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Recent Submissions
Quantum-electrodynamical density-functional theory for the Dicke Hamiltonian
(;, Journal article, 2024)A detailed analysis of density-functional theory for quantum-electrodynamical model systems is provided. In particular, the quantum Rabi model, the Dicke model, and a generalization of the latter to multiple modes are ... -
Frequent contacts to Emergency Medical Services (EMS): more than frequent callers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background A frequent caller is defined by The Frequent Caller National Network (FreCaNN) as an adult who makes five or more emergency calls in a month or twelve or more in three months, related to individual episodes of ... -
The Challenge of Positioning Space and Time in Systemic Studies of Animal Utterances as Both Embodied and External Contexts
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Animal utterances are metastudied based on a framework describing relations between aspects of utterance, genre, and lifeworld, form, content, act, time, and space. The study concerns a set of problems: How is context ... -
Human rights education for nursing students: A scoping review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Human rights are an important part of nursing care, and nurses deal with human rights matter daily. Despite their relevance and acknowledgement of their importance, human rights issues remain limited in nursing ... -
Workplace Learning Environment and Participation in Work Communities: A Qualitative Comparison of Stayers’ and Leavers’ Perceptions and Experiences
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In many countries with apprenticeship-based vocational education and training (VET), dropout from apprenticeship training is a major concern. Leaving an apprenticeship early can be problematic, particularly for young people ... -
Traumesensitiv opplæring for barn og unge som har opplevd krig og flukt. Kontekstualisering av Better Learning Program fra bruk i konfliktområder til norsk skolekontekst.
(Research report, 2024)De siste årene har millioner av mennesker blitt drevet på flukt. De fleste flyktninger som kommer til Norge opplever det som trygt å være her, men mange har utfordringer knyttet til integrering, språk, tilhørighet, sosial ... -
Implementation of the four habits model in intermediate care services in Norway: a process evaluation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Intermediate care (IC) services bridge the transition for older patients from the hospital to the home. Despite the goal of involving individuals in their recovery process, these services often become standardised, ... -
Near future practices of interaction analysis: technology-mediated trends in educational research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Methodological advancements for the study of learning processes are both shaped by and drivers of technology developments. Interaction Analysis (IA), as a core methodological approach over the past three decades is ... -
Managers’ perspectives on their role in implementing fall prevention interventions: a qualitative interview study in Norwegian homecare services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: The implementation of fall prevention interventions in homecare services is crucial for reducing falls among older adults and effective leadership could determine success. Norwegian homecare services ... -
"Who am I?" Drawing the 5 Columns of Identity as a Supervisor
(ANSE European Journal for Supervision and Coaching;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Supervisors meet various clients with different identities. In establishing a safe relationship between the supervisor and the client, it is of importance that the supervisor knows his or her identity. This article presents ... -
The continuum of rapport: Ethical tensions in qualitative interviews with vulnerable participants
(Qualitative Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Rapport is generally considered an essential component of successful interviewing, where participants are willing to share and divulge information. The present paper contributes to the research on rapport in qualitative ... -
"Og husk at vi ikke har mistet omsorgen for våre barn. Den er blitt tatt fra oss" - Om hvordan foreldre som har blitt fratatt omsorgen inkluderes og ekskluderes i samfunnet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-09-26)Artikkelen er et resultat av et forskningsprosjekt som studerer omsorgsovertakelser i fra et foreldreperspektiv i Norge. I denne artikkelen retter vi oppmerksomheten mot hvordan foreldre som er fratatt omsorgen for sine ... -
Boundary-crossing ICT use – A scoping review of the current literature and a road map for future research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research on the use of digital devices to conduct tasks across work and non-work domains (i.e., boundary- crossing ICT use) grows rapidly. To gain an overview of this expanding field, we conducted a systematic search in ... -
«Nå føler jeg at det jeg gjør, faktisk har betydning for samfunnet»: En kvalitativ analyse av unge domfeltes opplevelser av samfunnsstraff
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Samfunnsstraff er en viktig arena for forebygging av gjentakelse av kriminalitet hos unge domfelte i Norge. Gjennom kvalitative, semistrukturerte intervjuer med seks unge domfelte belyser vi hvordan de opplevde å gjennomføre ... -
Why don’t more Norwegians get the flu vaccine? A survey on drivers and barriers of seasonal influenza vaccination, 2015/16 & 2019/20 to 2022/23
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background This study aimed to explore the reasons adults in the general population, influenza risk groups (RGs) and health care workers (HCWs) in Norway give for their vaccination choices and whether these reasons ... -
Whole genome sequencing and characterization of Corynebacterium isolated from the healthy and dry eye ocular surface
(BMC Microbiology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: The purpose of this study was to characterize Corynebacterium isolated from the ocular surface of dry eye disease patients and healthy controls. We aimed to investigate the pathogenic potential of these isolates ... -
Discontinuity, risk, patience, and appeal: existential aspects of practising in physical education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: For quite some time now, physical education (PE) scholars have expressed concerns about objectifying tendencies within the school subject of PE, calling for a fresh design that foregrounds students’ subjectivity ... -
Adherence to sleep recommendations is associated with higher satisfaction with life among Norwegian adolescents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Sleep plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of adolescents; however, inadequate sleep is frequently reported in numerous countries. This current paper aimed to describe sleep duration, factors ... -
A qualitative study of family members’ perspectives regarding decision-making for nursing home residents’ care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose: We explored how family caregivers perceive decision-making regarding the care of nursing home residents. Methods: This qualitative study used Flemming’s Gadamerian-based research method. In person semi-structured ... -
Elevtekster som empirisk materiale i studenters analyser. En kartlegging av norskfaglige og norskdidaktiske masteroppgaver fra 2006 til 2022
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Elevers skriving og tekster har fått økt oppmerksomhet både i grunnskolen og videregå- ende opplæring de siste tiårene, og norskfaget har et særskilt ansvar for elevenes skri- vekompetanse. Vi vet en del om fokusområder ...