Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Title
Now showing items 2550-2569 of 3966
Obstetric anal sphincter injury by maternal origin and length of residence: a nationwide cohort study
(BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology;Volume 129, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-10-28)Objective: To estimate the association between maternal origin and obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI), and assess if associations differed by length of residence. Design: Population-based cohort study. Setting: ... -
An Occupational Mechanical Job Exposure Index based on five Norwegian nationwide Surveys of Living Conditions on work environment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objectives Nordic register data are not collected for research purposes, and various dimensions of working conditions are typically missing in register-based research. One way to address the issue of missing information on ... -
Offentlig regnskap. Kompetansebehov i norske kommuner og rollene til høyere utdanning og kurstilbydere
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Offentlig regnskap og økonomistyring har lenge vært et neglisjert fagområde innenfor høyere utdanning. Konsekvensene er at offentlige virksomheter ikke får dekket sitt kompetansebehov gjennom ansattes høyere utdanning, og ... -
Offline, online. Digitale ungdomsliv gjennom tre tiår
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)Being a teenager in 2021 is different from being a teenager thirty years ago. Although many of the basic questions related to identity and social belonging are the same, the framework around young people’s everyday life – ... -
Offsetting schemes and ecological taxes for wind power production
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)On the one hand, wind power production on land seems necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector. On the other hand, we risk replacing one environmental problem with other environmental problems. The present paper ... -
Offsetting schemes and ecological taxes for wind power production
(Ecological Economics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)On the one hand, wind power production on land seems necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector. On the other hand, we risk replacing one environmental problem with other environmental problems. The present paper ... -
"Og husk at vi ikke har mistet omsorgen for våre barn. Den er blitt tatt fra oss" - Om hvordan foreldre som har blitt fratatt omsorgen inkluderes og ekskluderes i samfunnet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-09-26)Artikkelen er et resultat av et forskningsprosjekt som studerer omsorgsovertakelser i fra et foreldreperspektiv i Norge. I denne artikkelen retter vi oppmerksomheten mot hvordan foreldre som er fratatt omsorgen for sine ... -
Old, New, Borrowed and Blue – Shifts In Modern Policing
(British Journal of Criminology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09-20)This article analyses ambiguity and complexity in proactive policing practices and identifies the paradox that despite the focus on increasing proactivity, police work remains strongly reactive. Drawing on a set of Norwegian ... -
Older adults’ perceptions and experiences of interprofessional communication as part of the delivery of integrated care in the primary healthcare sector: a meta-ethnography of qualitative studies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Communication between patients and healthcare providers, and efective interprofessional communication, are essential to the provision of high-quality care. Implementing a patient-centred approach may lead to ... -
Older patients’ perspectives on illness and healthcare during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic
(Nursing Ethics;Vol 29, Issue 4, 2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-03)Background: Equal access to healthcare is a core principle in Norway’s public healthcare system. The COVID-19 pandemic challenged healthcare systems in the early phase – in particular, related to testing and hospital ... -
Older people's experiences of vulnerability in a trust-based welfare society affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
(Nursing Inquiry;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The early coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak inflicted vulnerability on individuals and societies on a completely different scale than we have seen previously. The pandemic developed rapidly from 1 day to the ... -
Older Workers in Digitalizing Workplaces: A Systematic Literature Review
(The journal of aging and social change;Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-08-04)Workplace digitalization created a sea change in work practices and it altered the situation of older workers. Digitalization entails the increased use of digital technologies, such as computers and online services. Older ... -
Om å benevne det unevnelige – «Sommeren 58» av Annie Ernaux og psykoanalytisk traumeteori
(Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening;Vol 59, nummer 11, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-11-01)A fundamental concern in understanding and treating trauma-related disorders is that such experiences – due to dissociation or displacement – are not integrated in ordinary memory systems and thus appear and operate beyond ... -
Om å bevitne systematisk vold og straffrihet – Martha Soto Gallos arkiv for sin forsvunne bror og Sara Uribes Antígona González
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)ABSTRACT The article discusses the possibilities for finding words for and conveying trauma within a social and political context where the history of what happened is also at risk of disappearing. By comparing two different ... -
Om sorg ved omsorgsovertakelser. Sorgteori som en forståelsesramme for foreldrenes følelsesmessige reaksjoner etter å ha blitt fratatt omsorgen for sitt barn.
(Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern;Volum 99 | Utgave 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)I artikkelen retter vi oppmerksomheten mot foreldrenes sorg etter å ha mistet omsorgen for barnet sitt. Vi undersøker dette temaet gjennom følgende problemstilling: Hvordan kan vi forstå foreldrenes reaksjoner etter ... -
Om umulig psykologisk løsrivelse: Elfriede Jelineks Pianolærerinnen og Psykoanalytisk objektrelasjonsteori
(Matrix - Nordisk tidsskrift for psykoterapi;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen drøfter hvordan psykologisk løsrivelse er fremstilt i Elfriede Jelineks roman Pianolærerinnen. Det utforskes hvordan det skiftende og til tider ubestemmelige forteller-perspektivet kan forstås i dialog med ... -
On Converting Crisp Failure Possibility into Probability for Reliability of Complex Systems
(Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;Volume 308, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-24)The reliability of complex systems is analyzed based on several systematic steps using many safety engineering methods. The most common technique for safety system analysis and reliability, vulnerability and criticality ... -
On evaluation metrics for medical applications of artificial intelligence
(Scientific Reports;12, Article number: 5979 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-08)Clinicians and software developers need to understand how proposed machine learning (ML) models could improve patient care. No single metric captures all the desirable properties of a model, which is why several metrics ... -
On fracture criteria in phase field model for fracture in asphalt concrete
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Extensive research has explored cracking in asphalt mixtures under pure mode-I conditions; however, heavy traffic loads often lead to crack formation under mixed-mode fracture conditions in asphalt pavements. This paper ... -
On making libraries and museums more accessible for autistic people
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article explores how libraries and museums can become more accessible, and in turn also more inclusive, for autistic users. Through a small survey, a literature review and a short case study, it evaluates what steps to ...