SVA - Norwegian Social Research (NOVA)
Recent Submissions
Evaluating COVID-19 Impact, Vaccination, Birth Registration, and Underreporting in a Predominantly Indigenous Population in Chiapas, Mexico
(BMC Infectious Diseases;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Indigenous populations globally face significant health disparities compared to non-Indigenous groups, primarily due to marginalization and limited access to healthcare. In Mexico, which is home to the largest ... -
The politics of the minimum wage: Explaining introduction and levels
(British Journal of Industrial Relations;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is much economics research on the effects ofminimum wages, but little research on their poli-tics. Yet, ever more advanced capitalist democracieshave introduced minimum wages, and the setting ofminimum wage levels ... -
Automation and worker organisation
(Applied Economics Letters;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this study, we estimate the effect of workplace automation on the probability of unionization,examining different worker groups in the manufacturing sector in Norway. The results show thatautomation increases the ... -
Hvordan virker utlånsforskriften? En oppsummering av forskningslitteraturen
(Samfunnsøkonomen;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne artikkelen forsøker vi å svare på om utlånsforskriften har virket etter hensikten og hvilke kostnader den påfører husholdningene. Forskningslitteraturen indikerer at boliglånsregulering bidrar til noe lavere gjelds- ... -
Showing Social Solidarity with Future Generations
(Book, 2024)Today’s generations can affect the future ecosystem more than any previous generations and aggravate the welfare of future people. People who have not yet been born are excluded from political decisions important to their ... -
Needs-Tested and Market-Based Social Rented Housing: The Extreme Case of Norway?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article we introduce an ideal type we call “needs-tested and market-based social rented housing (SRH)” which is fleshed out and compared to the complex empirical reality of the Norwegian SRH sector. The ideal type ... -
Higher educational attainment associated with higher confidence in influenza vaccination in Norway
(Vaccine;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aims: To explore public confidence in influenza vaccination through the use of attitudinal indicators, and study whether educational attainment is related to attitudes towards influenza vaccination. Methods: Confidence ... -
Personality and 10-Year Personality Development Among Norwegians in Midlife—Do Retirement and Job Type Play a Role?
(Psychology and Aging;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Our personality develops over the whole lifespan and in particular when our life circumstances change. Retirement is a life event that brings changes in identity, day structures, and social roles of former workers. Therefore, ... -
Within-Person Prospective Associations Between Disordered Eating, Appearance Dissatisfaction, and Depressive Symptoms From Adolescence to Midlife: A 28-Year Longitudinal Population-Based Study
(Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Appearance dissatisfaction and depressive symptoms are considered key risk factors of disordered eating. However, their etiological status is equivocal; previous longitudinal studies have not accounted for time-invariant ... -
Festivaler: kulturpolitikk og Kulturrådet
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)Temaet for denne rapporten er Kulturrådets tilskuddsordninger til festivaler som kunst- og kulturpolitisk virkemiddel. Vi undersøker om tilskuddet fungerer etter hensikten. Det sentrale spørsmålet vi reiser, er: I hvilken ... -
Knute på tråden : knutepunktordningens betydning for institusjonalisering av festivaler
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)Den politiske ideen om knutepunktinstitusjoner går helt tilbake til 1991 og endte med at Stortinget avviklet ordningen i 2015. På dette tidspunktet var det bare 15 festivaler igjen på ordningen, og disse ble overført til ... -
Housing and Welfare in Sweden, Norway and the wider Nordic region
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this chapter, the authors discuss the historical development and the current state of the housing and welfare regimes in the Nordic countries, using Sweden and Norway as our main cases. The two neighbouring countries ... -
Festivaler i spenningsfeltet mellom politikk og faglig skjønn
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)I dette kapitlet vil vi forsøke å tegne et bilde av hvordan forvaltningen av Kulturrådets tilskudd til festivaler foregår i dette spenningsfeltet mellom faglig skjønn og politikk. Våre analyser omfatter først og fremst ... -
Kulturpolitikk og festivaler
(Chapter; Research report, 2023)Denne rapporten drøfter om Kulturrådets tilskuddsordninger til festivaler fungerer etter hensikten som kunst- og kulturpolitisk virkemiddel. Det sentrale spørsmålet vi reiser, er: I hvilken grad og hvordan fører tilskuddet ... -
Governmentality Versus Community: The Impact of the COVID Lockdowns
(International Journal of Community Well-Being;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The COVID lockdowns were characterised by new forms of governmentality as lives were disrupted and controlled through the vertical transmission of biopolitics by the state. The paper considers how this was experienced by ... -
The Role of Forbearance in Sustaining Low-Income Homeownership: Evidence from Norway’s Public Starter Mortgage Program
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers in the United States and Europe have been reevaluating how best to respond to unanticipated shocks that destabilize ... -
Norwegian labour activation: Building or limiting social citizenship for service users far from the labour market?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)This chapter takes a close look at activation policy to explore the extent to which it supports or limits social citizenship for service users far from the labour market. In Norway, as in other European countries, employment ... -
Transnational Regimes of Family Violence: When Violence Against Women Crosses Borders
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)This chapter explores how gender-based family violence is not always limited to the nation state but can also be perpetrated, endured and facilitated transnationally. In research to date only some aspects of what is ... -
Påtalemønstre i familievoldssaker
(Tidsskrift for strafferett;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Straffeapparatet er et viktig virkemiddel for å bekjempe vold i nære relasjoner. Istanbulkonvensjonen stiller krav til straffeapparatets effektivitet. Samtidig henlegges de fleste familievoldssaker. Vi vet imidlertid lite ... -
Help and Care to Older Parents in the Digital Society
(Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examines the extent and predictors of employees’ help and care to their old parents and aims to contribute to policy development enabling employees to combine full-time work and caregiving to parents. Analyzing ...