SAM - Handelshøyskolen
Recent Submissions
Development of Circular Economy in the Visegrad Group of Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The circular economy is important in implementing EU Green Deal targets, climate change mitigation commitments, and pursuing sustainable development. A circular economy allows the reduction of waste and environmental damages ... -
It Takes a Village: Translating Management Ideas through an Ecology of Roles
(Journal of Management Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Although research has provided valuable insights into how management ideas circulate across contexts and undergo translation, the prevailing focus remains on the one-directional journey from idea suppliers to adopting ... -
“The Numbers Don’t Lie!”: Metrics as Tools for Decision Making and Strategic Planning in Music Industry Organizations
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)In the current landscape of streaming and social media, online platforms and channels have become pivotal not only for the music industry’s approach for discovering and recruiting new music and artists, but also for how ... -
Innledning: Autonomi under kompleks gjensidig avhengighet
(Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Den europeiske integrasjonsprosessen har omfattende implikasjoner for EUs medlemsstater og for tett tilknyttede ikke-medlemmer som Norge. EU representerer et omfattende institusjonelt system med både overnasjonale og ... -
Norges forhold til EU: Hvorfor fokusere på autonomi?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I dagens Europa som preges av kompleks gjensidig avhengighet, argumenterer vi for at tette tilknytningsformer, som Norge har til EU, best kan analyseres utfra begrepet autonomi. Dette begrepet omfatter handlingsrom og er ... -
Managing portfolios of Co-creation projects in the public sector organization
(Public Management Review;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)While co-creation is becoming increasingly popular among public sector institutions to solve problems and create public value, the question is, how the public sector institution can be successful when engaged in multiple ... -
Emergency management through enduring collaborative networks: Lessons on phases and levels
(Public Administration;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article explores the conditions that underpin networks as enduring collaborative relationships. To identify key features that sustain long-term collaboration, we use the Norwegian system of emergency management as our ... -
Offsetting schemes and ecological taxes for wind power production
(Ecological Economics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)On the one hand, wind power production on land seems necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector. On the other hand, we risk replacing one environmental problem with other environmental problems. The present paper ... -
Personal strength and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of cultural workers in the music sector
(Psychology of Music;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study examines how cultural workers in the music sector coped with the COVID-19-induced lockdown, and how coping is associated with growth in personal strength during the pandemic. We conducted an online survey 1year ... -
Course design as a stronger predictor of student evaluation of quality and student engagement than teacher ratings
(Higher Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Research on Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) has indicated that course design is at least as important as teachers’ performance for student-rated perceived quality and student engagement. Our data analysis of more than ... -
Serious musicking: choral pedagogy in ‘low-threshold’ choirs
(Music Education Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The voice plays a paradoxical role – it is inclusive because everyone has one, and it is exclusive as it is used to falsely separate ‘singers’ and ‘non-singers’. A new choral movement has emerged, with a low threshold for ... -
User acceptance of strategic planning: Evidence from Northern European municipalities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Strategic planning is core to public administration at all governmental levels. Evidence suggests that when conducted well strategic planning impacts several performance outcomes. Yet, public administration and strategy ... -
Entertainment-Education for Better Health: Insights from a Field Experiment in India
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Entertainment-education has been touted as a potent delivery channel for health education campaigns. Yet, there is little evidence of its causal effects. This paper aims to fill the gap in the literature by using a field ... -
The Added Value of Civil Society Organizations in the Provision of Welfare State Services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Civil society organizations (CSOs) that deliver services on behalf of public authorities operate under increased competitive and standardization pressures. Given this background, many CSOs experience a need to justify why ... -
Revealing three anomalies: Extending Kolb educator roles profile in experiential entrepreneurship education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Experiential entrepreneurship education programmes expose students to high levels of uncertainty and motivate them to take economic and emotional risks. Navigating educator roles in these programmes is difficult for ... -
Målkonflikter i plan- og byggesaker : en kvalitativ studie av hvordan kommunestyrerepresentanter opplever og håndterer motsetninger mellom økonomisk og miljømessig bærekraft
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Å bygge ut eller ikke bygge ut – det er spørsmålet norske kommuner stadig står overfor. I utbyggingssaker står viktige samfunns- og naturhensyn mot hverandre, og oftest er det lokale folkevalgte som må avveie hensynene. ... -
Kommunesammenslåing og geografisk representasjon : en analyse av geografisk over- og underrepresentasjon i sammenslåtte kommuner etter kommunevalget i 2023
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Tidligere forskning viser at kommunesammenslåinger etter kommunereformen har ført til en skjev geografisk representasjon i kommunestyrene internt i de sammenslåtte kommunene. Samtidig finnes det lite forskning på geografisk ... -
Belønningens makt : en litteraturstudie av hvordan symbolske belønninger påvirker ansattes motivasjon og prestasjon i organisasjoner
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Symbolske belønninger, som inkluderer utmerkelser og anerkjennelse, fungerer som kraftfulle symboler som reflekterer organisasjonens verdier, kultur og mål (Lussier & Hendon, 2023). Disse belønningene uttrykker verdsetting ... -
Measuring market volatility connectedness to media sentiment
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We examine directional connectedness patterns from news and social media to financial market volatility using textual analysis and high-frequency data. We find that media sentiment induces market volatility, but the ... -
The Cantril Ladder elicits thoughts about power and wealth
(Scientific Reports;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The Cantril Ladder is among the most widely administered subjective well-being measures; every year, it is collected in 140+ countries in the Gallup World Poll and reported in the World Happiness Report. The measure asks ...