Browsing TKD - Master i Produktdesign by Title
Now showing items 102-111 of 111
User communication, design methods study and cardiac compression board design
(Master thesis, 2010)This research project focused on the study of user communication and design methods. By ways of study the cardiac compression board (CPR board) design, the aim of this research is to finding some useful suggestion for the ... -
Using Service Design to Bring Life to Abandoned Buildings and Brownfields in Liberec Region
(Master thesis, 2023)This Master's thesis explores how the implementation of the 'Context for Experience' methodology can have a positive impact on the numerous brownfield locations in Czechia. According to the Czech National Brownfield Database, ... -
Utilizing Waste From Construction Sites - Exploring The Reuse Of Construction Lumber Through SOD
(Master thesis, 2023)In Norway, the building and construction industry is a large consumer of both energy and materials. In order for this sector to align with the green shift, we need to reduce emissions from energy use and embodied emissions ... -
Utsikt: Design av en bedre navigasjonsopplevelse ombord hurtigbåter.
(MAPD;2018, Master thesis, 2018)The Norwegian coastline has always been an important transport route and a lot of passenger transportation today is done by high speed ferries. This type of vessel moves at a high speed and its navigation can therefore be ... -
Varig vakker oppbevaring: En materialbasert utforskning av enkelhet, helhet og harmoni
(MAPD;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Definisjon på skjønnhet er flyktig, det er utsatt for endringer i trender og mote. Gjennom utforskning i teori og praksis har jeg forsøkt å forstå hva skjønnhet er. Begrepene enkelhet, helhet og harmoni har vært veiledende ... -
Visualizing uncertainty in the weather forecast - A study focusing on wind, temperature, and precipitation
(Master thesis, 2023)This project takes on the challenges of visualizing uncertainty in weather forecasts, aiming to create efficient, simple, and user-friendly solutions that present complex data. Specifically, it focuses on the visualization ... -
Waste is a resource: A study on the opportunities in a new solid waste management in Iringa municipality
(MAPD;2012, Master thesis, 2012)Municipal solid waste refers to waste in a solid form, produced in the daily day life of a society such as packaging, food scrapes, grass clippings, clothing, furniture, paper, electronics and so on. It is called municipal ... -
Wonderground: An exploration of alternative playgrounds
(MAPD;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Conventional playgrounds offer little variation and surprise for something considered to have great social and artistic potential in the city. Are these spaces becoming more about convenience than meaningful experience, ... -
Å alle vil til Norge å få trygd: Redusere opplevelse av utenforskap og øke opplevelse av inkludering blant ungdom i risiko ved bruk av kontakthypotesen i spill
(MAPD;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Det eksisterer et stort mulighetsrom for tjenestedesign i arbeidet med ungdom i risiko. Gjennom et forprosjekt med fokus på Prosjekt-Ung Oslo fikk jeg ta del i deres erfaringer som viser at ungdom i risiko ofte kategoriseres ... -
Å leve med stomi - design og digitalisering i en helsetjeneste: En brukerorientert designprosess for å øke forståelse rundt livet med stomi.
(MAPD;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Å leve med stomi – design og digitalisering på brukerens premisser. I Norge er det ca. 10 000 som lever med stomi, et tall som øker for hvert år. Å ikke kunne kontrollere kroppen sin kan føles nedverdigende for mange, der ...