Now showing items 89-108 of 223

    • Hva jenter må vite: Kristiane Skjerve, Sundhetslæren og jenters seksualitet 

      Skundberg, Øystein (Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning;Årgang 42, nr. 4-2018, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-16)
      This article will attempt to answer how Norwegian educator Kristiane Skjerve’s book on sexual education Sundhetslære for unge kvinder (1916) [Health studies for young women] can be considered a break with the traditions ...
    • Hva sier reven? Mediedanning med utgangspunkt i en multimodal tekst 

      Karlsson, Eivind (Danne og utdanne. Litteratur, språk og samtale;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Hva er mediedannelse? Denne artikkelen skal handle om en medietekst, og det er Bård og Vegard Ylvisåkers musikkvideo «The Fox» fra 2013 (Ylvis 2013a). Denne ble lagt ut på Youtube og fikk i løpet av de to første årene ...
    • "-Hvad vil du? -Lege due og falk!" Barns kultur i Peer Gynt 

      Karlsson, Eivind (Ibsen og barndom. Møter mellom profesjonsfag og litteratur;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      At folketradisjonen er råstoff for Ibsens Peer Gynt-tekst er velkjent. Karlsson påviser elementer fra barns egen tradisjonskultur i Peer Gynt. Når dramaet leses som transformasjoner av denne kulturen, med sine leker, ...
    • Hvordan kommer matematisk meningsskaping til syne i barns lek? : en casestudie 

      Flottorp, Vigdis (Nordisk Barnehageforskning;3 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-12-10)
      I analyze an episode from field work in a multilingual day-care centre in Oslo. I examine verbal and non-verbal expressions. The children are 5 years old, and the mathematics is about classification. The children are ...
    • I tegnenes rike. Dekadente mønstre i Solstads forfatterskap 

      Haugen, Torgeir (Edda. Nordisk tidsskrift for litteraturforskning,;(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)
      "Alt han så, alt han tenkte, leste, hadde en bismak av 'olding'. Han levde i Aftenlandet under den grelle aftensol, og han visste at i Østen gikk en annen sol opp over unge mennesker på hans egen alder". Irr!Grønt! Vi ...
    • Identifying and characterizing risky play in the age one-to-three years 

      Kleppe, Rasmus; Melhuish, Edward; Sandseter, Ellen Beate Hansen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      While research has investigated risk-taking in play for children from the age of four years upwards, less is known of risky play with children under four years. A small-scale observational study with children from five ...
    • Ideology, selective tradition, and naturalization in the music teacher education curriculum 

      Knudsen, Jan Sverre; Onsrud, Silje Valde (Nordic Research in Music Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article engages with critical discourse analysis to explore how ideological values are represented in the national guidelines for generalist music teacher education in Norway. These curriculum documents are understood ...
    • '...ikke en arena for forkynnelse' Et sekulariseringsperspektiv på skolehistorien 

      Hovdelien, Olav (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013-04-23)
      Når det i Stortingsmelding nr. 32 (2000–2001) slås fast at «KRL er et ordinært skolefag» og ikke en arena for forkynnelse eller trospåvirkning, er vi i løpet av få generasjoner kommet ganske langt fra normalplanenes ...
    • The impact of visualization techniques of immersive virtual scenarios in promoting nature connectedness: A blind randomized controlled trial with mixed-methods approach 

      Calogiuri, Giovanna; Petersen, Evi; Haile, Amelia; Flaten, Ole E.; Fröhlich, Fred; Litleskare, Sigbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Little is known on whether and how different visualization techniques used to develop Immersive Virtual Nature (IVN) scenarios influence the users' subjective experience and feelings of nature connectedness. ...
    • The impact of visualization techniques of immersive virtual scenarios in promoting nature connectedness: A blind randomized controlled trial with mixed-methods approach 

      Calogiuri, Giovanna; Petersen, Evi; Haile, Amelia; Flaten, Ole E.; Fröhlich, Fred; Litleskare, Sigbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Little is known on whether and how different visualization techniques used to develop Immersive Virtual Nature (IVN) scenarios influence the users' subjective experience and feelings of nature connectedness. ...
    • ' favour of secularism, correctly understood.' 

