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Highest emigration rates from the capital - Regional differences in emigration from Norway
(NIBR-kortnotat;2024:2, Working paper, 2024-10)Oslo – Norway’s capital county – has by far the highest emigration rates of all Norwegian counties: Annually more than 1% of Oslo’s population move abroad. The trends were quite different during the historic emigration ... -
Whole genome sequencing and characterization of Corynebacterium isolated from the healthy and dry eye ocular surface
(BMC Microbiology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: The purpose of this study was to characterize Corynebacterium isolated from the ocular surface of dry eye disease patients and healthy controls. We aimed to investigate the pathogenic potential of these isolates ... -
Barnekostnader. En systematisk vurdering av barns kostnader i referansebudsjettet for beregning av barnebidrag
(SIFO-notat;1-2020, Report, 2020)Dette prosjektnotatet er skrevet på oppdrag fra Barnelovutvalget, som ble oppnevnt av Barne- og familiedepartementet 7. desember 2018 for å gjennomgå barneloven og barns rettigheter i Norge. Oppdraget vårt har vært å ... -
Adherence to sleep recommendations is associated with higher satisfaction with life among Norwegian adolescents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Sleep plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of adolescents; however, inadequate sleep is frequently reported in numerous countries. This current paper aimed to describe sleep duration, factors ... -
Forbrukstilpasninger i barnefamilier – en empirisk analyse av stordriftseffekter i barnefamilier
(SIFO oppdragsrapport;16-2018, Report, 2018)Hovedproblemstillingen i dette arbeidet var å undersøke hvordan husholdene tilpasser sine forbruksutgifter ved økende antall barn. Den empiriske analysen bygger på Statistisk sentralbyrås forbruksundersøkelse fra ...