Browsing SAM - Institutt for sosialfag by Title
Now showing items 62-81 of 545
Can Computers Automate Welfare? Norwegian Efforts to Make Welfare Policy More Effective
(Journal of Extreme Anthropology;Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): Algorithmic Governance: Fantasies of Social Control, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-20)Information-driven automated systems that deliver services proactively to citizens in need are heralded as the next level of digital government. There is, however, concern that such systems make welfare services less ... -
Can service users speak? Dissenting voices and subaltern speech in social work
(Qualitative Social Work;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Service user involvement and participatory research are central concepts in social work practice and research. Inspired by Spivak’s essay “Can the Subaltern Speak,” this article draws on the poststructural and postcolonial ... -
Carbon emission reductions and offsets: Consumer perceptions of firm environmental sustainability
(Journal of Cleaner Production;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper studies how carbon emission reductions and offsets influence consumer perceptions of firm environmental sustainability. We hypothesize that consumers perceive firms that reduce (vs. offset) internally (vs. in ... -
Care parading as service: Negotiating recognition and equality in user-controlled personal assistance
(Gender, Work and Organization;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-11)This article addresses aspects of the relationship between disabled people and their personal assistants within the user-controlled personal assistance programme in Norway (BPA). Within this programme, a disabled person ... -
Case study and professional development in the education of students at the child welfare program
(European Journal of Social Education;(22/23), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-02)This article analyses and discusses the use of the case study in relation to constructivist learning theory in a child welfare educational context. From a teacher's point of view there are two central questions: How do ... -
Challenges and barriers to optimal maternity care for recently migrated women - a mixed-method study in Norway
(BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth;21, Article number: 686 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-07)Background: Migrant women are at increased risk for complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, possibly due to inadequate access and utilisation of healthcare. Recently migrated women are considered a vulnerable ... -
Challenges and dilemmas working with high-conflict families in child protection casework
(Child & Family Social Work;2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Social workers within child protection services report that families marked by high levels of conflict between separated parents are among the most challenging cases to handle. Few studies however have focussed on how ... -
Challenges for researchers when getting access to children and young people and their consent in research. A scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article aims to support researchers in addressing the challenges when seeking access to CYP and their consent to participate in research. Despite the growing consensus about the need to involve children and young people ... -
Change in psychosocial factors connected to coping after inpatient treatment for substance use disorder: A systematic review
(Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy;14, Article number: 16 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-22)Background: Among the adult population worldwide, about 0.5% has illicit drug use disorder (DUD) and about 5% has alcohol use disorder (AUD). Dependency on alcohol, medication or illicit drugs are recognised as risk factors ... -
Change in psychosocial factors connected to coping after inpatient treatment for substance use disorder: A systematic review
(Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy;14, Article number: 16 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-03)Background: Among the adult population worldwide, about 0.5% has illicit drug use disorder (DUD) and about 5% has alcohol use disorder (AUD). Dependency on alcohol, medication or illicit drugs are recognised as risk factors ... -
Change in work-related income following the uptake of treatment for mental disorders among young migrant and non-migrant women in Norway: A national register study
(Frontiers In Public Health;January 2022 | Volume 9 | Article 736624, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-07)Background: Women, and migrant women in particular, are at increased risk of many common mental disorders, which may potentially impact their labor market participation and their work-related income. Previous research found ... -
Changes in life expectancy and lifespan variability by income quartiles in four Nordic countries: a study based on nationwide register data
(BMJ Open;Volume 11, Issue 6, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-29)Objectives: Levels, trends or changes in socioeconomic mortality differentials are typically described in terms of means, for example, life expectancies, but studies have suggested that there also are systematic social ... -
Changes in Psychological Distress in Five Groups of Welfare State Service Workers over a Nine-Year Period
(Healthcare;Volume 10 / Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-22)Health and social care workers are exposed to varying degrees of stress in their work, which may be reflected in their trajectories of psychological distress during the education program and the first years in the job. The ... -
Checking Out the Unexplained: With Age, Children Become Increasingly Skeptical of Surprising Claims
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)When presented with surprising claims, older children investigate such claims more often than younger children. The present study tests whether older children (6–7-year-olds) are more skeptical than younger children ... -
Child protection investigations of child custody cases in Norway: caseworkers’ obstacles and coping strategies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In Norway, Child Protection Services (CPS) is responsible for investigating concerns about children at risk of being harmed by their parents’ conflicts. This study focuses on caseworkers’ experiences of investigating ... -
Child Welfare Investigations: How Observations Create Practice
(Journal article, 2023) -
Children's confidences, parents' confessions : child welfare dialogues as technologies of control
(Qualitative social work;Online before print, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-28)The article presents findings from a detailed examination of dialogical sequences recorded in written documents from Norwegian child welfare services. Using a frame drawn from Foucault’s theory of technologies of control, ... -
Children´s Quest for love and Professional child protection work: The case of Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Central actors in the child protection field in Norway argue that children in public care should not only receive care and support, but also love. It is hard to disagree that children need love. However, there is ... -
Children’s perspectives on contact with birth parents: a mixed-methods systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This mixed-methods systematic review asks what is known about children’s perspectives on contact with birth parents when in out-of- home care. To address this question 37 studies were coded to identify children’s ... -
Co-occurrence of dental caries and periodontitis: multilevel modelling approach
(BMC Oral Health;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Previous studies reported varyingly positive, negative, or no relationships between caries and periodontitis. Therefore, the aim was to assess the potential co-occurrence of caries experience and periodontal ...