Browsing Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning (SVA) by Title
Now showing items 1085-1104 of 1150
Variasjoner i kommunale tildelingsvurderinger av helse- og omsorgstjenster til eldre
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;18(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Utgiftene til helse- og omsorgshjelp øker ettersom befolkningen eldes og tjenestestandarden høynes. Individer skal like fullt tildeles «nødvendige helsetjenester ». Det er imidlertid liten kunnskap om variasjonen i ... -
Varieties of Social Democracy and Cooperativism: Explaining the Historical Divergence between Housing Regimes in Nordic and German-Speaking Countries
(Social Science History;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-24)The historical-comparative study of social democracy and cooperative organization are the foster children of historical sociology. This article offers a first account of systematic ideological differences in social-democratic ... -
Veier mot målet - arbeidsinkludering for personer med utviklingshemming NAV FoU-prosjekt 2016-2019
(AFI Rapport;04/2019, Research report, 2019-10)Forskning har vist at personer med utviklingshemming i stadig mindre grad deltar i ordinært arbeidsliv og at det er strukturer innen utdannings- arbeidsinkluderings- og trygdefeltet som er medvirkende årsaker til dette. ... -
’Venstrepopulisme’ i Sør-Europa etter finanskrisen
(Vardøger;årgang 38, nr. 20, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)I motsetning til hva mange observatører på venstresiden trodde etter finanskrisen i 2007-08, har det ikke vært noe generelt oppsving for venstresiden. Tvert imot, som flere av artiklene i dette nummeret av Vardøger utdyper, ... -
Venstresida og regjeringsspørsmålet – kritiske og sammenliknende perspektiv på SVs erfaringer
(Vardøger;Årgang 38, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)«Hvilke forutsetninger må være tilstede, og hvilke politiske krav må være innfridd, for at et radikalt venstreparti skal støtte eller delta i en regjering?» Dette er hva vi vil definere som regjeringsspørsmålet. Det som ... -
«Vi er jo ikke stonere»: bruk av cannabis og symbolske grenser blant ungdommer vest i Oslo
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bruk av illegale rusmidler forbindes ofte med lav sosial klasse og belastede områder i store byer. Det er derfor et paradoks at ungdommers bruk av cannabis, det mest utbredte illegale rusmiddelet i Norge, er høyere i ... -
Views of policy makers and Health promotion professionals on factors facilitating implementation and maintenance of interventions and policies promoting physical activity and healthy eating: results of the DEDIPAC project
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: The uptake, implementation, and maintenance of effective interventions promoting physical activity (PA) and a healthy diet and the implementation of policies targeting these behaviors are processes not ... -
Vikarbyrådirektivet: liberalisering eller likebehandling?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Artikkelen diskuterer den historiske og regulatoriske bakgrunnen for, og mulige virkninger av, implementeringen av Vikarbyrådirektivet. Dette gjøres med utgangspunkt i en todelt prosess som innebærer (1) en ... -
Visual Inquiry: Exploring embodied organizational practices by collaborative film-elicitation
(Journal of management inquiry;1(17), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Analysis of visual data is underdeveloped in visual research, and this article gives a methodological contribution on how to perform collaborative video research on organizational practices, combining ethnographic methods ... -
Visualising immigrant fertility profiles of childbearing and their implications for migration research
(Journal of International Migration and Integration;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-14)Different measures of fertility have strengths and limitations when used to describe the fertility of immigrants, and no single measure captures every aspect of this complex phenomenon. This paper introduces a novel visual ... -
Visualising the past for the future: a social semiotic reading of urban heritage
(Social Semiotics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-02)Peterson, Norway, was a former cellulose factory that is in the process of being transformed into new usage. A landmark at the premises is the “digester,” a high-rise steel structure used to make cellulose before the factory ... -
Vital Tasks and Roles of Frontline Workers Facilitating Job Inclusion of Vulnerable Youth
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Researchers and others are worried about the marginalization of vulnerable youth who drop out of school and work. Frontline workers are key support givers for vulnerable youth, but they have been described as professionals ... -
Vold eller foreldrekonflikt? Voldsutsatte mødres erfaringer med barneverntjenesten etter samlivsbrudd
(Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern;Nr 2–3 – 2022 | Vol. 99, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-17)«Vold i hjemmet / Barnet vitne til vold i nære relasjoner» er den vanligste voldskategorien i barneverntjenestens meldingsstatistikk, men det er forsket lite på hvordan slike saker håndteres. I artikkelen undersøker vi ... -
Vold i nære relasjoner som tema i russisk og polsk politikk: De nasjonalkonservative utfordres i kjernesak
(Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning;(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Denne artikkelen undersøker striden rundt vold i nære relasjoner i Russland og Polen, to europeiske land som har tatt en markant nasjonalkonservativ vending de siste årene. Artikkelen viser hvordan temaet utgjør ett av ... -
Wadel’s concept of ‘incorporation’: A means of improving sustainable work inclusion?
(Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Sustainable work inclusion for marginalized individuals poses a significant challenge worldwide, not just in Nordic countries. In this paper, we explore the potential of ‘incorporation’, a concept formulated by Norwegian ... -
Waiting: Migrant nurses in Norway
(Time & Society;Volume: 29, issue: 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-17)Theories of waiting have created interest and discussion among migration scholars and especially in studies of asylum seekers, where imposed waiting is a key part of the experiences studied. “Skilled labour migrants” such ... -
Washing hands and risk of cross-contamination during chicken preparation among domestic practitioners in five European countries
(Food Control;Volume 127, September 2021, 108062, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-07)Nearly 40% foodborne outbreaks in the European Union are attributable to food practices in domestic homes that include handling and preparation of raw chicken. Hand washing is an important way to prevent cross-contamination ... -
Ways to gain influence for residents in two gentrifying neighbourhoods: a comparison between Tøyen in Oslo and Lavapiés in Madrid
(Journal article, 2021)In gentrifying cities, entrepreneurial strategies often conflict with the interests of citizens. Cities deal with this differently. Participatory democracy is one method to avoid conflict through increased responsiveness ... -
“We didn't get much schooling because we were fishing all the time”: Potential impacts of irregular school attendance on the spread of epidemics
(American Journal of Human Biology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-17)Objectives: Especially in traditional, rural, and low-income areas, children attend school irregularly. School-based interventions are common mitigation strategies for infectious disease epidemics, but if daily attendance ... -
“We feel included”: education and inclusion of health care staff with minority language in elder care
(Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare;Volume 2019:12, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-20)Background: In Norwegian elder care, an increasing percentage of the health care staff has a migrant background. “The aging and nursing care ABC” educational program offers multicomponent training for municipal care staff ...