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Wadel’s concept of ‘incorporation’: A means of improving sustainable work inclusion?
(Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Sustainable work inclusion for marginalized individuals poses a significant challenge worldwide, not just in Nordic countries. In this paper, we explore the potential of ‘incorporation’, a concept formulated by Norwegian ... -
Wafer-level Au–Au bonding in the 350–450 ◦C temperature range
(Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Metal thermocompression bonding is a hermetic wafer-level packaging technology that facilitates vertical integration and shrinks the area used for device sealing. In this paper, Au–Au bonding at 350, 400 and 450 °C has ... -
Wage inequality within and between occupations
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Western countries, including Scandinavian nations, have witnessed an increase in wage inequality over the past decades. Recent studies attribute rising wage inequality in the United States and United Kingdom primarily to ... -
Waiting as sociality–relational waithood in Norwegian activation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)ABSTRACT In research on waiting and unemployment, waiting tends to be described as an asymmetrical power relation between those who wait and those who impose waiting within institutional contexts. This paper applies ... -
Waiting: Migrant nurses in Norway
(Time & Society;Volume: 29, issue: 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-17)Theories of waiting have created interest and discussion among migration scholars and especially in studies of asylum seekers, where imposed waiting is a key part of the experiences studied. “Skilled labour migrants” such ... -
WakeUp & LMX
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)Oppgaven ser på hvordan tilbudet om organisert fysisk aktivitet på arbeidsplassen kan påvirke arbeidsinnsatsen. -
Walking through kindergarten semiotic landscapes with multilingual children: A way to explore participation and engagement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Practitioners in Norwegian kindergartens are responsible for actively promoting and developing multilingual children’s language skills (Directorate for Education and Training, 2017). Children’s multilingual language ... -
Want Not, Waste Not: Preliminary findings
(SIFO notat;2-2023, Report, 2023)This project note presents preliminary findings from a PhD project looking into textile waste from Norwegian households. 28 households collected textiles that they would have otherwise discarded for a period of six months. ... -
The war in Afghanistan and peace journalism in practice
(Media, War & Conflict;3 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-12)This article argues that Johan Galtung’s theory on peace journalism can serve as a fruitful supplement to theory-building in the field of war and peace journalism, and critically reviews the scholarly debate on peace ... -
War in Ukraine: A Sociological Study
(NIBR Working Paper;2022:102, Working paper, 2022)A survey of 3,007 respondents in Ukraine conducted in March 2022 during the first month of the Russian invasion shows the effects of the war on Ukrainians. It demonstrates the hardships Ukrainian people are undergoing, but ... -
Warm inflation
(Universe;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)I show here that there are some interesting differences between the predictions of warm and cold inflation models focusing in particular upon the scalar spectral index ns and the tensor-to-scalar ratio r. The first thing ... -
Warm technology against loneliness among the elderly? A script analysis of the communication solution KOMP
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artikkelen undersøker hvordan ensomhet blant eldre er forsøkt motvirket ved bruk av digital teknologi: Kommunikasjonsløsningen Komp er en skjerm med kun én knapp og en tilhørende app man kan bruke til å sende bilder, ... -
Washing hands and risk of cross-contamination during chicken preparation among domestic practitioners in five European countries
(Food Control;Volume 127, September 2021, 108062, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-07)Nearly 40% foodborne outbreaks in the European Union are attributable to food practices in domestic homes that include handling and preparation of raw chicken. Hand washing is an important way to prevent cross-contamination ... -
Waste is a resource: A study on the opportunities in a new solid waste management in Iringa municipality
(MAPD;2012, Master thesis, 2012)Municipal solid waste refers to waste in a solid form, produced in the daily day life of a society such as packaging, food scrapes, grass clippings, clothing, furniture, paper, electronics and so on. It is called municipal ... -
Water as More than Commons or Commodity: Understanding Water Management Practices in Yanque, Peru
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019): Global warming, shrinking glaciers and water scarcity pose challenges to the governance of fresh water in Peru. On the one hand, Peruʼs water management regime and its legal framework allow for increased private involvement ... -
Water Quality Monitoring with Ubiquitous Computing
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)Traditionally, data collected from water quality monitoring systems are typically stored in closed repositories that are not shared with the public. Due to the cost and environmental limitations traditional water quality ... -
Water, Life, and Loss: Aguasociality and Environmental Change in the Peruvian Andes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork in the Colca Valley community Yanque, this article investigates how small-scale farmers in the Southern Peruvian Andes relate to water and environmental change in intimate ways. ... -
Wave functions associated with time-dependent, complex-scaled Hamiltonians evaluated on a complex time grid
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-01-30)We solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation with themethod of uniform complex scaling and investigate the possibility to evaluate the solution on a complex time grid. With this approach it is possible to calculate ... -
The way forward for WOOLUME: Knowledge transference between a country of high wool utilisation (Norway) and a country of low wool utilisation (Poland)
(SIFO-notat;3-2024, Report, 2024)This note looks at knowledge transference between a country of high wool utilisation (Norway) and a country of low wool utilisation (Poland). The findings that are presented here, are collected through semi-structured ... -
Ways to gain influence for residents in two gentrifying neighbourhoods: a comparison between Tøyen in Oslo and Lavapiés in Madrid
(Journal article, 2021)In gentrifying cities, entrepreneurial strategies often conflict with the interests of citizens. Cities deal with this differently. Participatory democracy is one method to avoid conflict through increased responsiveness ...