Browsing HV - Institutt for atferdsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 51-70 of 264
Danish Health professionals Students' Attitudes towards Addressing Sexual Health - A Cross sectional Survey
(Sexual Medicine - Open Access;Volume 9, Issue 2, 100323, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-03)Introduction: Danish health professional (HP) students' attitudes toward addressing sexual health are unknown. Aim: To investigate Danish HP students' attitudes toward addressing sexual health in their future professions, ... -
De små forskjellers narcissisme
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Delay discounting of money and health outcomes, and adherence to policy guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Frontiers In Public Health;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-22)Delay discounting refers to the observation that the subjective value of an outcome decreases as the delay to its receipt increases. It is well-established that steep delay discounting is related to various maladaptive ... -
Digital nudging through smartphones: A systematic review
(Master thesis, 2023)Nudging is a popular method for influencing the decisions of individuals. It has been deployed successfully by both private and public institutions alike. The rise of connected devices such as computers, smartphones and ... -
Distraktorer i tester for emergente relasjoner
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA);Årgang 48, Nummer 2 (Vinter 2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Formålet med dette eksperimentet var å gjøre en systematisk replikasjon av Eksperiment 4 i studien til Arntzen (2006) ved å undersøke om respondering i henhold til stimulusekvivalens forekom i en delayed matching-to-sample ... -
Duration of Lactation, Maternal Metabolic Profile, and Body Composition in the Norwegian EBBA I-Study
(Breastfeeding Medicine;8(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Objective There is conflicting evidence as to whether duration of lactation may decrease the risk of subsequent development of an unfavorable maternal metabolic profile including overweight and obesity. We hypothesized ... -
Educational systems for inclusive education in Norway, Romania, Scotland and Sweden
(Learning Disability Practice journal;21(5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A lifelong learning Erasmus intensive programme promoting inclusion of persons with disabilities has involved collaboration between universities in different countries. This article outlines information provided by the ... -
The effect of ABM on attentional networks and stress-induced emotional reactivity in a mixed clinical sample with depression: a randomized sham-controlled trial
(Neuroscience Applied;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research on the efficacy of Attention Bias Modification for depressive symptoms has predominantly yielded unfavorable outcomes. Despite adhering to rigorous conventions in randomized controlled trials, findings from these ... -
The effect of attentional bias modification on positive affect dynamics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Negative attentional bias and alterations in positive affect dynamics constitute emotional vulnerability to depression. Attentional bias modification (ABM) aims to reduce emotional vulnerability to depression by fostering ... -
The effect of pre-training of abstract stimuli to exert control over tact and mand responses on stimulus equivalence class formation.
(International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy;Volume 20 Num. 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10)Recent studies show that the formation of stimulus equivalence classes can be enhanced by meaningful stimuli. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether acquired meaningfulness, through pretraining of meaningless ... -
Effects of a meaningful, a discriminative, and a meaningless stimulus on equivalence class formation
(Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior;97(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Thirty college students attempted to form three 3-node 5-member equivalence classes under the simultaneous protocol. After concurrent training of AB, BC, CD, and DE relations, all probes used to assess the emergence of ... -
Effects of Equivalence-Based Instruction in Teaching Health Related Norwegian Concepts to Adults with a Foreign Background
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study examined the effectiveness of Equivalence-Based Instruction (EBI) in teaching Norwegian health concepts to adults with a foreign background. In this stimulus control arrangement, we also wanted to see if using ... -
The effects of feedback on cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game simulating a closed market scenario
(Revista Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento;15(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study explores the effects of feedback on cooperation in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game (PDG). Four sources of feedback were identified: peer, buyer, market and cultural feedback. Peer and buyer feedback were ... -
Effects of Foraging Related Stimuli on OLM (Object Location Memory) and Perceptual Search in the Hunter-Gatherer Theory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-03)The hunter-gatherer theory suggests that a division of labor existed in early human settlements whereby men were predominantly hunters and women were predominantly gatherers. Support for this theory has come from ... -
Effects of meaningful stimuli contained in different numbers of classes on equivalence class formation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Previous experiments have investigated the function of using pictures or meaningful stimuli on equiv- alence class formation. For example, when attempting to form three 5-member classes (A → B → C → D → E), ... -
The effects of performance feedback on organizational citizenship behaviour: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-10)Performance feedback is a managerial practice whose effects widely impact job satisfaction and commitment. Job satisfaction and commitment represent antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), denoting a ... -
The effects of reflective counseling on learning outcomes for undergraduate students in social education
(UNIPED;38(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet fremhever evnen til refleksjon som en betydningsfull variabel for å kunne møte pasientenes behov for kvalitet og koordinerte tjenester. Det ble tilrettelagt for reflekterende ... -
Effects of Theory Training, Hands-on Supervision and a Self-instructional Treatment Manual on Staff Competency
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Employing a randomized control group design, this study compared the efficacy of staff training using theory training, hands - on supervision and a self - instructional teaching man ual. ... -
Effekter av Forsinket Forsterkning hos Barn med Autismespekterforstyrrelse.
(Norsk tidsskrift for atferdsanalyse;Årgang 46, nr. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Vi undersøkte effekten av forsinket forsterkning hos barn med autismespekterforstyrrelse. Dette ble gjort ved å sammenligne antall responser under umiddelbar forsterkning med antall responser under tre sekunders forsinket ... -
Effekter av systematisk opplæring i samtalepreget veiledning målt med en multippel basislinjedesign
(Norsk tidsskrift for atferdsanalyse, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Det finnes få empiriske studier av om opplæring i samtalepreget veiledning har effekt i form av økte veiledningsferdigheter. På tross av manglende systematisk empiri, er opplæring i veiledning svært utbredt. I vår studie ...