• Static and impact response of a single-span stone masonry arch 

      Pulatsu, Bora; Gonen, Semih; Lourenço, Paulo B. (Infrastructures;Volume 6, Issue 12, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-16)
      Unreinforced masonry structures are susceptible to man-made hazards such as impact and blast loading. However, the literature on this subject mainly focuses on masonry wall behavior, and there is a knowledge gap about the ...
    • 'Sted' som utgangspunkt for kritisk tenkning i geografi 

      Wetlesen, Annika; Eie, Siv (Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO);Vol 16 Nr. 2 (2022): Kritisk literacy på fagenes premisser, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-06)
      Geografi var tidligere et av hovedområdene i den norske grunnskolens samfunnsfag, men i læreplanen Kunnskapsløftet 2020 har geografifaget blitt mindre tydelig. Samtidig kan et mer gjennomgående geografisk perspektiv og økt ...
    • Stimulusekvivalens og Event-relaterte Potensialer 

      Granerud, Guro; Arntzen, Erik (Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA);2021, 48, 243 - 251 Nummer 2 (VINTER 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Elektroencefalografi (EEG) benyttes for å måle hjernens elektriske aktivitet og kan brukes som et korrelasjonsmål ved test for stimulusekvivalens. Event-relaterte potensialer (ERP) er målt ved gjennomsnitt av EEG. N400 er ...
    • Stimuluskontroll i språkopplæring–En innføring 

      Olaff, Heidi Skorge; Eikeseth, Svein (Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse (NTA);Årgang 48, Nummer 2 (Vinter 2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Et overordnet mål med denne artikkelen er å tilby en oversikt over prosedyrer for å etablere stimuluskontroll for å styrke verbal atferd, samt oppmuntre til videre forskning innen stimuluskontroll og etablering av verbal ...
    • Stones and the Destabilisation of Safe Ethical Space 

      Eriksen, Helen; Ulrichsen, Gry Olsen; Bayati, Zahra (Periskop;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This article investigates the role of ethical boundaries for the academic and the artist/researcher in stabilising or destabilising colonialised positions of power. It stems from an increasingly urgent need to understand ...
    • Stor oppslutning om at likestillingen bør føres videre, men unge menn er mer skeptiske enn andre 

      Teigen, Mari; Nygård, Sebastian Teigen; Kitterød, Ragni Hege (Notat – Institutt for samfunnsforskning;, Research report, 2024)
      Dette notatet undersøker befolkningens generelle oppslutning om likestilling, basert på et spørsmål om hvorvidt man mener at likestillingen mellom kvinner og menn bør føres videre, er ført langt nok, eller er ført for ...
    • Stor uenighet om kjønnskvotering i bedriftsstyrer 

      Teigen, Mari; Nygård, Sebastian Teigen; Kitterød, Ragni Hege (Notat – Institutt for samfunnsforskning;, Research report, 2024)
      Dette notatet undersøker befolkningens holdninger til kjønnskvotering i bedriftsstyrer basert på data fra CORE Survey 2022 – Likestillingsundersøkelsen. Resultatene viser at det er betydelig uenighet om dette spørsmålet. ...
    • Stories of paediatric palliative care: a qualitative study exploring health care professionals’ understanding of the concept 

      Riiser, Kirsti; Holmen, Heidi; Winger, Anette; Steindal, Simen Alexander; Castor, Charlotte; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Lee, Anja; Bruun Lorentsen, Vibeke; Misvær, Nina; Albertini Früh, Elena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background By sharing patient stories, health care professionals (HCPs) may communicate their attitudes, values and beliefs about caring and treatment. Previous qualitative research has shown that HCPs usually associate ...
    • ‘A Story of Being Invisible’: A Single Case Study on the Significance of Being Recognised When Needing Acute Healthcare in the Early COVID-19 Pandemic 

      Jøranson, Nina; Synnes, Oddgeir; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo; Breievne, Grete; Myrstad, Marius; Heiberg, Kristi Elisabeth; Walle-Hansen, Marte; Lausund, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Severe illness is often an existential threat that triggers emotions like fear, stress, and anxiousness. Such emotions can affect ill patients’ encounters with healthcare personnel. We present a single case study of an ...
    • Storylines in Voices of Frustration: Implications for Mathematics Teacher Education in Changing Times 

