SVA - Work Research Institute (AFI)
Nye registreringer
Norwegian engagement with RRI and the propagation of RRI by the Research Council of Norway
(Chapter, 2024)Country profiles for the uptake and engagement with responsible research and innovation (RRI) show remarkable differences. Likewise, the role of research funders in instigating changes in the science system is widely ... -
Hva betyr sosial bærekraft?
(Fagbladet samfunn og økonomi;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å presisere og problematisere bærekraftsbegrepet og koble det opp mot styringen av offentlig sektor. Siden 1980-tallet har ulike regjeringskonstellasjoner innført nye styrings- og ... -
Ulik lønn for likt arbeid? Lønnsforskjeller mellom kvinner og menn, 2015–2022
(Rapport – Institutt for samfunnsforskning;, Research report, 2024)Lønnsforskjellene mellom kvinner og menn består. I perioden vi studerer (2015–2022), har den gjennomsnittlige forskjellen i timelønn ligget nesten uendret på rundt 13 prosent. En viktig forklaring er at kvinner og menn ... -
Algorithmic Governance and Co-determination in Norway: Insights from White-Collar Workers and Trade Union Representatives in the Finance and News Media Industries
(Research report, 2024)This report focuses on the intersection of algorithmic governance and co-determination in the financial and news media industries of Norway. We interrogate the possibilities and limitations of the Norwegian (micro) model ... -
Introduction to Volume II: Interrogating Cultures of Policing and Intelligence in the Big Data Era
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Advances in artificial intelligence combined with the increasing role of private security, tech, and consulting companies, are reshaping contemporary policing and the ways in which we ensure security, enforce law, and ... -
Hva betyr sosial bærekraft?
(Fagbladet samfunn og økonomi;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å presisere og problematisere bærekraftsbegrepet og koble det opp mot styringen av offentlig sektor. Siden 1980-tallet har ulike regjeringskonstellasjoner innført nye styrings- og ... -
Chasing balloons as scientific practice: On transformative cocreation and epistemic ethics of care in the emerging field of youth citizen social science
(International Journal of Action Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)How does including youth in research within a citizen social science framework challenge and transform our participatory action research practices and approaches? Through a storying journey we unravel how the training and ... -
Needs-Tested and Market-Based Social Rented Housing: The Extreme Case of Norway?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article we introduce an ideal type we call “needs-tested and market-based social rented housing (SRH)” which is fleshed out and compared to the complex empirical reality of the Norwegian SRH sector. The ideal type ... -
Compliance, Defiance and ‘Dirty Luxury’: Towards New Perspectives on (Combatting) Elite Crime and Corruption
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)In January 2024, the Russian investigative journalistic outfit Dossier Center, which was founded by oligarch-cum-opposition activist Mikhail Khodorkovskii, showed drone footage of a Karelian mansion belonging to oligarch ... -
Labour Migration, Crime, and ‘Compliance Washing’: A Tailor’s Odyssey from an African Workshop to European Luxury Fashion Multinationals
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Following a series of corporate scandals involving human rights abuses, forced labour, and unethical sourcing practices across supply chains of major corporations, we have seen a growth in voluntary, soft, as well as hard ... -
Compliance, Defiance, and Regulations in the Art World: Reflections on the (A)Moral Turn to Financialized Ethics
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)In response to recent art market scandals, crimes and sanction evasions that have spurred moral outrage, the art and antiquities markets have become subjected to forms of regulation imported from the world of finance. ... -
Philanthrocapitalism and the Compliance-Industrial Complex: Doing ‘Good’, Fighting Crime, and Foreclosing Alternatives
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Philanthrocapitalism is an extraordinary ideological force, but how do we understand it? Expanding on the legacies of U.S. philanthropic foundations’ power to develop and frame legitimate policy-relevant knowledge and act ... -
Unionization, licensure and workplace variation in pay inequality between immigrants and natives
(Socio-Economic Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Organizational research has revealed considerable variation in immigrant–native pay inequalities across workplace contexts. However, less is known about how broader labor market institutions intersect in the local dynamics ... -
A life course perspective on the NEET phenomenon: long-term exclusion across cohorts, gender, and social origin among young adults in Norway
(Journal of Youth Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study addresses the limitations of the NEET indicator (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) as a measure of the risk of social exclusion. Applying a life course analytical framework and sequence analysis to ... -
Interdisciplinarity and communication across research employing different methods under the loupe: A bibliometric examination of the literature on boundary-crossing ICT use
(The Information Society;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we present a bibliometric analysis of studies examining the consequences of boundary-crossing information communication technology (ICT) use, e.g., the use of ICT to conduct tasks across the work and family ... -
A scoping review of school leadership practices in Lesson Study
(Cogent Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is growing interest in the value of teacher–learning communities for practice improvement. Lesson Study is an approach to build capacity, strengthen professional communities among teachers, and improve teaching. This ... -
Could I Write Like Carol Weiss?
(Minerva;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Academic papers in the social sciences were once more essayistic in their form. The carefree launching of concepts and ideas of academic value were the order of the day, all without the security of the present standardized ... -
Boundary-crossing ICT use – A scoping review of the current literature and a road map for future research
(Computers in Human Behavior Report;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research on the use of digital devices to conduct tasks across work and non-work domains (i.e., boundary-crossing ICT use) grows rapidly. To gain an overview of this expanding field, we conducted a systematic search in 14 ... -
Sustainable Employment for People with Disabilities: A Scoping Review on Workplace Practices and Positive Employment Outcomes
(Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This is a scoping review of literature on positive employment outcomes for people with disabilities (PWD) and stakeholders in the organization. The aim is to investigate the connection between workplace practices and ... -
Humour, sexual harassment, and police managers´ discretionary practices
(Police Practice & Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we describe and analyse police managers’ response to incidents of gender and sexual harassment as they play out in a police workplace context. The aim is to examine managers’ supervisory discretion in ...