Browsing Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning (SVA) by Title
Now showing items 835-854 of 1150
Race and 1918 influenza pandemic in the United States: A review of the literature
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;Volume 16, Issue 14, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-12)During epidemics, the poorest part of the population usually suffers the most. Alfred Crosby noted that the norm changed during the 1918 influenza pandemic in the US: The black population (which were expected to have higher ... -
Rape in the Nordic countries: Continuity and change
(Routledge Research in Gender and Society;, Book, 2020)While the Nordic countries are listed at the top in most international rankings of gender equality and citizens’ feelings of security, studies on the prevalence of sexual victimisation present a different picture, ... -
Rapid or long-term employment? A Scandinavian comparative study of refugee integration policies and employment outcomes
(Journal of European Public Policy;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-04)Although many studies compare national integration policies, analyses connecting these policies to integration outcomes are rare. This study combines longitudinal analysis of employment outcomes for Scandinavian refugees, ... -
Rask psykisk helsehjelp: Evaluering av de første 12 pilotene i Norge
(Research report, 2016)2000 voksne med angstlidelser og lettere til moderate nivåer av depresjon fikk rask psykisk helsehjelp. Folkehelseinstituttets evaluering viser at 6 av 10 var friske etter behandlingen. Folkehelseinstituttet har evaluert ... -
Rating mechanisms among participants in sharing economy platforms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study shares findings from 23 qualitative interviews of participants from five sharing economy platforms in Norway (2016) about how they make sense of rating scores, use rating scores when making decisions and provide ... -
Re-inkludering i arbeid av langtidsledige seniorer med høy kompetanse – erfaringer fra et pilotprosjekt i Bærum kommune
(AFI FoU-resultat;2020:03, Research report, 2020-06)For å bistå eldre langtidsledige med høy utdanning og høye kvalifikasjoner inngikk Nav Bærum avtale med Management Consulting-selskapet SEMCO International AS, som driver med bedriftsrådgivning, om å drifte et program for ... -
Re-thinking Solidarity at the Fringes of Consumer Culture: What Do Outlaw Bikers Have that "Brand Communities" Lack?
(The Journal of Culture;Vol. 8, No 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The article asks a question that may, at first sight, appear rather simple. Namely, what is the nature of solidarity among outlaw motorcycle clubs and how does it differ from so-called ‘brand communities’, a concept popular ... -
Reaching out? Governing weather and climate services (WCS) for farmers
(Environmental Science and Policy;Volume 104, February 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-03)High-quality weather and climate services (WCS) can be critical for communicating knowledge about current and future weather and climate risks for adaptation and disaster risk management in the agricultural sector. This ... -
Real teams and their effect on the quality of care in nursing homes
(BMC Health Services Research;13(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Use of teams has shown to be an important factor for organizational performance. However, research has shown that a team has to meet certain criteria and operate in a certain way to realize the potential benefits of team ... -
Rebels in their own job: How digging into a municipal mystery turned invited youth participation in an urban planning process into uninvited activism
(Children & society;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Youth participation has become an important mechanism in many aspects of society, research and democratic institutions and in urban planning specifically. Yet, the ideal of participation often collides with the realities ... -
Reconnection work. A network approach to households' dealing with ICT breakdowns
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)How can the concept of networks contribute to understanding the role of households in crises where ICT infrastructure fail? ICT infra - structures are large-scale techno-material networks crucial to mod - ern human ... -
Reducing environmental impacts from garments through best practice garment use and care, using the example of a Merino wool sweater
(The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment;26, pages 1188–1197 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-19)Purpose: Garment production and use generate substantial environmental impacts, and the care and use are key determinants of cradle-to-grave impacts. The present study investigated the potential to reduce environmental ... -
Reducing Plastic in Consumer Goods: Opportunities for Coarser Wool
(Fibers;Volume 11 / Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Production and use of plastic products have drastically increased during the past decades and their environmental impacts are increasingly spotlighted. At the same time, coarse wool, a by-product of meat and dairy production, ... -
Reembedding Lean: The Japanese Cultural and Religious Context of a World Changing Management Concept
(International Journal of Sociology;Volume 45, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)James Womack, Daniel Jones, and Daniel Roos rhetorically positioned the management concept “lean” for the business world in the early 1990s, claiming that lean would change the world for the better. In this article, I ... -
Refleksiv frivillighet i en norsk kontekst – om eldres deltakelse, motivasjon og potensiale
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 23, nr. 1-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-13)Hvor aktive er eldre i frivillig arbeid, hva motiverer dem, og hvor motivert er de for å bidra mer? Spørsmålene er sentrale for eldrepolitikk som sikter mot økt frivillig deltakelse. Artikkelen bygger på data fra vel 4000 ... -
Regelen som bekrefter unntaket. En analyse av betydningsforhandlinger knyttet til midlertidig og fast arbeid
(Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 2, nr. 4-2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-09-11)The debate about temporary work in Norway, and the recent changes in the Working Environment Act in 2015, have mainly focused on whether temporary employment represents more insecurity or more flexibility and for whom in ... -
Regional Development and Climate Change Adaptation: A Study of the Role of Legitimacy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article; Journal article, 2016)This paper presents results from a study of Czech Local Action Groups (LAGs), focusing on gaining knowledge about their internally perceived legitimacy and their potential role in local ... -
Regional variation in health care utilization in Sweden - The importance of demand-side factors
(BMC Health Services Research;18:403, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-04)Background: Differences in health care utilization across geographical areas are well documented within several countries. If the variation across areas cannot be explained by differences in medical need, it can be a sign ... -
Regionale variasjoner i barneverntiltak: Et gammelt problem i ny drakt?
(Fontene forskning;1/2018 • årgang 11, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Barneverntjenesten skal sikre at barn og unge som lever under forhold som kan true deres helse og utvikling «får nødvendig hjelp og omsorg til rett tid». Barns behov skal dekkes i alle geografiske områder. Hvordan er ... -
Regionreformen: Har utvidet ansvar på kulturmiljøfeltet styrket den regionale samfunnsutviklingsrollen?
(Kart og Plan;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Et formål med regionreformen var at fylkeskommunene skulle få større politisk handlingsrom som samfunnsutvikler. På kulturmiljøfeltet ble det overført betydelige oppgaver i 2020 og 2021. Vi spør om dette nye handlingsrommet ...