      Andersson, Annica; Foyn, Trine Mette; Simensen, Anita Movik; Wagner, David Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We have interviewed becoming mathematics teachers, in the last semester of their education, asking how they experience their time as teacher students with the focus on inclusive teaching. In their forthcoming daily work, ...
    • Strain Wave Analysis in Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Composites subjected to Drop Weight Impact Test using ANSYS® 

      Andleeb, Zahra; Malik, Sohail; Khawaja, Hassan; Antonsen, Ståle; Hassan, Taimur; Hussain, Ghulam; Moatamedi, Mojtaba (The International Journal of Multiphysics;Volume 15 · Number 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-11)
      Composite materials are becoming more popular in technological applications due to the significant weight savings and strength these materials offer compared to metallic materials. In many of these practical situations, ...
    • Stranded in the living room: A narrative study of occupational disruption and imbalance as experienced by two Norwegian students during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown 

      Asbjørnslett, Mona; Berg, Simon Reidar; Einarsdottir, Védis; Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie (Journal of Occupational Science (JOS);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The everyday life experiences of undergraduate students under conditions of social isolation have been little explored. This paper explores the ways in which the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown impacted two Norwegian students’ ...
    • Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful? 

      Johnsen, Åge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A common criticism of strategic planning is that it is of little use when the environment is turbulent and the future is unpredictable. The last decade has witnessed great environmental turbulence and uncertainty in many ...
    • Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful? 

      Johnsen, Åge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A common criticism of strategic planning is that it is of little use when the environment is turbulent and the future is unpredictable. The last decade has witnessed great environmental turbulence and uncertainty in many ...
    • Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful? 

      Johnsen, Åge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A common criticism of strategic planning is that it is of little use when the environment is turbulent and the future is unpredictable. The last decade has witnessed great environmental turbulence and uncertainty in many ...
    • Strategies for calculating contrast media dose for chest CT 

      Johansen, Safora; Henning, Mette Karen; Gunn, Catherine; Arenas-Jiménez, Juan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Background Total body weight (TBW) is a frequently used contrast media (CM) strategy for dose calculation in enhanced CT, yet it is suboptimal as it lacks consideration of patient characteristics, such as body fat percentage ...
    • Strategies to manage cognitive dissonance when experiencing resistiveness to care in people living with dementia: A qualitative study 

      Mortensen, Anne Helene; Stojiljkovic, Marko; Lillekroken, Daniela (Journal of Advanced Nursing;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-25)
      Aims: To explore the experiences of healthcare personnel when they face resistiveness to care in people living with dementia in nursing homes Design: The study has a qualitative explorative design. Methods: Three focus ...
    • Strålebehandling med Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) mot venstresidig brystkreft med spredning til regionale lymfeknuter 

      Jensen, Lene Merete; Tangstad, Lise Berg; Solli, Kjersti Sund; Frøseth, Trude Camilla Salvesen; Sundqvist, Eric; Frengen, Jomar (Hold Pusten;Nr. 5 - 2020 - 47. årgang, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10-26)
      Bakgrunn: Studier har vist høyere dødelighet av hjertesykdom blant pasienter som fikk strålebehandling mot venstre bryst sammenlignet med de som fikk behandling mot høyre bryst. Pustestyrt behandlingsteknikk reduserer ...
    • Streaming across industries: Streaming logics and streaming lore across the music, film, television, and book industries 

      Sundet, Vilde Schanke; Colbjørnsen, Terje (Mediekultur;Vol. 37 No. 70 (2021): Streaming media: production, interfaces, content and users, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-22)
      This article explores streaming across the cultural industries, drawing on 39 interviews with CEO/top-level industry executives working in the Norwegian music, film, television, and book industries. We examine two broad ...
    • Streamlining acute stroke care by introducing national institutes of health stroke scale in the emergency medical services: A prospective cohort study 

      Larsen, Karianne; Solberg, Henriette; Hov, Maren Ranhoff; Thorsen, Kjetil; Solyga, Volker; Lund, Christian; Bache, Kristi Cecilie Grønvold (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)