Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning (SVA)
Recent Submissions
Female artists work and creativity in the rural: Beyond core and periphery
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this paper we suggest that far too often economic geographic theory has been based on simple core-periphery dualism that mask the reality of creative work in rural or peripheral areas. We take a relational approach and ... -
Making Sense of Data Interrelations in Qualitative Longitudinal and Multi-Perspective Analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we address data interrelations that social researchers face when working with qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews with longitudinal (QLR) and multi-perspective (MPR) research designs. ... -
Nye boligkjøpsmodeller – med eller mot det etablerte boligregimet?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)De siste 6–9 årene har boligutviklere i Norge utviklet ulike boligkjøpsmodeller som skal muliggjøre boligkjøp også for hushold som mangler egenkapital eller høy nok inntekt til å få boliglån i en privat bank. Modellene ... -
Forhandlinger om hva, hvem og hvordan: Minoritetsnorsk ungdom i romantiske relasjoner
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen undersøker vi forhandlinger mellom minoritetsnorske ungdommer og deres foreldre om romantiske relasjoner. I en flerkulturell kontekst med ulike normer og verdier knyttet til seksualitet, kjønn og ungdomstid, ... -
Contrasting inclusionary housing initiatives in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway: how the past shapes the present
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Inclusionary housing policies, aiming at creating both affordable housing and mixed neighbourhoods through land use regulation, do not have a long history in Scandinavia. Although Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have traditional ... -
Contrasting inclusionary housing initiatives in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway: how the past shapes the present
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Inclusionary housing policies, aiming at creating both affordable housing and mixed neighbourhoods through land use regulation, do not have a long history in Scandinavia. Although Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have traditional ... -
Cultural policy and the politics of display. The establishment of the opera house in Oslo
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)How can we understand governments’ willingness to make large investments in iconic cultural buildings? What does this trend tell us about governments’ cultural policy interests and priorities? In this article we illuminate ... -
Motsetninger, forhandlinger og kompromisser: Lov om rituell omskjæring av gutter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Et tilbakevendende dilemma for liberale, demokratiske stater er håndteringen av praksiser som oppfattes som grunnleggende for enkelte minoritetsgrupper, men som bryter med oppfatninger om rett og galt i majoritetsbefolkningen. ... -
‘Firm but fair’? Migrant children’s rights through dramaturgy and nation branding in Norway and the UK
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Applying nation branding literature and the work of Erving Goffman on dramaturgy to the situation of asylum-seeking children in Norway and in the UK, this paper develops a comparative framework for understanding why child ... -
Social inequality in dropout rates in higher education: Denmark and Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article examines the association between students’ social class background, their completion of higher education and transfer between research-intensive universities and vocational-oriented university colleges in ... -
Polish nurses in Norway: Migration for “normal” work–life balance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper expands and enriches existing knowledge on the work–life balance of migrant workers by exploring the experiences of Polish nurses in Norway. Previous studies predominantly highlight the obstacles faced by migrant ... -
Licence Loss: Revocations of Residential Care Licences in Four Nordic Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)With placement in residential care, society assumes overall responsibility for a child's daily care, well-being and development. How public authorities respond to poor care quality is of crucial importance. To guarantee ... -
Group coaching integrated into national school leadership programs for professional development of school leaders: A similar, yet different approach at a Norwegian and Swedish university
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)A growing body of research has emphasized coaching as a key approach to the professional development of school leaders. In many countries, coaching in one form or another is integrated into national school leadership ... -
Norwegian engagement with RRI and the propagation of RRI by the Research Council of Norway
(Chapter, 2024)Country profiles for the uptake and engagement with responsible research and innovation (RRI) show remarkable differences. Likewise, the role of research funders in instigating changes in the science system is widely ... -
Prevalence and Characteristics of Female and Male Esports Players among Norwegian Youth: A General Population Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Electronic sports (esports) have evolved into a major cultural phenomenon in the 21st century, mirroring traditional sports with organized, competitive play. This study investigates the prevalence of esports participation ... -
Mulige konsekvenser av fortettingspolitikk for bokvalitet og subjektiv livskvalitet. En analyse basert på levekårsundersøkelsen 2018
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Norske boliger har generelt god standard. Det er likevel utviklingstrekk i boligbyggingen de senere årene som gir grunn til bekymring. Fortettings- og knutepunktpolitikk med vekt på effektiv arealutnyttelse og lemping på ... -
«Du representerer, mann!» Minoritetsnorske strategier for stigmahåndtering
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen utforsker vi håndtering av stigma gjennom å koble grunnleggende identifikasjons- og tilhørighetsteori til norsk integreringsforskning og -diskurs. Med fraspark i oppvekstromanen Tante Ulrikkes vei (Shakar ... -
«Skolevegring tilhører ikke skolen alene». Betydningen av skole-hjem samarbeidet i tilretteleggingen for et inkluderende skolemiljø
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Temaet for denne artikkelen er kvaliteten på skole–hjem-samarbeidet og betydningen denne relasjonen har for arbeidet med inkluderende skolemiljø og forståelse av bekymringsfullt fravær. Dataene er basert på kvalitative ... -
Cultural policy and the politics of display. The establishment of the opera house in Oslo
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)How can we understand governments’ willingness to make large investments in iconic cultural buildings? What does this trend tell us about governments’ cultural policy interests and priorities? In this article we illuminate ... -
Social marginalization: A scoping review of 50 years of research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Despite growing interest in social marginalization, the concept lacks a common and clear definition. Using a scoping review method, this paper systematically analyzed 1121 papers identified in the Scopus and Web of Science ...