Browsing Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning (SVA) by Title
Now showing items 1126-1139 of 1139
Yngreomsorgen i møte med eldreomsorgen – hvordan påvirkes pleie- og omsorgstilbudet til de aller eldste?
(Fontene forskning: et tidsskrift fra Fellesorganisasjonen;6(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Et av de mest slående utviklingstrekk innen pleie- og omsorgssektoren de siste 20 årene har vært en omfattende endring i alderssammensetningen blant brukerne av hjemmetjenester. Relativt sett økte antallet brukere under ... -
“You are Responsible for Your People”: The Role of Diaspora Leaders in the Governance of Immigrant Integration in Russia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The Russian authorities are becoming increasingly aware of the need to improve the integration of Russia’s many immigrants into Russian society. This article examines power relations between state and civil ... -
‘You get a completely different feeling’ – an empirical exploration of emotions and their functions in digital frontline work
(European Journal of Social Work;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-19)In this study of how counsellors in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) experience digital frontline work, most informants agreed that digital interaction with clients produces a ‘different feeling’ – but ... -
Young Athletes’ Perceptions of Coach-Athlete Sexual Relationships: Engaging with Competing Ethics
(Sociology of Sport Journal;Volume 36: Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this paper, we use data from focus group interviews with young athletes to explore their thinking about coach-athlete sexual relationships (CASRs). Our aim is to further the understanding of the ambivalence surrounding ... -
Young Citizenship: Civic Engagement and Participation in Four Nordic Countries
(Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education;Volume 16, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-30)Since the beginning of the 2000s several studies have expressed a strong concern about young people’s lack of interest in political issues and their low degree of political participation through traditional channels. ... -
Young consumers in the digital era: The selfie effect
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article investigates a mechanism named the selfie effect. By their frequent sharing of selfies on social media, perhaps displaying their cool new fashions or newly acquired tattoos, young people—unintentionally—help ... -
Young councillors — influential politicians or youth alibi?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Based on a survey of young councillors in 20 Norwegian municipalities, the paper studies the relation between the councillors’ sense of political efficacy, their role perception and their motivation to continue with politics. ... -
Young people’s experiences of parental involvement in youth sport
(Sport, Education and Society;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Recently parental involvement in youth sport has intensified, challenging the understanding of youth sports as an arena where adolescents can develop their identity and autonomy. On this background, our study explores how ... -
Young Polish migrants in Norway: Education, work and settlement choice
(Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;16(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Youth, extremism and the liminoid. Right-wing antiislamist versus radical Islam in Norway.
(Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: International Perspectives;, Chapter; Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-01)As a life phase, youth embodies both vulnerability and a sensibility for the power relations in which they find themselves. At times such a state is reflected in an ability to point out, to "feel", and to reflect upon ... -
"Ytringskultur bør finde Sted"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Artikkelen argumenterer for at de siste årenes debatt om ytringsfrihet bør suppleres og utvides med en debatt om ytringskultur. Dette skjer med henvisning til Lakoffs teori om ”framing”, det vil si hvordan begreper skaper ... -
Ytringsskader, sårbarhet og sosial skamming : Journalisters erfaringer med hatytringer i norsk offentlighet
(Sosiologi i dag;45(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Denne artikkelen undersøker sammenhengen mellom hatytringer i det offentlige rom og opplevd sårbarhet for mottagerne av slike ytringer.Vi bygger på en utvidet survey utsendt til alle organiserte journalister og redaktører ... -
Å ha lite der de fleste har mye. Nabolagets betydning for subjektiv fattigdom blant ungdom i Oslo
(Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;Årg 18 Nr 2 (2018), Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-05)Oslo er byen med flest inntektsfattige i Norge. Nærmere ett av fem barn, og to av fem barn med innvandrerbakgrunn, lever i vedvarende lavinntekt (SSB 2017a). Det er samtidig store variasjoner i levekår mellom de ulike ... -
Østkanten tar til gatene. Marginalitet og banalitet i Oslo
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)The Israeli invasion of Gaza in late December 2008 triggered demonstrations – or as several commentators termed them, riots – in downtown Oslo, as it did in other European cities. Many young people from the «immigrant ...