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R&D in natural resource based industries: Governments should prioritize innovation which reduces environmental hazards
(Working Paper;3/2020, Working paper, 2020-10-21)Sustainable yield from a natural resource áuctuates in response to both natural conditions and harvesting practices. On the one hand, research and development (R&D) may reduce the áuctuations through more knowledge of ... -
R-U-I-N Regionsutvikling i Nord - Med feministiske briller i etnodramatisk utviklingsarbeid
(Master thesis, 2017)Med denne studien henvender jeg meg til dere som er interessert i, og arbeider med, etnodramaformen. Studien tar for seg utviklingen av et etnodrama med arbeidstittelen RUIN – RegionsUtvikling i Nord. Etnodramaet har sitt ... -
Race and 1918 influenza pandemic in the United States: A review of the literature
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;Volume 16, Issue 14, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-12)During epidemics, the poorest part of the population usually suffers the most. Alfred Crosby noted that the norm changed during the 1918 influenza pandemic in the US: The black population (which were expected to have higher ... -
Radikalt medborgerskap. Bibliotek, skole og ungdom
(Master thesis, 2019)Bibliotek og skoler inngår i et demokratisk system og har et demokratisk samfunnsoppdrag. Jeg påstår at et demokratisk system har liten demokratisk verdi uten radikale medborgere. Denne oppgaven er todelt. Først en teoretisk ... -
Radiografers oppfatning av omtak ved digital røntgen.
(MABIOD;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Omtaksraten ved digital røntgen har vist seg å være høyere enn antatt ved overgangen fra analoge til digitale bilder (1). Posisjoneringsfeil er vist å være hovedårsaken til omtak. Formålet med denne studien er å finne ... -
Radiografers oppfatninger av suboptimale henvisninger innen konvensjonell røntgen - en kvalitativ studie
(Radiography Open;Volume 4, No 1 (2018), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-20)Innledning: Kvaliteten på henvisninger innen konvensjonell røntgen er avgjørende for å kunne gjennomføre og rapportere resultater av undersøkelsen. Likevel tyder mye på at suboptimale henvisninger er et problem som ... -
Radiographers' involvement in research activities and opinions on radiography research: A Nordic survey
(Radiography;Volume 27, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02-24)Introduction: Radiographers' engagement in research is important for the development of evidence-based practice in radiography; however, radiographers' interest in research has rarely been reported. This study sought to ... -
Radiographic signs of acetabular retroversion using a low-dose slot-scanning radiographic system (EOS®)
(Radiography;Volume 25, Issue 3, August 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-03)Introduction: Acetabular retroversion is assessed using pelvic X-ray. Cross-over-sign (COS), posterior-wall-sign (PWS) and ischial-spine-sign (ISS) are important radiographic signs of the condition. The pelvic area is ... -
Radiological review of prior screening mammograms of screen-detected breast cancer
(European Radiology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-01)Objective: To perform a radiological review of mammograms from prior screening and diagnosis of screen-detected breast cancer in BreastScreen Norway, a population-based screening program. Methods: We performed a ... -
Raised by White People. Conceptualisations of ‘Culture’ in the Foster Placement of African Minority Youth in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper examines the intricate dynamics of transethnic foster placement in Norway, focusing on African minority youth and how ‘culture’ and ‘identity’ is conceptualised within this context. Through semi-structured ... -
‘Raising our Voices': The perspectives of stakeholders on the challenges present within the service provision towards disabled children in Kabarole district, Uganda, and their suggestions for improvement
(Master thesis, 2018)The service provision towards disabled children in the global south is often far from optimal. Despite the fact that when a child has a disability, the health and welfare system around the child should be strengthened ... -
The ramifications of economic sanctions on health service system : a comparative study of Sudan health service system before and after economic sanctions
(Master thesis, 2012)For thousands of years sanctions have been a tool of economic statecraft. It represents one of the major tools of international governance of the post-cold war era that are often blamed for human suffering. The severities ... -
Rammefaktorer og handlingsrom: En kritisk diskursanalyse av diskusjonene i fagmiljøet og stortingspolitikken rundt rammefaktorene for kunst og håndverk i grunnskolen.
(MEST;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven har som intensjon å analysere diskusjonene i fagmiljøet i kunst og håndverk og stortingspolitikken omkring rammefaktorer i grunnskolefaget kunst og håndverk. Utgangspunktet for temaet er fagfornyelsens ... -
Rammevilkår for skjønnsutøvelse i det kommunale integreringsarbeidet
(Master thesis, 2020)Hensikten med denne studien har vært å kartlegge hvilke betydninger ulike rammevilkår for skjønnsutøvelse har for det kommunale integreringsarbeidet. Muligheten for å utøve skjønns forstås som et viktig element hos ansatte ... -
Random sparse generators of Markovian evolution and their spectral properties
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The evolution of a complex multi-state system is often interpreted as a continuous-time Markovian process. To model the relaxation dynamics of such systems, we introduce an ensemble of random sparse matrices which can be ... -
Random Testing and Evolutionary Testing for Fuzzing GraphQL APIs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Graph Query Language (GraphQL) is a powerful language for APIs manipulation in web services. It has been recently introduced as an alternative solution for addressing the limitations of RESTful APIs. This paper introduces ... -
A randomized controlled trial of digital breast tomosynthesis versus digital mammography in population-based screening in Bergen: interim analysis of performance indicators from the To-Be trial
(European Radiology;March 2019, Volume 29, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-29)Objectives: To describe a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of digital breast tomosynthesis including synthesized two dimensional mammograms (DBT) versus digital mammography (DM) in a population-based screening program for ... -
A randomized phase II feasibility trial of a multimodal intervention for the management of cachexia in lung and pancreatic cancer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Cancer cachexia is a syndrome of weight loss (including muscle and fat), anorexia, and decreased physical function. It has been suggested that the optimal treatment for cachexia should be a multimodal ... -
Rape in the Nordic countries: Continuity and change
(Routledge Research in Gender and Society;, Book, 2020)While the Nordic countries are listed at the top in most international rankings of gender equality and citizens’ feelings of security, studies on the prevalence of sexual victimisation present a different picture, ... -
Rapid or long-term employment? A Scandinavian comparative study of refugee integration policies and employment outcomes
(Journal of European Public Policy;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-04)Although many studies compare national integration policies, analyses connecting these policies to integration outcomes are rare. This study combines longitudinal analysis of employment outcomes for Scandinavian refugees, ...