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Dialogues across time and space in a video-based collaborative learning environment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this study, we investigate how pre-service teachers’ group dialogues emerged and intersected across time and space as students collaboratively constructed a video-based mind map to prepare for oral exams in a pedagogy ... -
Exploring the embodied experiences of social relationships in physical education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is a need for new pedagogies in physical education that emphasise embodied learning experiences and meaningfulness [Ennis, C. D. (2017). Educating students for a lifetime of physical activity: Enhancing mindfulness, ... -
Sammenhengen mellom øving og dybdelæring i kunst og håndverkundervisning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I dette prosjektet undersøker vi fra lærerens perspektiv hva som er sammenhengen mellom øving og dybdelæring i kunst og håndverkundervisning. Tradisjonelt er øving knyttet til repetisjon av tekniske ferdigheter. Men vi ... -
TACDEC: Dataset of Tackle Events in Soccer Game Videos
(Chapter, 2024)This paper introduces TACDEC, a dataset of tackle events in soccer game videos. Recognizing the gap in existing open datasets that predominantly focus on official soccer events such as goals and cards, TACDEC targets a ... -
Domestic violence and pregnancy intendedness: A cross-sectional study in Nepal
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Background Research indicates that women’s control over their fertility may be impacted by intimate partner and domestic violence. This study aimed to investigate the association between domestic violence and unintended ... -
International norms for adult handgrip strength: A systematic review of data on 2.4 million adults aged 20 to 100+ years from 69 countries and regions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Background Muscular strength is a powerful marker of current health status and robust predictor of age-related disease and disability. Handgrip strength (HGS) using isometric dynamometry is a convenient, feasible, and ... -
Neural markers of error processing relate to task performance, but not to substance-related risks and problems and externalizing problems in adolescence and emerging adulthood
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Detecting errors and adapting behavior accordingly constitutes an integral aspect of cognition. Previous studies have linked neural correlates of error processing (e.g., error-related negativity (ERN) and error-related ... -
“What about me?”: lived experiences of siblings living with a brother or sister with a life-threatening or life-limiting condition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: There is a lack of knowledge regarding siblings’ experiences of being a brother or sister of a child with a life-threatening or life-limiting condition. Siblings’ perspectives are often expressed through their ... -
Effects of the informed health choices secondary school intervention after 1 year: a prospective meta-analysis using individual participant data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Critical thinking about health choices is essential to avoid being misled by unreliable information and to use reliable information appropriately. The aim of this prospective meta-analysis was to synthesize the ... -
Focusing on life rather than illness: the lived experience of children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions—a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: The perspectives of children with life-threatening or life-limiting (LT/LL) conditions have predominantly been conveyed through their parents rather than heard from the children themselves. Despite an increase ... -
Social and Emotional Impacts of Airplane Headache: Insights into Patient Expectations and Management Needs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)A headache attributed to airplane travel is a headache that occurs during landing and/or take-of, also called “airplane headache” (AH). The emotional and social impacts on AH remain uncertain today. The purpose of this ... -
Virtuell virkelighet, virkelig mestring: Virtual Reality som verktøy i behandling av psykoselidelser
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Nasjonale og internasjonale føringer oppfordrer til økt bruk av digitale teknologier og e-helse-tiltak i behandling av psykiske lidelser (Meld. St. 7 (2019–2020); World Health Organization, 2022). Virtual Reality (VR) er ... -
Implementation of Zero Defect Manufacturing using quality prediction: a spot welding case study from Bosch
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Product quality is a vital aspect in the operation of manufacturing systems, manufacturers need to implement at least one quality assurance method to assure the desired quality. The most recent approach for quality assurance ... -
Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy and early postpartum – prevalence and risk factors in a multi-ethnic cohort
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is common during and after pregnancy. It has been assumed that Scandinavian women report more PGP than women of other ethnicities. However, there are few population-based studies on ... -
Cohort and gender differences in the association between childlessness and social exclusion in old age
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Social exclusion (SE) and its detrimental health outcomes are a key concern in European policies. This study investigates whether childless older adults face a higher risk of SE compared to those with children, how these ... -
Older adults’ perceptions and experiences of interprofessional communication as part of the delivery of integrated care in the primary healthcare sector: a meta-ethnography of qualitative studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Communication between patients and healthcare providers, and efective interprofessional communication, are essential to the provision of high-quality care. Implementing a patient-centred approach may lead to ... -
Une perspective européenne : sur la collectivisation des valeurs et des rentes foncières (public land value capture)
(Journal article, 2024)Cet article propose une synthèse des résultats issus d’un projet de recherche sur la collectivisation des rentes foncières urbaines en Europe. Ce projet, qui a réuni une centaine de chercheurs, a notamment débouché sur un ... -
‘I need support in becoming the leader I would like to be’ – A qualitative descriptive study of nurses newly appointed to positions of leadership
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aim: The aim of the study was to understand the experiences of nurses who were newly appointed to a position of leadership including facilitators and barriers to success and what they considered important for the development ... -
Todimensjonale velferdsholdninger? Relevansen av en kulturbasert konfliktdimensjon for vesteuropeeres holdninger til vilkårssetting overfor arbeidsledige, 1990–2017
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Innenfor komparativ politikk har det lenge blitt hevdet at politikken har blitt «todimensjonal» ved at kulturbaserte konflikter over tid har fått økt betydning. Konsekvensene av dette er at holdningsdannelse, i tillegg til ... -
Adolescents’ experiences and (re)action towards fake news on social media: perspectives from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The majority of adolescents encounter unverifiable news as they navigate social media in their daily lives. A survey in Norway where this study is situated found that two out of three teenagers had come across content that ...