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Hope, passion and perseverance: experiences of internationally educated nurses pursuing nursing authorisation in Norway–a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background The global nursing shortage is driving nursing professionals to migrate from their home countries to other regions of the world, leading to increased diversity in healthcare settings and nursing education across ... -
Mechanisms of vocational interventions for return to work from musculoskeletal conditions: a mediation analysis of the MI-NAV trial
(Occupational and Environmental Medicine;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives: To investigate whether and to what extent, return to work (RTW) expectancy and workability mediate the effect of two vocational interventions on reducing sickness absence in workers on sick leave from a ... -
How loss of nature through clear-cutting forestry affects well-being
(Health Promotion International;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The United Nations declares that the global degradation of ecosystems represents a danger to human health. Deterioration of forests is one of several threats against the natural systems. The aim of this exploratory study ... -
Råd for undervisning og forskning ved Institutt for yrkesfaglærerutdanning - Basert på KI-analyser av 86 artikler
(Working paper; Research report, 2024)Bakgrunnen for dette notatet er et ønske om å sammenfatte resultater fra artikler, notater og rapporter om fag- og yrkesopplæring som er systematisert i ulike temaer på hjemmesiden til Senter for kunnskap om yrkesfag ... -
Resilient Networks for Critical Services
(OsloMet Avhandling;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Network services play a pivotal role in today’s society, serving the needs of businesses, governments and for individuals in their daily life. While we often take the seamless functionality of the Internet for granted, its ...