Browsing HV - Institutt for atferdsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 209-228 of 251
Seleksjon på forskjellige nivåer av organisert kompleksitet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Sentrale variabler i forståelsen av spilleavhengighet
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse;39(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Spilleavhengighet er et sterkt voksende fenomen. Det gjør at behovet for å forstå forhold som påvirker spilleavhengighet er viktig. I denne artikkelen diskuteres det atferdsanalytiske perspektivet i forståelsen av ... -
Sex Differences on the Go/No-Go Test of Inhibition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Parental investment theory suggests that women, due to greater investment in child rearing, can be more choosy than men when considering a potential mate. A corollary to this is that women should possess greater inhibition ... -
Single-subject withdrawal designs in delayed matching-to-sample procedures
(European Journal of Behavior Analysis;12(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)In most studies of delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) and stimulus equivalence, the delay has remained fixed throughout a single experimental condition. We wanted to expand on the DMTS and stimulus equivalence literature ... -
Social categorization and stimulus equivalence: A systematic replication
(The Psychological Record;70, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-02)A systematic replication of Watt, Keenan, Barnes, and Cairns (1991) was conducted on two groups of Norwegian soccer supporters. The 24 participants were trained conditional discriminations for the emergence of three 3-member ... -
Social inclusion and people with intellectual disabilities in seven European countries
(Learning Disability Practice;Vol 24, issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-10)Policies for people with disabilities, and specifically those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), have undergone significant changes during the past three decades. Many people with IDD experience social ... -
Social significant stimuli in training of conditional discriminations in participant with neurocognitive disorder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Forgetting names can be demanding for individuals diagnosed with neurocognitive disorders (NCD). The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of different lengths of inter-trialintervals (ITIs) while employing two ... -
Societal Well-Being: Embedding Nudges in Sustainable Cultural Practices
(Behavior and Social Issues;28 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-11)This study provides a behavior analytic framework to a previous nudging experiment from Kalbekken and Sælen (2013). We are concerned with achieving societal wellbeing from a selection of cultures perspective, and we call ... -
The State of Experimental Research on Community Interventions to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions—A Systematic Review
(Sustainability;Volume 12, Issue 18, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-15)This paper reviews research on community efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We conducted a systematic search of the relevant literature, and supplemented our findings with an analysis of review papers previously ... -
Stimulus-equivalence technology to teach skills about nutritional content
(Perspectives on Behavior Science;Volume 43, Number 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-21)Abstract Twenty-two adult participants, assigned to three conditions, were trained nutrition knowledge (i.e., carbohydrate values) for different food items. In a stimulus sorting test, the participants were asked to sort ... -
Stimulusekvivalens og Event-relaterte Potensialer
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA);2021, 48, 243 - 251 Nummer 2 (VINTER 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Elektroencefalografi (EEG) benyttes for å måle hjernens elektriske aktivitet og kan brukes som et korrelasjonsmål ved test for stimulusekvivalens. Event-relaterte potensialer (ERP) er målt ved gjennomsnitt av EEG. N400 er ... -
Stimuluskontroll i språkopplæring–En innføring
(Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA);Årgang 48, Nummer 2 (Vinter 2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Et overordnet mål med denne artikkelen er å tilby en oversikt over prosedyrer for å etablere stimuluskontroll for å styrke verbal atferd, samt oppmuntre til videre forskning innen stimuluskontroll og etablering av verbal ... -
Studenten som forsker i utdanning og yrke: vitenskapelig tenkning og metodebruk
(Læremidler for profesjonsutdanning;10/2010, Research report, 2010)Denne boken er en revisjon av førsteutgaven fra 2005. Følgende kapitler er revidert «Eksperimentell design, med spesiell vekt på ulike typer av N=1 design» av Erik Arntzen, «Vitenskapelig tenkemåte» av Else Askerøi, ... -
Studiet av hukommelse hos personer med demens
(MALKS;2012, Master thesis, 2012)Med stadig økende levealder øker også andelen mennesker med aldersrelaterte lidelser som demens. Det økte antallet mennesker med demens gir både samfunnsmessige og individuelle utfordringer. Utfordringene består i gode ... -
Support and resources to promote and sustain health among nurses and midwives in the workplace: A qualitative study
(Nordic Journal of Nursing Research;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-09)Registered nurses and midwives are in short supply and have among the highest rates of sick leave in the global workforce. The aim of this study was therefore to explore and gain a deeper understanding of how nurses and ... -
Supporting students in higher education in transforming their thesis into a scientific article
(Högre Utbildning;Vol 11, Nr 2 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-05)According to our experience from education in health and welfare, there are increased expectations in academia for students to publish their work as scientific international articles. Reasons and motivation for transforming ... -
Synthesizing a Talking Child Avatar to Train Interviewers Working with Maltreated Children
(Big Data and Cognitive Computing;Volume 6 / Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-01)When responding to allegations of child sexual, physical, and psychological abuse, Child Protection Service (CPS) workers and police personnel need to elicit detailed and accurate accounts of the abuse to assist in ... -
Tailoring of painful stimuli used for exploring transfer of function
(The Psychological Record;70, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-04)Fifteen college students rated the degree of painfulness of six images showing needle injections to different parts of a human hand. The images were rated on a scale ranging from 1 (not painful) to 5 (severely painful). ... -
Therapists’ experiences with providing guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for patients with mild to moderate depression: a thematic analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: Guided internet-delivered therapy has shown promising results for patients with mild and moderate depressive disorder, but several challenges with the format have been reported. The aim of this qualitative ... -
Tilrettelegging av sosiale møteplassar for vaksne med utviklingshemming i eit kommunalt bufellesskap
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Gode relasjonar og sosiale ferdigheiter har stor betydning for trivsel og god psykisk helse. Sosialisering og tilrettelegging av sosiale møteplassar er viktig for personar med utviklingshemming. Denne artik- kelen syner ...