Browsing HV - Institutt for atferdsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 105-124 of 264
A family study of symbolic learning and synaptic plasticity in autism spectrum disorder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The current study presents a male with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and a 3q29 deletion, and three healthy first-degree relatives. Our magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dataset included a healthy control subset. We describe ... -
The feasibility of Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression in an acute inpatient ward psychiatric intensive care unit– a systematic replication
(Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care;Volume 14, Number 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04)Behavioural treatments for depression have shown promising preliminary effects for depression in inpatient wards. However, more research is needed regarding their feasibility in psychiatric intensive care units (PICU). The ... -
Feelings of Worthlessness Links Depressive Symptoms and Parental Stress: A Network Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(European psychiatry;Volume 64, Issue 1, 2021, e50, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-27)Background. The prevalent co-occurrence between parental stress and depression has been established prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. However, no studies to date have identified the connections through ... -
Fellesoppmerksomhet og kilder til ny atferd
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse;39 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Fellesoppmerksomhet innebærer en synkronisering av oppmerksomhet hos to eller flere individer mot noe i omgivelsene. Forskning på dette feltet startet innenfor kognitiv utviklingspsykologi på 1970-tallet. Denne forskningen ... -
Female rats release a trapped cagemate following shaping of the door opening response: Opening latency when the restrainer was baited with food, was empty, or contained a cagemate
(PLoS ONE;14 (10): e0223039, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-13)Research on pro-social rat behaviour is growing within the fields of comparative psychology and social neuroscience. However, much work remains on mapping important variables influencing this behaviour, and there is even ... -
Fish versus meat: Nudging the healthier choice off food in hotel lunch buffets
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Ernæring;16(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background One of the objectives of the Norwegian National Action Plan for Healthy Diets (2017-2021) is to increase the intake of fish. The aim of this study was to encourage hotel guests to choose more fish and less meat ... -
Fixating, attending, and observing: a behavior analytic eye-movement analysis
(European Journal of Behavior Analysis;16(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-01)The use of eye-tracking technology to study eye-movements has increased substantially over the last decade. For instance, areas that relate to image scanning, matching-to-sample learning, driving, and reading exhibit this ... -
For Your Eyes Only: A Field Experiment on Nudging Hygienic Behavior
(Frontiers in Psychology;December 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 603440, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-04)These days many gyms and fitness centers are closed to reduce transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in society. The gym is an environment rich in microorganisms, and careful hygiene is a necessity to keep infections at ... -
Forsterkningsbasert behandling av automatisk forsterket problematferd: Matchede eller umatchede forsterkere?
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse;Nummer 2 (Vinter 2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Forsterkningsbasert behandling av automatisk forsterket problematferd baserer seg på å formidle forsterkere på annen atferd enn problematferden. Slike forsterkere er enten forsterkere som likner den automatiske forsterkeren ... -
Framing Effects on Willingness and Perceptions towards COVID-19 Vaccination among University Students in Italy: An Exploratory Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Vaccine hesitancy is a diffused psychological phenomenon that has been increasingly addressed in several studies since the COVID-19 pandemic. Communication campaigns play a pivotal role influencing recipients’ perceptions ... -
The functional and structural asymmetries of the superior temporal sulcus
(Scandinavian Journal of Psychology;59, 74–82, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-22)The superior temporal sulcus (STS) is an anatomical structure that increasingly interests researchers. This structure appears to receive multisensory input and is involved in several perceptual and cognitive core functions, ... -
Functional assessment and behavioural intervention for eating difficulties in children with autism: a study conducted in the natural environment using parents and ABA tutors as therapists
(Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders;10, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
A Functional Contextualist Account of Behavioral Economics: Relational Frame Theory Applied to Decision-Making and Choice Behavior
(Perspectivas Em Análise Do Comportamento;RFT Special Volume, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-13)Behavioral economics is a discipline that is mainly rooted in cognitivism and that is concerned with the study of decision-making processes and choice behavior. These involve addressing the relations between cognition and ... -
Funksjonelle analyser: status, utfordringer og veien videre
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse;41(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article provides an overview of the status and ongoing discussions within the area referred to as functional analyses. In addition, some important future directions are pointed out. Functional analysis has been an ... -
Grammatical constructions in typical developing children: effects of explicit reinforcement, automatic reinforcement and parity
(The Analysis of Verbal Behavior;28, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This study replicated and extended Wright (2006) and Whitehurst, Ironsmith, and Goldfein (1974) by examining whether preschool aged children would increase their use of passive grammatical voice rather than using the more ... -
Health interventions and validity on social media: A literature review
(Procedia Computer Science;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-23)Social media changes the way people and organizations communicate with each other. Health interventions on social media are, however, a relatively new phenomenon. This article includes a review of health intervention studies ... -
Higher Education and Behavior Analysis in Europe: Creating a Unified Approach for the Training of Autism Professionals.
(European Journal of Behavior Analysis;Volume 21, 2020 - Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-16)Training of behaviour analysts for autism services, has improved notably within a European higher education context. However, regional discrepancies associated with economic, health care, social services, and institutional ... -
How should behavior analysis interact effectively with the social sciences
(Behavior and Social Issues, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006)ABSTRACT: I would like to discuss some perspectives on scientific approaches traditionally viewed as mutually incompatible or antagonistic. This might be illustrated by e.g. natural scientists’ claim of unambiguous ... -
Hvor robust er samsvaret mellom respondering på matching-to-sample tester og sorteringstester?
(Norsk tidsskrift for atferdsanalyse;Nummer 2 (VINTER 2018), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Formålet med dette eksperimentet var å undersøke om samsvaret mellom resultatene på en matching-to-sample (MTS) test og sorteringstester også er gjeldende ved bruk en Many-to-One (MTO) treningsstruktur. Vi ønsket å gjøre ... -
Identifying pain and distress in non-verbal persons with intellectual disability: Professional caregivers' and parents' attitudes towards using wearable sensors
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)BACKGROUND: Persons with severe intellectual disability (ID) may be non-verbal and unable to communicate pain or distress. Consequently, painful conditions may go undetected, and non-verbal persons with ID may not receive ...