Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Title
Now showing items 12324-12343 of 19029
OAS-arbeid blant enslige mindreårige med midlertidig oppholdstillatelse
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven har jeg belyst temaet om midlertidig oppholdstillatelse for enslige mindreårige asylsøkere mellom 16 og 18 år, og sett på hvordan barnevernspedagogen kan legge til rette for en opplevelse av sammenheng i ... -
OAUC at CLEF2016 SBS Lab: Using Appeal Elements to Improve Automatic Book Recommendation - Proof of Concept
(Peer reviewed; Journal article; Journal article, 2016)In this article we describe the OAUC’s participation in the CLEF 2016 SBS Search Suggestion track. We are trying to represent appeal elements, used in readers’ advisory theory and practice, to see if they can ... -
OAUC's participation in the CLEF2015 SBS Search Suggestion Track
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings;1391, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)In this article we describe the OAUC's participation in the CLEF 2015 SBS Search Suggestion track. We are trying to represent appeal elements, used in readers' advisory theory and practice, to see if they can be used in ... -
Obesity and osteoarthritis in knee, hip and/or hand: An epidemiological study in the general population with 10 years follow-up
(BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders;9(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-10-02)Background: Obesity is one of the most important risk factors for osteoarthritis (OA) in knee(s). However, the relationship between obesity and OA in hand(s) and hip(s) remains controversial and needs further investigation. ... -
Obesity in young adulthood: The role of physical activity level, musculoskeletal pain, and psychological distress in adolescence (the hunt-study)
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;Volume 17, Issue 12, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-26)The global obesity epidemic raises long-term health concerns which underline the importance of preventive efforts. We aimed to investigate individual and combined effects of common health problems in adolescence on the ... -
Object Permanence in Captive European Bison (Bison bonasus): Statistical Analysis on Variables Influencing Performance.
(Master thesis, 2024)This study aimed to assess if four European Bisons (Bison bonasus) at the Zoo of Barcelona could learn object permanence by replicating Caicoya's study (Caicoya et al., 2021) on cognitive tasks. The previous study was ... -
Objectively recorded physical activity in pregnancy and postpartum in a multi-ethnic cohort: association with access to recreational areas in the neighbourhood
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Physical activity may reduce the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes; however, compared to non-pregnant women, a lower proportion of pregnant women meet the physical activity guidelines. Our objectives were to ... -
(MAPD;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Denne avhandlingen omhandler formutforskning og produktutvikling gjennom å kontinuerlig lage tredimensjonale objekter i bjørk. Prosjektet er gjennomført med auto-etnografisk og praksisledet forskning som metode. Gjennom ... -
Observasjon og kartlegging av smerter hos kreftpasienter : hvordan bør en sykepleier observere og kartlegge smerte hos kreftpasienter under palliativ behandling?
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-03)Bakgrunn: Kreftpasienter i palliativ fase opplever unødvendig smerte. Hvordan sykepleieren kartlegger og observerer denne smerten, er med på å avgjøre om pasienten får god smertelindring. Høyere kunnskapsnivå hos sykepleieren ... -
Observasjon/rekomposisjon: Om sanselige oversettelsesmuligheter i byrommet
(MEST;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Gjennom oppgaven utforsker jeg alternative, estetiske muligheter for forandring i dagens byrom - et byrom hvor brukere oppfattes som passive forbrukere og som aktive produsenter av sine liv. En bevisstgjøring av sanselige ... -
Observasjonsresponser og betinget diskriminasjon
(Master thesis, 2010) -
Obstacle course: Users’ maneuverability and movement efficiency when using Otto Bock C-Leg, Otto Bock 3R60, and CaTech SNS prosthetic knee joints
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The performance and movement efficiency of prosthesis users while traversing a multisectional obstacle course (OC) were evaluated using a crossover design with random allocation of three prosthetic knee joints: the SNS ... -
Obstetric anal sphincter injury by maternal origin and length of residence: a nationwide cohort study
(BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology;Volume 129, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-28)Objective: To estimate the association between maternal origin and obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI), and assess if associations differed by length of residence. Design: Population-based cohort study. Setting: ... -
Occupancy and daily activity event modelling in smart homes for older adults with mild cognitiveiImpairment or dementia
(Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings;153, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this paper we present event anticipation and prediction of sensor data in a smart home environment with a limited number of sensors. Data is collected from a real home with one resident. We apply two state-of-the-art ... -
Occupant satisfaction with two blind control strategies: Slats closed and slats in cut-off position
(Solar Energy;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03-12)Modern highly glazed buildings require solar shading in order to obtain visual and thermal comfort for the occupants in addition to obtain a low energy use of the building. For the system to respond to the external conditions ... -
Occupational balance and quality of life in nursing home residents
(Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-16)Introduction: Nursing home residents may have difficulty maintaining occupational balance. The study aimed to explore occupational balance in nursing home residents, and examine the association between occupational balance ... -
Occupational Closure and Wages in Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Recent literature has pointed to occupational closure in order to explain wage inequality between occupations. The basic argument of occupational closure is that average occupational wages are higher in closed occupations ... -
The occupational context of activation work: the relative role of educational and workplace qualification and socialisation
(OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 30, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Activation policies, understood as mandatory activation of clients outside the labour market, have affected citizens’ lives and altered the frontline work in welfare offices dramatically. In effect, there are new ... -
An Occupational Mechanical Job Exposure Index based on five Norwegian nationwide Surveys of Living Conditions on work environment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objectives Nordic register data are not collected for research purposes, and various dimensions of working conditions are typically missing in register-based research. One way to address the issue of missing information on ... -
Occupational therapists as contributors to health promotion
(Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy;21(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-03)Objective: This study was undertaken to explore the views of occupational therapists concerning their competences in health promotion, and their perceptions of how they apply these competences in their daily work. The study ...