      Hovdelien, Olav (Australian e-Journal of Theology;21(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12)
      The question of religion in the public sphere is an important issue in many Western countries today that is characterised by disintegration of Christian hegemony (secularization), and by the emergence of religious diversity. ...
    • Inclusive and Women-friendly in a time of Diversity? The Scandinavian citizenship regime the childcare lesson 

      Thun, Cecilie (Nordic Journal of Social Research;6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      In this article, I ask: Is the Scandinavian citizenship regime inclusive and women-friendly in a time of diversity? I approach this question by addressing the intersection of gender and ethnicity in relation to social ...
    • The Indoor mycobiomes of daycare centers are affected by occupancy and climate 

      Estensmo, Eva Lena Fjeld; Botnen, Synnøve Smebye; Maurice, Sundy; Martin Sanchez, Pedro Maria; Morgado, Luis; Engh, Ingeborg Bjorvand; Høiland, Klaus; Skrede, Inger; Kauserud, Håvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
    • An Infant's Question on COVID-19 and Music: Should I Attend My Online Classes? 

      Papatzikis, Efthymios (Frontiers in Psychology;October 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 771050, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In the last few months, we all have faced a profound challenge to balance our lives amidst fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The reactions to this coronavirus pandemic have no doubt affected all aspects of our everyday ...
    • Ingen spøk. En studie av religion og humor 

      Botvar, Pål Ketil; Gresaker, Ann Kristin; Hovdelien, Olav (Book; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-20)
      Hva mener nordmenn om religionshumor? Hvilke vurderinger gjør komikere i forbindelse med humor om religion? På hvilken måte fremstilles religionshumor i dagens mediehverdag? Hvordan forholder ulike religiøse miljøer seg ...
    • Innendørs risikofylt lek – et bidrag til spenning og variasjon i barnehagens lekemiljøer 

      Kleppe, Rasmus; Sando, Ole Johan; Hansen Sandseter, Ellen Beate (Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education;Vol. 4 | No. 2 | 2020: Fysisk aktivitet, kropp og bevegelse i barnehagen, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12-28)
      Risikofylt lek er en form for lek som kan bidra til både barns trivsel og utvikling, men som det er lite forsket på. I denne studien har vi undersøkt ulike aspekter ved risikofylt lek i barnehagers innemiljø. Studien baserer ...
    • Interaction-quality and children’s social competence in Norwegian ECEC. 

      Løkken, Ingrid Midteide; Broekhuizen, Martine Louise; Barnes, Jaqueline; Moser, Thomas; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth (Varhaiskasvatuksen Tiedelehti;Volume 7, Issue 2, 2018, Academic article, 2018)
      This study investigated whether interaction quality in toddler groups, when children were age three, was associated with changes in children’s social competence from age three to age five years in Norwegian Early Childhood ...
    • An Investigation of Working Memory Profile and Fluid Intelligence in Children With Neurodevelopmental Difficulties 

      Sofologi, Maria; Pliogou, Vasiliki; Bonti, Eleni; Efstratopoulou, Maria; Kougioumtzis, Georgios A.; Papatzikis, Efthymios; Ntritsos, Georgios; Moraitou, Despina; Papantoniou, Georgia (Frontiers in Psychology;March 2022 | Volume 12 | Article 773732, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-18)
      The present study aims to evaluate the distinct patterns of working memory (WM) capacity of children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), High-functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and children ...
    • Involving students in teachers' research - a way to improve the quality in higher education? 

      Osnes, Heid; Skaug, Hilde Nancy (Journal of the European Teacher Education Network;Vol. 14, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article presents an example of research – teaching nexus with undergraduate students,in order to raise the quality in higher education. The students' evaluation of participating in research integrated with regular ...
    • Is cognitive development at three years of age associated with ECEC quality in Norway? 

      Eliassen, Erik; Zachrisson, Henrik Daae; Melhuish, Edward (European Early Childhood Education Research Journal;Volume 26, 2018 - Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12-19)
      In countries with universal access to early childhood education and care (ECEC), child participation is high across a range of socioeconomic groups. However, ECEC quality is often varying, and many children spend much time ...