SAM - Handelshøyskolen
Recent Submissions
Political Competition Over Life and Death Social Provision and Infant Mortality in India
(The Journal of human resources;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We argue that economic inequality harms social provision to the poor, but that higher political competition can mitigate this effect. We test this hypothesis using a large redistricting of electoral boundaries in India. ... -
Horizontal performance in the case of network governance: management by objectives and school performance
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Performance management has good impact on school performance, but studies indicate that contexts as well as management matter. An analysis of performance management and educational performance measured by national tests ... -
Language-based EMA assessments help understand problematic alcohol consumption
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Unhealthy alcohol consumption is a severe public health problem. But low to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with high subjective well-being, possibly because alcohol is commonly consumed socially ... -
Distinguishing Innovation Portfolio Configurations in the Knowledge-Intensive Organization
(LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications - Tutkimusraportit;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)For several decades extant guidelines have been formulated to prescribe the best approaches to innovation portfolio management (IPM) in organizations that rely on research and innovation to compete in the market. More ... -
A process perspective on the micro-level of servitization stages
(LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications - Tutkimusraportit;, Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)This empirical paper assesses the micro-level of servitization processes. A current stream of servitization research have emerged and provide conceptual frameworks for understanding the macro-level servitization journey ... -
Trust reforms in Scandinavia: assessments of adoption and impacts of trust-based mangement in public sector organizations
(Chapter, 2025)The Nordic countries are high-trust societies and are active public management reformers. During the last decade, the three Scandinavian countries have seen a wave of trust reforms. To many, this seems like a paradox that ... -
Popular support for a universal basic income – still sensitive to playing the immigration card?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article aims to investigate the persuasive power of immigration on people's attitudes towards a universal basic income (UBI). We use a survey experiment in which respondents, after being asked about their immediate ... -
The (un)secured debt puzzle: evidence for U.S. public firms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Collateral availability determines secured debt, while creditworthiness determines unsecured debt. Both are relevant for the debt structure. Regardless of the benefits that pledging collateral may offer, firms substitute ... -
Offsetting schemes and ecological taxes for wind power production
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)On the one hand, wind power production on land seems necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector. On the other hand, we risk replacing one environmental problem with other environmental problems. The present paper ... -
Sentry eyes? Women directors and corporate penalties
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The ethical role of women directors is the source of increasing scholarly interest. This study investigates the impact of women directors on corporate misconduct using a dataset of U.S. firms listed between 2002 and 2019. ... -
The Benefits of Collaborative Popular Music Songwriting: A Spectrum of Artist-Songwriter Involvement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores the often overlooked role of professional songwriters in popular music, who occupy the spectrum between craftspeople and artists. Drawing on seventeen episodes of the Sodajerker podcast featuring ... -
Sentry eyes? Women directors and corporate penalties
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The ethical role of women directors is the source of increasing scholarly interest. This study investigates the impact of women directors on corporate misconduct using a dataset of U.S. firms listed between 2002 and 2019. ... -
Offentlig regnskap. Kompetansebehov i norske kommuner og rollene til høyere utdanning og kurstilbydere
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Offentlig regnskap og økonomistyring har lenge vært et neglisjert fagområde innenfor høyere utdanning. Konsekvensene er at offentlige virksomheter ikke får dekket sitt kompetansebehov gjennom ansattes høyere utdanning, og ... -
Heart over profit: unravelling the discourse on the non- profit sector’s added value
(Public Management Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper explores Members of Parliament (MPs) perceptions of non-profit sector added value by analysing Norwegian parliamentary debates (2018–2020) through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). It examines how parliamentarians ... -
Prakademisk og tilpasset læringsdesign for Executive-utdanning
(Magma forskning og viten;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)For å nå målgruppen voksne studenter med arbeidserfaring som også er i fulltidsarbeid, er det nødvendig at videreutdanningsstudier bygger på et læringsopplegg som både er faglig solid og oppdatert. I våre studieemner legger ... -
Development of Circular Economy in the Visegrad Group of Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The circular economy is important in implementing EU Green Deal targets, climate change mitigation commitments, and pursuing sustainable development. A circular economy allows the reduction of waste and environmental damages ... -
It Takes a Village: Translating Management Ideas through an Ecology of Roles
(Journal of Management Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Although research has provided valuable insights into how management ideas circulate across contexts and undergo translation, the prevailing focus remains on the one-directional journey from idea suppliers to adopting ... -
“The Numbers Don’t Lie!”: Metrics as Tools for Decision Making and Strategic Planning in Music Industry Organizations
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)In the current landscape of streaming and social media, online platforms and channels have become pivotal not only for the music industry’s approach for discovering and recruiting new music and artists, but also for how ... -
Innledning: Autonomi under kompleks gjensidig avhengighet
(Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Den europeiske integrasjonsprosessen har omfattende implikasjoner for EUs medlemsstater og for tett tilknyttede ikke-medlemmer som Norge. EU representerer et omfattende institusjonelt system med både overnasjonale og ... -
Norges forhold til EU: Hvorfor fokusere på autonomi?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I dagens Europa som preges av kompleks gjensidig avhengighet, argumenterer vi for at tette tilknytningsformer, som Norge har til EU, best kan analyseres utfra begrepet autonomi. Dette begrepet omfatter handlingsrom og er ...