Systems Oriented Design in Practice: Through the Lens of the Designer
This master thesis is focused on the reflections and experiences of designers in connection to practical application of systems oriented design. The primary sources for the information in this thesis is from seven different design professionals that self-define as practising systems oriented design. The thesis is written with the intention of being understandable for people with limited understanding of systems thinking and systems oriented design. The language used is consequently limited in the use of technical terminology. The thesis is intended to be a reflective exploration of the conditions surrounding the process of practising systems oriented design. This exploration is from the perspective of the designer and further work on this topic should include feedback and commentary from people from other disciplines that have participated in a systems oriented design process. The thesis does not include data from testing and workshops. There were attempts to do so but these attempts diverged from the focus of the thesis. This was because the projects were in progress and the focus fell on the development of these projects, rather than on systems oriented design as a method. This thesis is accompanied by a gigamap and an appendix that contains the information and findings collected in connection with this project.