Browsing SAM - Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag by Title
Now showing items 138-157 of 357
Help Yourself: The Individualization of Responsibility in Current Health Journalism
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-11)Who is responsible when you get sick? Doctors, who can treat you with superior knowledge? Politicians, who have designed the welfare services? Yourself, who should take steps to live a healthy lifestyle? Or perhaps ... -
Helse, medier og makt: Kommunikasjonsregimer i mediene
(Research report, 2021)Helse og sykdom angår oss alle og omtales i alle slags formater i nyhetsmedier og i sosiale medier. I de siste tiårene har den personlige erfaringen med sykdom vokst fram i helsejournalistikken. Legene, forskerne, ... -
Heroes of the Day After Tomorrow: “The Oil Worker” in Norwegian Climate Coverage 2017–2021
(Journalism Practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-18)In 2019, mentions of “oil worker” in Norwegian newspaper coverage of climate change more than quadrupled, mostly reflecting a rise in politicians vying for the support of this critical constituency. This article explores ... -
A Hidden Theory in Financial Crisis Journalism? The Case of Norway
(Nordicom Review;36(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-21)The present article analyses press coverage of the dramatic finance crisis and the ensuing European debt crisis in Europe, in three decisive periods. The authors conduct quantitative and qualitative content analyses of two ... -
Hostile emotions: An exploratory study of far-right online commenters and their emotional connection to traditional and alternative news media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this article, we explore media use through the perspective of emotions. We specifically focus on a contested group of media users, namely those who engage in uncivil online behaviour and have had one or several comments ... -
How (not to) Run an AI Project in Investigative Journalism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Data journalists are increasingly reliant on automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to process and analyse massive datasets. AI can contribute to journalism by creating visualizations, verifying accuracy of ... -
How a COVID-19 Live Tracker Led to Innovation in Investigative Journalism
(Chapter, 2023)The practice of investigative journalism is constantly pushing the boundaries of what journalism can do and should be. While certain core values remain intact, professionals readily experiment with new methods, forms of ... -
How they missed the big story: Norwegian news media and NATO’s military operation in Libya
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper reports from a research project on how selected Norwegian newspapers covered the NATO-led military engagement in Libya in 2011. As a backdrop we build on earlier research on the role between the media and ... -
How to teach war and peace journalism: Professional challenges when encountering propaganda and fake news
(Journalism Education;Volume 8 number 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This article summarizes the authors´ experience from nearly 20 years of teaching war and peace journalism. The theoretical point of departure was Johan Galtung´s theory of peace journalism. Through the years, the framework ... -
Hva ender bak betalingsmuren i Dagbladet? En analyse av Dagbladet Pluss og
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)«Denne saken går til Pluss». Dette er noe jeg får høre på hvert eneste morgenmøte når jeg er på jobb i Dagbladet-sporten. Hver dag blir én av journalistenes saker valgt ut som dagens Pluss-sak fra sporten. Vedkommende som ... -
Hva gir troverdighet? En retorisk analyse av ethoskonstruksjon hos muslimske kilder i 1996 og nå.
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)En undersøkelse av hvordan konstruksjon av ethos hos muslimske kilder gjøres i to ulike saker fra 1996 og 2017. I journalistenes etiske normer, Vær Varsom-plakaten, finnes det ingen tydelige regler som går direkte på ... -
Hvordan blir barnevernets oppdrag framstilt i kommunikasjonsstrategiene?
(Fontene forskning;7(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Vi undersøker hvordan barnevernets to siste kommunikasjonsstrategier framstiller barnevernets oppdrag. Både Et åpent barnevern og Barnevernet – en hjelper vil bedre barnevernets omdømme og høyne dets legitimitet. Vi ... -
Hvordan blir trygdeeksport omtalt og gitt mening av VG før og etter NAV-skandalen? En kritisk diskursanalyse av VG-saker om trygdeeksport i perioden 2012–2019
(Norsk Medietidsskrift;Årgang 29, nr. 3-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-16)Høsten i 2019 annonserte arbeids- og sosialminister Anniken Hauglie, NAV-direktør Sigrun Vågeng og riksadvokat Tor-Aksel Busch at NAV hadde feiltolket EØS-regelverket, og at flere trygdemottakere var blitt uriktig dømt for ... -
A Hybrid Investigative Ecology
(Chapter, 2023)In Part 2, we have looked at what we called ‘hybrid elements’ in emerging organisations focused on investigative journalism and holding power to account. Since the turn of the millennium, scholars have generally focused ... -
Hybrid Investigative Journalism During Times of Crisis
(Chapter, 2023)In pursuit of its continued focus on holding power to account—locally, nationally and globally—investigative journalism as a practice has actively incorporated various digital skills and capabilities. The embrace of digital ... -
"i saw you on TV-here's my problem": Exploring participant experiences with second stories following mental health disclosures on Norwegian television
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The emotional and confessional nature of mental health disclosures on television sometimes induces audiences to share their own personal stories of mental health struggles in return. The term testimony loop is suggested ... -
“I thought You Are Beautiful”: Uganda Women Journalists’ Tales of Mob Violence on Social Media
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article contributes to our understanding of the notion of mob censorship from the Ugandan context by examining the nature and consequences of harassment targeting women jour- nalists on social media. Drawing on ... -
Import av svenske skurker Svenske avisers betydning for fremstillingen av homoseksuelle i norske aviser 1950-1952.
(Mediehistorisk tidsskrift;NR.1 2018 (NR. 29), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-22)Denne artikkelen analyserer betydningen av at svenske avisartikler dominerte fremstillingen av den homoseksuelle mannen i norske aviser I årene fra 1950 til 1952. Den svenske homoseksuelle mannen ble fremstilt som en skurk ... -
Indigenous and communitarian knowledges
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-19)As we were planning the project application for the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (Norhed), I was reading an article by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro titled ...