Hvordan kommer matematisk meningsskaping til syne i barns lek? : en casestudie
Original version
Flottorp, V. (2010). Hvordan kommer matematisk meningsskaping til syne i barns lek? En casestudie. Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 3 (3), 95-104Abstract
I analyze an episode from field work in a multilingual day-care centre in Oslo. I examine verbal and
non-verbal expressions. The children are 5 years old, and the mathematics is about classification. The children
are creating structure and are seeking meaning. This is a key part of their play. My findings indicate that mathematical
order and structure become conscious experiences to the children. I argue that we cannot know about the
children’s mathematical and communicative competence without knowing the physical context, the play in the
sandpit, and the friendship between the boys.