Now showing items 70-89 of 171

    • Flid, nytte og kvalitet - danningsideal ved Den Kvinnelege Industriskole frå 1875 til 1960 

      Kvellestad, Randi Veiteberg (FORMakademisk;6(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article focuses on the educational institution Department of Art, Design and Drama at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences’ first phase from 1875 to about 1960. Written sources about the history ...
    • Formell kompetanse i kunst og håndverk - betydning, prioritering og konsekvenser 

      Kunnikoff, June Oline (Master thesis, 2015)
      I denne mastergradsavhandlingen rettes fokuset mot lærerens formelle fagkompetanse i faget Kunst og håndverk i grunnskolen. Statistikk viser at det er svært mange lærere som underviser uten formell fagkompetanse i faget ...
    • Framing the concept design literacy for a general public 

      Lutnæs, Eva (FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk;Vol 14 Nr. 4 (2021): Norwegian papers from the the Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference – ADIM 2019. Special Issue, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-29)
      Educating the general public to be design literate can be a catalyst for both environmental protection and degradation, human aid and human-made disasters depending on how the scope of design is framed – and how ‘design ...
    • From interactivity to intra-activity in performing arts for children. 

      Hovik, Lise (Teatervitenskapelige studier;Nr. 6 (2022): Interactivity and audience participation in performing art for children and youth, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-01)
      This essay introduces dilemmas and experiences of making interactive theatre for children based on findings from the SceSam Project. This artistic research project bridged artistic practice and theoretical perspectives on ...
    • Future scenario building and youths' civic insights 

      Ringvold, Tore Andre; Digranes, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2015)
      This study considers whether future scenario building in design education can serve to increase students’ civic insights regarding sustainable development. A school project, 'Build Your Own Future’, including 7th graders’ work ...
    • Gathering of the Hive: Investigating the clustering behaviour of honeybees through art and swarm robotics 

      Roen, Haakon Haraldsen; Varankian, Vako; Nichele, Stefano; Bergaust, Kristin (ALife 2019: Proceedings of the artificial life conference 2019;No 31, July, Conference object, 2019)
      In the Gathering of the Hive project, the societal and ecological implications, as well as technological possibilities of swarm robotics are explored through artistic methodology applied to Artificial Life. These matters ...
    • The GDP, the US treasury yield and the federal funds rate: Who follows whom, when and why? 

      Seip, Knut Lehre; Zhang, Dan (Journal of Financial Economic Policy;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-08)
      Purpose: This study addresses the fundamental question on how the major players in the economy dynamically interact with each other: among the central bank, the investors in the bond market, and the firms and consumers ...
    • Håpet som ingen kunne målbinde. Undereventyret som håpsbærende kulturarv. 

      Akerø, Marit (Kirke og Kultur;1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Folkeeventyrene er en samling fortellinger av vidt forskjellig karakter.1 Undereventyrene («Tales of Magic»), som det skal handle om i denne sammenheng, utgjør den største enkeltgruppen. Her møter vi en verden hvor det ...
    • A High-Resolution Lead-Lag Analysis of US GDP, Employment, and Unemployment 1977–2021: Okun’s Law and the Puzzle of Jobless Recovery 

      Seip, Knut Lehre; Zhang, Dan (Economies;Volume 10 / Issue 10, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Okun’s law is formulated as the ratio between GDP and unemployment (UE): β = f(GDP/UE). It is used to investigate the relations between output and labor input across regions or across business cycles. Based on results by ...
    • Hva er meningen? – Momenter av nærvær i et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid 

      Dahlsveen, Heidi (InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research;Volum 8, Nr 1 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-26)
      Denne artikkelen søker å forstå hva mening er i et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid. Videre ønsker artikkelen å bidra til en diskurs knyttet til dagens fortelleres arbeidsmetode mot et scenisk uttrykk. Det kunstneriske ...
    • Hvorfor elever mangler kompetente lærere i Kunst og håndverk 

      Nielsen, Liv Merete; Lepperød, Janne (FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk;Årg 12 Nr 1 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-31)
      Hele 50% av de lærerne som underviser i faget Kunst og håndverk i grunnskolen har ingen studiepoeng i faget. Det er et svakere resultat enn for 20 år siden, og da er det nærliggende å tro at det svake resultatet skyldes ...
    • I crossed the line 

      Vestby, Nina (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;4(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Da sykdommen kom, var det som å bli slengt ut i ukjent landskap, uten kart og kompass. Med nål og tråd forteller jeg historien om en deformert rygg, en revolusjonær mamma, helter, kjærlighet, reiser, byråkrater og livslange ...
    • ICT versus craft in design education for the general public 

      Strand, Ingri; Nielsen, Liv Merete (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      In this study, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the subject Art and crafts in general education in Norway is examined through a survey and qualitative interviews with teachers. The finding ...
    • Imagining the unknown - Responsible creativity for a better tomorrow 

      Lutnæs, Eva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This paper explores the scientific discourse on creativity in the field of design education , drawing upon 165 papers presented at the DRS//CUMULUS Oslo 2013 conference. The review shows c ...
    • The importance of practising design for design educators and researchers 

      Isachsen, Sissel; Reitan, Janne Beate (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      This paper presents a design ‘practitioner’ in dialogue with a design ‘theorist’ about the importance of practising design for design educators and design researchers. The use of dialogue as a research method was inspired ...
    • In the Footsteps of an Observer – Looking at Edvard Munch in Åsgårdstrand 

      Mathiesen, Ilmi Gutzeit (Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R);Volume 10, Nr 2 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-10)
      This article presents an arts based approach to some of the motifs that Edvard Munch painted during his many stays in the Norwegian town of Åsgårdstrand. The author examines the relationship between Munch’s and her own ...
    • Innovation development in Norwegian public schools: The relationship between innovation, creativity and imagination 

      Vittersø, Jorid; Reitan, Janne Beate (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper focuses on current research related to innovation development in the Norwegian public school system and investigates the relationship between innovation, creativity and imagination. Using Vygotsky’stheory of ...
    • Innsikt, utsikt og oversikt. Transparens og glassvegger i nye skoleanlegg 

      Lefdal, Else Margrethe (FORMakademisk;6(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This article discusses the openness and transparency in school buildings. I focus on new secondary schools constructed with transparency, flexible room solutions and extensive use of glass walls. With indoor glass walls, ...
    • Interacting with newly arrived migrant pupils: a sociocultural perspective 

      Norozi, Sultana Ali (Intercultural Education;Volume 32, 2021 - Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-11)
      The main contribution of this paper is to highlight the pedagogical orientations of reception teachers in Norwegian schools. We explore reception teachers’ approaches and their understanding of their own approaches when ...
    • Interesse- og verdikonflikter i skjæringspunktet mellom patentetikk og forskningsetikk 

      Hanssen, Anders Braarud (Interessekonflikter i forskning;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-28)
      With the increased importance of patenting in emerging science and technology, publically funded research has also become increasingly influenced by commercial interests. In the wake of such developments central concerns ...