Browsing HV - Institutt for atferdsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 111-130 of 251
Grammatical constructions in typical developing children: effects of explicit reinforcement, automatic reinforcement and parity
(The Analysis of Verbal Behavior;28, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This study replicated and extended Wright (2006) and Whitehurst, Ironsmith, and Goldfein (1974) by examining whether preschool aged children would increase their use of passive grammatical voice rather than using the more ... -
Health interventions and validity on social media: A literature review
(Procedia Computer Science;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-23)Social media changes the way people and organizations communicate with each other. Health interventions on social media are, however, a relatively new phenomenon. This article includes a review of health intervention studies ... -
Higher Education and Behavior Analysis in Europe: Creating a Unified Approach for the Training of Autism Professionals.
(European Journal of Behavior Analysis;Volume 21, 2020 - Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-16)Training of behaviour analysts for autism services, has improved notably within a European higher education context. However, regional discrepancies associated with economic, health care, social services, and institutional ... -
How should behavior analysis interact effectively with the social sciences
(Behavior and Social Issues, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006)ABSTRACT: I would like to discuss some perspectives on scientific approaches traditionally viewed as mutually incompatible or antagonistic. This might be illustrated by e.g. natural scientists’ claim of unambiguous ... -
Hvor robust er samsvaret mellom respondering på matching-to-sample tester og sorteringstester?
(Norsk tidsskrift for atferdsanalyse;Nummer 2 (VINTER 2018), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Formålet med dette eksperimentet var å undersøke om samsvaret mellom resultatene på en matching-to-sample (MTS) test og sorteringstester også er gjeldende ved bruk en Many-to-One (MTO) treningsstruktur. Vi ønsket å gjøre ... -
Identifying pain and distress in non-verbal persons with intellectual disability: Professional caregivers' and parents' attitudes towards using wearable sensors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)BACKGROUND: Persons with severe intellectual disability (ID) may be non-verbal and unable to communicate pain or distress. Consequently, painful conditions may go undetected, and non-verbal persons with ID may not receive ... -
Identity matching in a person with Alzheimer's disease
(European Journal of Behavior Analysis (EJOBA);, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-02)In the present study, a 91-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s disease participated. The purpose of the experiment was to study how repetitions of conditions affected correct responding in identity matching-to-sample. The ... -
Improving Health for People Living With Heart Failure: Focus Group Study of Preconditions for Co-Production of Health and Care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Co-production of health and care involving patients, families of patients, and professionals in care processes can create joint learning about how to meet patients’ needs. Although barriers and facilitators to ... -
Inndeling av atferdsanalysen i subsystemer eller arbeidsområder
(Norsk tidsskrift for atferdsanalyse;39(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Atferdsanalyse som fagdisiplin, eller vitenskapelig system, kan inndeles i arbeidsområder eller subsystemer, som bør være gjensidig relaterte og avhengige for å utvikle hele systemet. Subsystemene er konseptuell atferdsanalyse, ... -
Intensity of supervision and outcome for preschool aged children receiving early and intensive behavioral interventions : a preliminary study
(Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2009)This study asked whether intensity of supervision is associated with outcome in preschool aged children with autism (N = 20) who received intensive and early behavioral intervention. Intensity of supervision ranged from ... -
Intercultural Blended Design Considerations: A Case Study of a Nordic-Baltic Course in Autism Intervention
(Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning;17(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Specialized educational programs previously unavailable to many students are now accessible to students spread throughout the world. In particular, this globalization presents new opportunities and challenges for ... -
International and interprofessional experiences on welfare services for people with learning disabilities
(Learning Disability Practice journal;21(2), Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)International student exchange is an opportunity to discover and learn from practice in other countries but few students sign up. This article describes two European Union Erasmus Intensive Programmes that gave learning ... -
The janus face of VEGF in stroke
(International Journal of Molecular Sciences;Volume 19, Issue 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-04)The family of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) are known for their regulation ofvascularization. Inthebrain,VEGFsareimportantregulatorsofangiogenesis,neuroprotectionand neurogenesis. Dysregulation of VEGFs is ... -
Job demands, job resources, and health outcomes among nursing professionals in private and public healthcare sectors in Sweden – a prospective study
(BMC Nursing;21, Article number: 140 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-06)Background: Nursing professionals exhibit high prevalence of stress-related health problems. Job demands and job resources are parallel drivers of health and well-being among employees. Better job resources associate with ... -
Kartlegging av SRHR i forskrift og lokale program-, studie- og emneplaner for utvalgte utdanningsløp i Norge – Rapport Desember 2022
(Report, 2022)Helsedirektoratet ønsket å kartlegge hvordan seksuell og reproduktiv helse og rettigheter (SRHR) var ivaretatt i forskrift og lokal program-, studie- og emneplan for utvalgte utdanningsløp i Norge. Dette ettersom seksuell ... -
Kartlegging av systemintervensjoner i skole: effekt på klassemiljø og prososial atferd
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse;40(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Målet for studien var å undersøke om et program for systemintervensjon (helART) var implementert etter de standarder som brukes internasjonalt og om graden av implementering økte med tiden programmet var brukt. Videre var ... -
Kiddie-SADS reveals high rates of DSM-IV disorders in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders
(Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Prevalence of current comorbid DSM-IV disorders was assessed in a special school population of children and adolescents with ASD (N = 71, age 6.0–17.9 years), representing all cognitive levels and main ASD subgroups. ... -
Kontekstuell kontroll og gevinstparametere som påvirker responsallokering i en virtuell spillsituasjon
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA);Nummer 2 (Vinter 2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Studien undersøkte om sannsynlighet for gevinst påvirket valg av spillemaskin. En kombinert innen-subjekt og gruppedesign pre-, post- og reverseringstest ble arrangert og betinget diskriminasjonstrening ble gjennomført. ... -
Kontekstuell kontroll og si-gjøre korrespondanse under spilling på spillautomat
(Norsk tidsskrift for atferdsanalyse;Årg 47, nr 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Tidligere studier har vist at spilling på spillautomater kan komme under kontroll av stimuli i omgivelsene. Ytterligere kunnskap om hvilke miljøhendelser som kan komme til å kontrollere slik atferd, kan bidra til en bedre ... -
Kort rapport: Måling av sosial validitet i studier publisert i Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse
(Norsk tidsskrift for atferdsanalyse;Nummer 1 (Sommer 2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Sosial validitet har lenge vært et sentralt evalueringsområde, og kan utgjøre en del av «anvendt» dimensjonen i anvendt atferdsanalyse. Sosial validitet handler om hva folk i omgivelsene synes om tiltaket. Sosial validitet ...