Browsing SAM - Institutt for sosialfag by Title
Now showing items 198-217 of 545
Health Effects of Unemployment in Denmark, Norway and Sweden 2007 2010: Differing Economic Conditions, Differing Results?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-11)This article investigates short-term health effects of unemployment for individuals in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden during an economic downturn (2007–2010) that hit the Scandinavian countries with diverging strength. The ... -
Health effects of unemployment in Europe (2008–2011): a longitudinal analysis of income and financial strain as mediating factors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05-06)Background: Unemployment has a number of negative consequences, such as decreased income and poor self- rated health. However, the relationships between unemployment, income, and health are not fully understood. Longitudinal ... -
Health Inequalities in Older Norwegians and the Mediating Role of Social Networks
(The International Journal of Aging & Human Development;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This study aims to contribute to understanding how social networks serve as an intervening pathway leading to socioeconomic health inequality among older adults in Norway. Longitudinal survey data from the second and the ... -
Health literacy profiles in kidney transplanted patients: A cluster analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Health literacy is important in chronic conditions, such as kidney transplantation. Understanding patients' health literacy profiles can assist tailoring follow‐up and educational programmes to the health ... -
Health literacy profiling in persons with psoriasis – A cluster analysis
(Skin Health and Disease;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-18)Objective:To explore health literacy (HL) profiles within a cohort of people with psoriasis. A cluster approach identifies groups of individuals that have similar HL profiles. The method unmasks sub-groups with particular ... -
Health related social exclusion in Europe: a multilevel study of the role of welfare generosity
(International journal for equity in health;12(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-09-28)Introduction The aim of this paper was to investigate the association between health, social position, social participation and the welfare state. Extending recent research on the social consequences of poor health, we ... -
Helsesøstre bruker program for foreldreveiledning aktivt i praksis
(Sykepleien Forskning;Volum 13, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-27)Bakgrunn: Godt samspill mellom barn og omsorgsgivere er vesentlig for barns utvikling. Helsepolitiske føringer understreker helsestasjonenes rolle i å styrke slikt samspill. Det er derfor viktig at helsesøstre har kompetanse ... -
Her, men ikke til stede. Om sosionomens arbeid med psykososial utvikling hos ungdom med innagerende atferd i ungdomsskolen
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Temaet for denne oppgaven er sosialt arbeid i ungdomsskolen. Med tittelen «her, men ikke til stede» forsøker jeg å gi et bilde av at man kan være fysisk tilstede i situasjonen, men at man likevel ikke er der som følge av ... -
Hjernen i barnevernet : en drøfting av nevrovitenskapens plass og betydning i barnevernet - belyst av traumebevisst omsorg
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Barnevernsfeltet er et sammensatt og omdiskutert fagområde i løpende utvikling, og med stadig større betydning i samfunnet. Et tema som har fått større aktualitet i de senere år, er hvilken betydning hjerneforskningen har ... -
Hospital Social Workers’ Boundary Work in Paediatric Acute Wards—Competitive or Collaborative?
(The British Journal of Social Work;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-30)Recent research suggests that the notion of boundary work can improve our understanding of interprofessional tension and collaboration in health care, yet hospital social workers (HSWs) have not received sufficient attention ... -
Hospital social workers’ contributions to increasing health literacy among parents of acutely and critically ill children
(European Journal of Social Work;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-28)Hospital social workers often engage in health literacy activities to support patients’ and families’ functioning and adjustment to illness, but social work literature has seldom used health literacy terminology. This paper ... -
How children and young people understand and experience individual participation in social services for children and young people: a synthesis of qualitative studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Although there is a growing knowledge base on children and young people’s (CYP) participation in child welfare and social work, it is necessary to systematically describe and summarise the knowledge from their subjective ... -
How congruent is person-centred practice with labour activation policy? Person-centred approach to vocational interventions on immigrant jobseekers in Norway
(European Journal of Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-16)Increased migration to OECD countries has made unemployed foreignborn immigrants a new target population for ‘activation’ policies to reintroduce people into the labour market. As populations receiving employment activation ... -
How Have the Nordic Welfare States Responded to the Unexpected Increase in Inflation?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Rising inflation in the Nordic societies has changed the living standards for many families. The situation differs not only between the four Nordic countries analysed, but even within each of the Nordic countries. The needs ... -
How Nordic solidarity failed the COVID-19 test: uncoordinated pandemic responses and the decline of Nordic health cooperation
(Problemy Polityki Społecznej;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The inability of Nordic governments to coordinate their COVID-19 pandemic responses on social distancing and travel restrictions has puzzled observers and raised concerns for the future of Nordic cooperation. However, ... -
How People with Lived Experiences of Substance Use Understand and Experience User Involvement in Substance Use Care: A Synthesis of Qualitative Studies
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;Volume 18 / Issue 19, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-28)There is a need for more knowledge on how people with substance use problems (SUPs) understand and experience user involvement when receiving care. In this systematic review, we identify and reanalyse the existing qualitative ... -
"How" we do social work, not "what" we do
(Nordic Social Work Research;7(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article explores how Norwegian social workers at municipal social services offices experience and explain social work as professional knowledge and theory, and examines examples from their experience working in new, ... -
Hva innebærer et godt foreldreskap? - Et kritisk blikk på rådende diskurser for foreldreskap, og hvordan disse preger barnevernets arbeid i møte med konkurrerende forståelser.
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)I velferdsstudier blir Norge fremstilt som et pionerland på grunn av barnets sterke stilling i velferdsstaten, og barneombudet omtalte i 2009 Norge som «barnas land» hvor vi har «utviklet vernet om barn til det ypperste ... -
Hvem vil du ha som nabo? En oppgave om hvordan miljøterapeuter kan jobbe med rehabilitering av domfelte i et høysikkerhetsfengsel.
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Norsk kriminalomsorg er kjent over hele verden for sitt humanistiske syn på domfelte, og sin praksis med å rehabilitere dem tilbake til samfunnet. Tanken om hevn er så og si ikke tilstedeværende i de norske domstolene. Det ... -
Hver gang jeg ville snakke med deg om noe som var vanskelig, sendte du meg til hu derre psykologen. Om miljøterapi som behandling for ungdom med komplekse traumer på barnevernsinstitusjon.
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Miljøterapi er et vidt begrep, som flere steder i faglitteraturen blir beskrevet som noe som er vanskelig å definere entydig (Kvaran 1996, 55; Olowska og Landmark 2009, 101; Halvorsen 2012, 60-63). En av grunnene til dette, ...