SAM - Institutt for sosialfag: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 545
Intervjuer på Teams og telefon: Hva slags data gir medierte intervjuer?
(Chapter, 2024)In discussions of qualitative interviewing, face-to-face interviews are often understood as the “gold standard” and other interview forms are evaluated against this. Researchers who use data from telephone and video ... -
«Far er fra Syria, men det er ikke sånn strikt»Forståelser av kultur i barnevernstjenestens drøftinger av samværmellom fosterbarn og deres foreldre
(Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Denne artikkelen undersøker hvordan barnevernsansattes kulturforståelser får betydning for deres vurderinger av samvær mellom foreldre og barn under offentlig omsorg. Artikkelen er en del av en studie om hvordan ansatte i ... -
The Uses and Experiences of Synchronous Communication Technology for Home-Dwelling Older Adults in a Home Care Services Context: Qualitative Systematic Review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: European health care systems regard information and communication technology as a necessity in supporting future health care provision by community home care services to home-dwelling older adults. Communication ... -
The technology multiple: The robot avatar substituting for the ill body
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we explore how a very simple telepresence robot avatar becomes a technology multiple when interacting with humans. Based on Mol’s notion of the body multiple, we explore how AV1 – a social telepresence ... -
Evaluering av argumenter for politiske reformer: En demonstrasjon av Toulmin-Dunn-modellen på Ny arbeids- og velferdsforvaltning (Nav) i Norge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Viktige politiske beslutninger er ofte kompliserte og inkluderer ofte mange aktører, flere alternative løsninger og ulike interesser, verdier og mål. Vi har benyttet Toulmin-Dunn-modellen som er en modell for analyse av ... -
Entering the mainstream economy? Workplace segregation and immigrant assimilation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Why do foreign-born immigrant workers often concentrate in low-wage, minority-dense workplaces? Do immigrants’ native-born children—who typically acquire better language skills, education, and country-specific knowledge—experience ... -
Health literacy profiles in kidney transplanted patients: A cluster analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Health literacy is important in chronic conditions, such as kidney transplantation. Understanding patients' health literacy profiles can assist tailoring follow‐up and educational programmes to the health ... -
Social Media use and Associations with Psychological Distress among Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Social media may have the double potential to support and undermine mental health, and research is needed to investigate these relationships in age-specified populations. The purpose of this study was to investigate ... -
Carbon emission reductions and offsets: Consumer perceptions of firm environmental sustainability
(Journal of Cleaner Production;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper studies how carbon emission reductions and offsets influence consumer perceptions of firm environmental sustainability. We hypothesize that consumers perceive firms that reduce (vs. offset) internally (vs. in ... -
Shifting the gaze on welfare-state sustainability in Norway: a proposal for a relational global view
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Norway is an excellent case for studying the ambiguities and competing interests attached to climate change and global sustainability. The country is at the forefront in the use of “clean energy,” yet has long been one of ... -
What kind of a problem is loneliness? Representations of connectedness and participation from a study of telepresence technologies in the UK
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Loneliness is represented in UK policy as a public health problem with consequences in terms of individual suffering, population burden and service use. However, loneliness is historically and culturally produced; ... -
Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of supportive parents – coping kids (SPARCK)—a transdiagnostic and personalized parent training intervention to prevent childhood mental health problems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background To meet the scientific and political call for effective prevention of child and youth mental health problems and associated long‑term consequences, we have co‑created, tested, and optimized a transdiagnostic ... -
Is the degree of religiosity related to community belonging and trust in society? A cross-sectional study among Muslims in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: It is unclear if the degree of religiosity within Muslim minority groups causes health inequality because of poor community belonging and lack of trust in society. We aimed to investigate the association of ... -
Activation by technology: Young people’s use of digital tools provided by the government
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Modern welfare agencies are increasingly offering clients digital tools in their service delivery. Since young people are prolific users of digital technology, this trend should be to their advantage. However, the quantitative ... -
Barnevernsarbeidere i møte med etniske minoritetsfamilier
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Det flerkulturelle samfunnet vi lever i har utviklet seg gravis gjennom årene. For flere mennesker har det blitt mulig å flytte til et annet kontinent for å blant annet studere, søke arbeid eller flykte fra politiske ... -
Samplassering av søsken i fosterhjem - ser vi bare det vi vil se?
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Forskningen om søsken i fosterhjem er samstemt om at samplassering kan være en fordel for de aller fleste barn. Denne oppgaven utforsker først hvilke fordeler og ulemper som er forbundet med samplassering og splittelse av ... -
Hjernen i barnevernet : en drøfting av nevrovitenskapens plass og betydning i barnevernet - belyst av traumebevisst omsorg
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Barnevernsfeltet er et sammensatt og omdiskutert fagområde i løpende utvikling, og med stadig større betydning i samfunnet. Et tema som har fått større aktualitet i de senere år, er hvilken betydning hjerneforskningen har ... -
Standardisert forløp i institusjonsbarnevernet : Hvordan påvirker Standardisert forløp det miljøterapeutiske arbeidet i institusjonsbarnevernet?
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)26. oktober 2023 overleverte Barnevernsinstitusjonsutvalget 50 forslag til å bedre tilbudet for barn og unge som bor i barnevernsinstitusjoner (NOU 2023:24). De vektlegger at en felles systematisk miljøterapeutisk praksis ... -
Forebyggende arbeid i oppsøkende ungdomstjenester - Sett i lys av Foucaults maktkritiske perspektiver
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg sosialfaglig profesjonsutøvelse i oppsøkende ungdomstjenester sett i lys av Foucaults maktkritiske perspektiver. Forfatteren tar for seg sentrale begreper knyttet til oppsøkende arbeid ... -
Imprisoned in an analogue bubble in digital society: Re/integration work in Norwegian high security prisons
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores how the rise of the digital society affects re/integration work in prisons. In this context, we examine how employees involved in this work handle the disparity between the almost entirely analogue ...