Browsing SAM - Handelshøyskolen by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 421
A Tale of Two Autonomies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Despite comprehensive theoretical discussions on the nuances of autonomy, research tends to treat autonomy as a unidimensional concept. In contrast, this study of Norwegian welfare professionals presents empirical support ... -
Access over ownership: meeting facilities in Lyngby-Taarbæk Knowledge City
(Facilities;Volume 36, Issue 1/2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose: This study investigates the attitude towards shared space in an urban context with a particular focus on meeting facilities. The Lyngby-Taarbæk City of Knowledge is used as case, as this organisation has a vision ... -
The Added Value of Civil Society Organizations in the Provision of Welfare State Services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Civil society organizations (CSOs) that deliver services on behalf of public authorities operate under increased competitive and standardization pressures. Given this background, many CSOs experience a need to justify why ... -
Administrative Breakdown: Causal Attributions in Governmental Investigative Commission Reports
(HiO-rapport;, Doctoral thesis, 2000)The dissertation analyzes public investigation reports from Norway and the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries using psychological attribution theory. -
The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The notion of balance is assumed in a variety of aspects of leadership such as task/relational orientation, control/autonomy, the leader person/function, and attending to competing organisational concerns. Such issues have ... -
Age of marriage and women's political engagement: Evidence from India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Although decades have passed since most women in the democratic world gained the right to vote and run for election, a large gender gap in political participation persists, particularly in developing countries. This short ... -
Age of marriage and women's political engagement: Evidence from India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Although decades have passed since most women in the democratic world gained the right to vote and run for election, a large gender gap in political participation persists, particularly in developing countries. This short ... -
Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in China: An unsustainable situation in search of a solution
(Working Paper;3/2016, Working paper, 2016)Each year air pollution in China claims hundreds of thousands of lives. The root cause is an economy dependent on coal and heavy industry in combination with continued emissions from inefficient household stoves in ... -
Aksjemarkedet som ledende indikator for BNP
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke om aksjemarkedet kan brukes til å predikere utviklingen i BNP. -
Albania vs. Norway - FM at two university hospitals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose – Given the premise of de facto universal standards for FM, this paper aims to investigate development of facilities management (FM) at an Albanian and a Norwegian university hospital through examination of two ... -
Alignment of strategy and structure in local government
(Public Money and Management;Volume 40, 2020 - Issue 4: Theme: Strategic planning that works—evidence from the European public sector, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-22)Strategic positioning and structural alignment in the public sector is a neglected area of research. This paper analyses the strategic positions of prospectors, defenders and reactors and structural alignment in Norwegian ... -
Alternative kompensasjonsordninger for næringslivet med vekt på lønnsutgifter – anslagsvise beregninger av fordelings- og insentiveffekter
(Working Paper;1/2020, Working paper, 2020-05-27)Kompensasjonsordningen for å dekke deler av bedrifters faste kostnader svekker samtidig insentivene for å opprettholde økonomisk aktivitet, og gjennom det, sysselsetting. I dette notatet studerer vi alternative innretninger ... -
Ambidexterity to overcome digital transformation challenges: A bibliometric review
(Conference object, 2021)This paper offers a systematic literature review aided by bibliometric analysis to provide a bridge between extant research on organizational ambidexterity and digital transformation. Whereas ambidexterity is suggested as ... -
Area-based initiatives and urban democracy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Area-based initiatives (ABIs) set out to improve livability and living conditions in disadvantaged urban neigh- borhoods by making use of extensive citizen participation. ABIs are often criticized for constituting a form ... -
Asymmetriske sjokk. En økonomisk analyse av tilbuds- og etterspørselssjokks effekt på tysk, norsk og svensk økonomi.
(Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)Formålet med oppgaven er få innsikt i og forstå likhetene/ulikhetene mellom norsk, svensk og tysk økonomi. -
Audit Quality and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry
(International Journal of Auditing;Volume 19, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-19)This study uses a unique, hand-collected sample of microfinance institutions from 73 countries that typically are not investigated in accounting research to analyze the relationships between audit quality and governance ... -
Audit Team Distance and Audit Quality Threatening Behavior
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper uses unique survey data from a Swedish Big 4 firm to examine the association between audit quality threatening behavior (AQTB) and two types of distance between team members in audit teams (i.e., audit team ... -
Barnehager som plattform for samskapt og bærekraftig samfunnsplanlegging
(Chapter, 2023)Involvering av innbyggerne, og spesielt i levekårsutsatte og margina- liserte livssituasjoner, er vanskelig. Manglende involvering truer samfunnets sosiale bærekraft. Kapitlet utforsker hvordan barnehager kan brukes som ... -
Barriers to attracting the best researchers: perceptions of academics in economics and physics in three European countries.
(Higher Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-11-28)Recruitment is one of the main strategic tools for universities, which aim to hire the best possible candidates for their academic positions. However, not every institution can hire whom they perceive as the best. Our paper ... -
Belønningens makt : en litteraturstudie av hvordan symbolske belønninger påvirker ansattes motivasjon og prestasjon i organisasjoner
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Symbolske belønninger, som inkluderer utmerkelser og anerkjennelse, fungerer som kraftfulle symboler som reflekterer organisasjonens verdier, kultur og mål (Lussier & Hendon, 2023). Disse belønningene uttrykker verdsetting ...