Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Title
Now showing items 14813-14832 of 18995
The S-diagnostic - an a posteriori error assessment for single-reference coupled-cluster methods
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)We propose a novel a posteriori error assessment for the single-reference coupled-cluster (SRCC) method called the S-diagnostic. We provide a derivation of the S-diagnostic that is rooted in the mathematical analysis of ... -
S-Divergence-Based Internal Clustering Validation Index
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A clustering validation index (CVI) is employed to evaluate an algorithm’s clustering results. Generally, CVI statistics can be split into three classes, namely internal, external, and relative cluster validations. Most ... -
The Safe Pregnancy study - promoting safety behaviours in antenatal care among Norwegian, Pakistani and Somali pregnant women: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
(BMC Public Health;19, Article number: 724 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-30)Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) around the time of pregnancy is a recognized global health problem with damaging consequences. However, little is known about the effect of violence assessment and intervention ... -
Safe surgery checklist, patient safety, teamwork and responsibility - coequal demands? A Focus Group study
(Global qualitative nursing research;5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-28)The use of World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Safe Surgery checklist is an established practice worldwide and contributes toward ensuring patient safety and collaborative teamwork. The aim of this study was to elucidate ... -
Safe surgery checklist, patient safety, teamwork and responsibility - coequal demands? A Focus Group study
(Global Qualitative Nursing Research;Volume: 5, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-28)The use of World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Safe Surgery checklist is an established practice worldwide and contributes toward ensuring patient safety and collaborative teamwork. The aim of this study was to elucidate ... -
Safe Surgery Checklist, Patient Safety, teamwork, and Responsibility - Coequal Demands? A Focus Group Study
(Global Qualitative Nursing Research;Volume 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-28)The use of World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Safe Surgery checklist is an established practice worldwide and contributes toward ensuring patient safety and collaborative teamwork. The aim of this study was to elucidate ... -
Safe, but lonely : living in a nursing home
(Vård i Norden;28 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-03)How do residents in nursing homes experience their life there? Gathering and analysing the personal views of residents is an important way of studying the effectiveness of nursing homes. The aim of this study is to describe ... -
Safeguarding the right to adequate food in disaster preparedness and emergency response: Policy, legislation and institutions in Uganda
(MAEH;2013, Master thesis, 2013)The rising frequency of natural disasters has impacts for the nutrition situation in Uganda. As State Party to the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Government of Uganda is obliged to ... -
SAFEs forbundsundersøkelse 2016
(AFI Rapport 2017:01, Report, 2017)Denne rapporten presenterer funn fra SAFEs medlemsundersøkelse og en omfattende case-studie ved Norske Shells anlegg ved Nyhamna utenfor Molde. Utgangspunktet er observasjoner over tid som tyder på at ansattes medbestemmelse ... -
The safety attitudes questionnaire - ambulatory version: psychometric properties of the Slovenian version for the out-of-hours primary care setting
(BMC Health Services Research;17(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-13)Background Several tools have been developed to measure safety attitudes of health care providers, out of which the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) is regarded as one of the most appropriate ones. In 2007, it was ... -
Safety in Residential Youth Facilities: Staff Perceptions of Safety and Experiences of the "Basic Training Program in Safety and Security"
(Residential Treatment for Children & Youth;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-21)In inpatient and residential youth facilities, staff concerns over actual and potential aggression and conflict frequently affect both the quality of care and staff wellbeing. This study investigated 1) staff perceptions ... -
Safety rules in a Norwegian high-security prison: The impact of social interaction between prisoners and officers
(Safety Science;Volume 149, May 2022, 105690, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-09)This article explores how prison officers carry out safety rules, drawing on ethnographic data from a Norwegian high-security prison. Taking prisoners’ status as a potential risk as the starting point, it analyses the ways ... -
Safety, clinical effectiveness, predictive accuracy and cost effectiveness of blood based tests for women with suspected preeclampsia: a health technology assessement
(Research report, 2020)Two to eight percent of pregnant women are diagnosed with preeclampsia worldwide. Preeclampsia is a potentially life-threatening condition requiring hospital admission and close maternal and fetal monitoring in the second ... -
Sais Work Against Corruption In Scandinavian, South-European And African Countries: An Institutional Analysis
(British Accounting Review;Volume 51, Issue 5, September 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-11)International pressures on Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to fight corruption are increasing. Nevertheless, SAIs lack a clear mandate and may appear ineffective in their anticorruption work. Using an institutional ... -
SAK i Innlandet
(AFI Notat 2011:8, Report, 2011)Høgskolen i Gjøvik (HiG), Høgskolen i Hedmark (HH) og Høgskolen i Lillehammer (HIL) har siden 1999 samarbeidet med fylkeskommunene i Hedmark og Oppland og Kompetanse-, Universitets- og Forskningsfondet i Innlandet AS om ... -
SAK i Innlandet
(AFI Notat 2011:8, Report, 2011)Høgskolen i Gjøvik (HiG), Høgskolen i Hedmark (HH) og Høgskolen i Lillehammer (HIL) har siden 1999 samarbeidet med fylkeskommunene i Hedmark og Oppland og Kompetanse-, Universitets- og Forskningsfondet i Innlandet AS om ... -
Sakprosa på småtrinnet Hvilket omfang og hvilke typer av sakprosatekster finnes i to norsklæreverk for tredje trinn, og hva slags oppgaver knyttes til disse tekstene?
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven ser jeg nærmere på hvilket omfang og hvilke typer av sakprosatekster som finnes i to norsklæreverk for tredje trinn, og hva slags oppgaver som knyttes til disse tekstene. Resultatene av innholdsanalysen ... -
Saksbehandler eller lønnsforhandler? En oppgave om fosterhjemsgodtgjøring som grobunn for konflikt med fosterforeldre
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Når barn og unge ikke kan bo hjemme lenger på grunn av forhold som kan skade deres helse og utvikling, er det barnevernets oppgave å sikre disse nødvendig hjelp og omsorg til rett tid. I slike tilfeller er fosterhjem det ... -
Sakte, men sikkert? En utforskende refleksjon over saktejournalistikkens bidrag i forskningsformidling
(Master thesis, 2023)Litterær sakprosa, som gjerne består av en personlig fortelling om forfatteren selv, blir stadig mer populært. Samtidig er også forskningsformidling i vekst. I denne masteroppgaven drøfter jeg hvordan slike personlige ... -
Salg av tobakk
(Prosjektnotat 3-2012, Notat, 2012)Nummer: 3-2012 Tilknyttede prosjekter Tobakksvarer