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Pharmacist supply of non-prescription sildenafil in Norway: a simulated patient mixed-method study
(International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Pharmacist supply of non-prescription sildenafil was initiated in Norway in 2019, and continuous evaluation of the service is warranted. Objectives: To map how the service checklist is used, to evaluate the ... -
“Only You”: Neoliberal responsibilizing through a public health campaign in the Norwegian welfare state
(Annual Review of Critical Psychology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)One of the pathways through which psychology may function as "politics by other means" is when scientific knowledge from the discipline is used to inform and influence the public on issues of health and well-being. To ... -
“I cannot find the words, it's broken”: The impact of aphasia on information searching
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Information searching requires many cognitive abilities, such as word mobilization to express information needs, spelling skills to input queries and reading proficiency to evaluate results. For people with aphasia, all ... -
Samplassering av søsken i fosterhjem - ser vi bare det vi vil se?
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Forskningen om søsken i fosterhjem er samstemt om at samplassering kan være en fordel for de aller fleste barn. Denne oppgaven utforsker først hvilke fordeler og ulemper som er forbundet med samplassering og splittelse av ... -
Forebyggende arbeid i oppsøkende ungdomstjenester - Sett i lys av Foucaults maktkritiske perspektiver
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg sosialfaglig profesjonsutøvelse i oppsøkende ungdomstjenester sett i lys av Foucaults maktkritiske perspektiver. Forfatteren tar for seg sentrale begreper knyttet til oppsøkende arbeid ...