Blar i TKD - Master i Produktdesign på tittel
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Project E
(MAPD;2012, Master thesis, 2012)On Art Art, in its broadest sense, includes all human activities - carried out individually or collectively - that leads to creative forms of aesthetic expression, relying on technical, innate abilities and behavioural ... -
Purik: A journey to your dreams. Supporting youth from disadvantaged areas in Colombia during the transition to higher education as a way to foster human development.
(MAPD;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Purik is a framework for supporting youth, from disadvantaged areas of Colombia, to make the transition to higher education. It is leveraged in education and the UN's human development approach as a way to foster human ... -
Redningsarbeid ved snøskredulykker
(MAPD;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Every year hundreds of people are involved in avalanches to a greater or smaller extent in Norway, and every year experienced and inexperienced mountain hikers lose their lives as a consequence of being taken by an avalanche ... -
A seat inspired by a traditional symbol from Ghana
(Master thesis, 2011)This research project focused on developing a seat inspired by a traditional symbol from Ghana. A number of traditional symbols in Ghana were identified out of which three symbols were selected upon interest. The meanings ... -
Sidewalks of Oslo: Rethinking ordinary with systemic design
(Master thesis, 2023)Sidewalks play a central role in pedestrian infrastructure. Designed for walking, they are known to be the healthiest mode of transportation for individuals. However, our experiences reveal that the physical environment ... -
Simple chair from Fyresdal
(MAPD;2013, Master thesis, 2013)Fyresdal Tre er en lokal møbelfabrikk i Fyresdal kommune i Vest-Telemark. Bedriften har eksistert som trevarefab¬rikk siden 1970 og i 1991 begynte de å spesialisere seg på å produsere designmøbler i heltre. I tillegg til ... -
Sirkus: Biologisk nedbrytning på barnas premisser. Synliggjør meitemarken og andre nedbryteres rolle i kjøkkenhagen
(MAPD;2013, Master thesis, 2013)Masteroppgaven er utført våren 2013, ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, institutt for produkt- design. Masterprosjektet inkluderer et reelt designoppdrag gitt av Oslo og omegn økologiske hagebrukslag (OOØH). Oppdraget er ... -
Skistav profil: langrennstav
(Master thesis, 2011)Bakgrunnen for prosjektet var å se om det fantes et annet materiale å produsere skistaver i, samt å se på stavprofiler om det er noe forbedringspotensial innen for dette området. Jeg satte meg noen krav i starten av prosessen ... -
Slow design through positive emotional attachment
(MAPD;2019, Master thesis, 2019)The purpose of this study and design research was the exploration of the Slow philosophy in the context of design. Slow Living is a concept developing awareness of life tempo, one that welcomes balance, awareness, depth, ... -
Solsølja: Redefining Norwegian folk costume jewelry
(MAPD;2021, Master thesis, 2021)This thesis focuses on how søljer can be redesigned to be more universal and inclusive. The project was carried out using practice-based research. The Sølje is a traditional Norwegian folk costume jewelry. Sølje today ... -
Sosial Spaghetti: Human centered design and social integration: social change, gamification and psychology in design
(MAPD;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Sustainability is about both economical, social and environmental sustainability. This master thesis focuses on social sustainability in the form of well-being and empowerment of people through social integration. This ... -
Spine - modulbasert møbel i betong
(Master thesis, 2010)Stian og Bjarne Varre skal etablere et nytt firma hvor de ønsker å produsere og selge betongmøbler, bakgrunnen for dette prosjektet er at de ønsket at vi skulle lage et betongmøbel de potensielt kan produsere og selge. De ... -
A Story of separation: Exploring systems of household waste, looking for opportunities for regenerative change.
(MAPD;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Humanity is creating more products than ever. Global recycling systems are struggling. We need to transition to a circular economy. This is a collaborative exploration of waste management in Oslo. We worked closely ... -
Sykkeltyveri, hvem tar ansvar - Designprosesser i det offentlige rom
(Master thesis, 2015)Økt hverdagssykling er et nasjonalt mål med både regionale og lokale satsningsområder. Ulike politisk mål oppmuntrer til sykling som et sunt, tilgjengelig og bærekraftig alternativ til andre former for transportbruk; og ... -
A systemic approach to root causes of food waste: Undertittel and what design can add to food and health education
(MAPD;2022, Master thesis, 2022)This thesis is written as part of the Master’s program in Product Design at Oslo Metropolitan University in spring 2022. The thesis investigates the households behaviours towards food waste of edible food. As it takes a ... -
Systems Oriented Design in Practice: Through the Lens of the Designer
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis is focused on the reflections and experiences of designers in connection to practical application of systems oriented design. The primary sources for the information in this thesis is from seven different ... -
Taktil kommunikasjon: produkter rettet mot synshemmede og seende
(Master thesis, 2011)Det er blitt et viktig gjøremål å skape universelt design. På bakgrunn av dette, har det blitt utarbeidet forslag til nytenkende mobilitetskonsepter, i form av estetiske og funksjonelle ledefliser i vegg. Hovedsakelig er ... -
Tersus be prepared: How to make a cleaning product with a simple and attractive refill system
(Master thesis, 2011)This report shows the process up to and including the result of the Tersus project. Tersus, meaning clean, is a detergent spray bottle. It has a refillable water chamber and a system using compressed gas and high concentrated ... -
They are watching us: Designing for behavioral tracking awareness.
(MAPD;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Surveillance Capitalism permeates every aspect of our lives. Our behavior is getting recorded, analyzed and used to influence our choices. How can we raise people’s awareness in regards to Behavioral Tracking and the ... -
Tilrettelegging for nettverksbygging og aktiviteter for pensjonister
(MAPD;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Utgangspunktet for prosjektet var tjeneste- og interaksjonsdesign. Valget falt ned på å utarbeide en løsning basert på digitale flater. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven var å få de eldre til å bo så lenge som mulig i sitt eget ...