbeidslivet;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)NAVs jobbklubb har vært en sentral del av arbeidsmarkedstiltakene i Norge i flere tiår, men vi vet lite om hvorvidt jobbklubb fører til økt arbeidsdeltakelse. I denne artikkelen undersøker vi arbeidsdeltakelsen blant ... -
Examining the Complexities of Conducting Randomized Controlled Trials in Child Welfare Settings
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard for assessing the effectiveness of interventions. At the same time, it is challenging to evaluate interventions using experimental designs ... -
“It Seemed Like Forever!” Shrinking Spaces of Conviviality at the Border of Norway and Russia
(Journal of Borderlands Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)“Conviviality” is a useful term for exploring interactions and relationships taking place between different groups of people. While conviviality may arise through everyday processes, rhythms, and senses of belonging, it ... -
Problematizing loneliness as a public health issue: an analysis of policy in the United Kingdom
(Critical Policy Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents an analysis of discourses in recent UK policy on loneliness reduction. We use Carol Bacchi’s ‘what is the problem represented to be’ approach (WPR) to explore how the problem of loneliness produces ... -
Generosity's Double-Edged Sword: Unmasking the Impact of Raised Social Assistance Rates in Norway
(International Journal of Social Welfare;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)As long as welfare arrangements have been in existence, there has been a strong belief that high-benefit generosity leads to welfare reliance. In this study, we investigate whether an increase in welfare generosity in ... -
Parenting and the State: Constructing Parental Responsibility by Democratic Neoliberal States
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Taking as a point of departure the changing meaning of responsibility, the article discusses what that change means for the relationship between parents, children, and the state. Parental responsibilities have come to the ... -
Making Neighbor Relations Through Materialities and Senses
(Space and Culture;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Many scholars have turned to neighboring, or neighbor interactions and practices, as an open-ended process rather than a finished ideal. In doing so, they have disrupted the romanticization of the neighborhood as a ... -
«Jeg føler jeg ikke er verdt å elske» - Hvordan å se og møte skamfølelser hos voldsutsatte på krisesenter.
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Bacheloroppgaven drøfter følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan hjelperen jobbe i en skamreduserende praksis med voldsutsatte i støttesamtaler på krisesenter? Litteraturgjennomgangen tar for seg tre artikler som omhandler ... -
Å vokse opp i en lavinntektsfamilie: Om konsekvenser av å vokse opp i en lavinntektsfamilie, og hvordan sosialarbeidere i Nav kan hjelpe lavinntektsfamilier
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven omhandler barn som vokser opp i lavinntektsfamilier. Oppgavens problemstilling: Hvilke konsekvenser kan det være av å vokse opp i en lavinntektsfamilie, og hvordan kan sosialarbeidere i Nav hjelpe ... -
Når alle tenker likt, tenker ingen
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg hvordan innvandrere i Norge og andre nordiske land annengjøres. Jeg vil utforske hvordan de kategoriseres på måter som hindrer deres deltakelse på arbeidsmarkedet, og i det nasjonale ... -
Grensene for sosialt arbeid: en oppgave om sosialt arbeid og irregulære migranter
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven handler om utfordringene som sosialarbeidere i velferdsstaten opplever i møte med irregulære migranter. Det er en litteraturstudie som diskuterer funnene fra tre artikler opp mot det transnasjonale perspektivet ... -
The framing of educational digitalization: A scoping review of empirical studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of this scoping review is to systematically inves- tigate the framing of European empirical research on digi- talization for teaching and learning in the classroom within primary and secondary school (K-12/K-13). ... -
Livet etter løslatelse
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Ved løslatelse fra fengsel og tilbake til samfunnet møter de straffedømte på ulike utfordrende situasjoner. Oppgaven tar sikte på å undersøke noen av disse, hvordan ting kan gjøres annerledes og hva som har vist seg å ... -
The psychosocial health of Black/African Americans compared with people of other ethnic origins during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study compared the psychosocial health between Black/African Americans and other ethnic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using self-report questionnaires, data were collected at three time points from April 2020 ... -
Digital competence in social work education: readiness for practice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In line with the digital turn in service provision, social work students should acquire relevant knowledge and skills, preparing them for work within digitalized welfare services. In Norway, these expecta- tions are ... -
Mental health and quality of life among Norwegian child welfare service workers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Social workers in child welfare services play an important role in preventing crises and identifying the need for and implementing relevant measures among children and families of different ages and circumstances, often ... -
An Occupational Mechanical Job Exposure Index based on five Norwegian nationwide Surveys of Living Conditions on work environment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objectives Nordic register data are not collected for research purposes, and various dimensions of working conditions are typically missing in register-based research. One way to address the issue of missing information on ...