Browsing SAM - Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag by Title
Now showing items 204-223 of 358
Making Investigative Journalism in a Hybrid Manner
(Chapter, 2023)It is easy to forget that, historically, hybridity has always been a part of journalism (Hamilton, 2016). For example, ethnographer and sociologist Gaye Tuchman (1978) first engaged with the ‘hybrid’ context of the television ... -
Making sense of a crisis
(Chapter, 2024)The Conclusion of this book is closely connected to Chapter 1. As expressed in the Introduction, these chapters, serving as bookends, are designed to be read in conjunction with each other. In this Conclusion, I reflect ... -
Making Sense of Overwhelming Flows of Financial Data
(Making Transparency Possible: an interdisciplinary dialogue;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-13)Each year local and national economies throughout the world lose billions of dollars through so-called illicit financial flows. Conservative estimates indicate that over a billion dollars are diverted illegitimately out ... -
Making the struggle for climate jobs common—confessions from an activist professor
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Anybody who lives “in the know” of the climate crisis—and understands some of the systemic causes of the relentless expansion of fossil fuel excavation and combustion—feels enfeebled by the obvious questions of what to say ... -
“Making us see science” : visual images in popular science articles and science journalism
(Journalistica;(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)The article explores how scientific research and scientists are represented visually in popular science and science journalism. It discusses communicative functions and cultural meanings of visual elements in science ... -
Makten i slakten - Har musikkanmelderes makt blitt svekket etter at strømmetjenestene kom?
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I februar 2017 gav Kygo ut låta "It Ain't me" med Selena Gomez. Etter bare én uke nådde den førsteplassen på VG-lista. Likevel fikk låten terningkast 2 av VG, Dagbladet og NRK P3. Siden Spotify kom i 2008 har det blitt ... -
Matthias Conrad Peterson og kampen for ytringsfrihet i tiden rundt 1814
(Pressehistorisk tidsskrift;23, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-17) -
Media narratives, agonistic deliberation, and Skam An analysis of how young people communicate in digital spaces
(Nordicom Review;Volume 43 (2022) - Issue 1 (January 2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-10)Increasingly, the means of engaging young people in constructive public debate and democratic society has shifted to online digital media platforms. This assumes that participants have the necessary media literacy skills ... -
Media narratives, agonistic deliberation, and Skam: An analysis of how young people communicate in digital spaces
(Nordicom Review;Volume 43 - Issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-10)Increasingly, the means of engaging young people in constructive public debate and democratic society has shifted to online digital media platforms. This assumes that participants have the necessary media literacy skills ... -
Media, market, state and politics in Norway
(Informacijos mokslai;47 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The article builds on Hallin & Mancini (2004) who have used a democratic corporatist model to analyze the media markets of several Northern and Central European countries, including Norway. An analysis of the Norwegian ... -
Mediated culture and the well-informed global citizen : images of Africa in the global north
(Nordicom Review;31 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)During recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the negative portrayal of the African continent in the media of the so-called ‘global North’. Significantly less focus has been put on how to actually represent ... -
Mediating science in Norway : practices and transformations in major newspapers
(Media Transformations;5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)What characterizes journalistic representations of researchers and research in Norway? This article presents a quantitative analysis and a discourse analysis of how journalism that covers and uses scientific research has ... -
Mediene må bidra til en opplyst samtale om vår sikkerhetspolitikk
(Norsk Medietidsskrift;ÅRGANG 25, NR. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03-23)I sitt innledningskapittel i boken Allmenningen. Historien om norsk offentlighet slår redaktøren for verket Jostein Gripsrud fast at en forutsetning for et velfungerende demokrati er en opplyst og aktiv offentlighet (Gripsrud ... -
Medium-specific threats for journalists: Examples from Philippines, Afghanistan and Venezuela
(Journalism Practice;Published online 01 Dec 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Between 2012 and 2016, UNESCO registered 530 deaths of journalists. They also published a statistic showing that television journalists were the most killed, followed by print media, radio and online journalists. Hinted ... -
Metajournalism and media critique: Responses to "Extremist Voices" in the Digitalized News Landscape
(International Journal of Communication;Vol 13, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Metadebates concerning how the news media deal with extremism have intensified in the digital media landscape. This article analyzes metajournalistic discourse following a controversial studio interview with the spokesperson ... -
#MeToo, Sexual Harassment and Coping Strategies in Norwegian Newsrooms
(Media and Communication;Volume 8, Issue 1 (2020): Rethinking Safety of Journalists, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-25)This article, through conducting a study of the sexual harassment (SH) of media workers, investigates the extent and types of SH experienced by the editorial staff of Norwegian newsrooms at the time the #MeToo campaign ... -
Mobile Flight. Refugees and the Importance of Cell Phones
(Nordic Journal of Migration Research;Volume 10 - Issue 2 - 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-28)This article presents results from in-depth interviews with 18 newly arrived refugees in 2016, focusing on their usage of cell phones underway to Europe. The (anonymous) informants are from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. ... -
Mobile journalism: Systematic literature review
(Comunicar;Vol. XXVII, n 59, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-28)The era of mobile media has placed communications convergence at a new stage. The importance of studies about mobilecommunications has been growing increasingly over the last years. This growth is connected ... -
Moment of Hope, Mode of Realism. On the dynamics of a Transnational Journalistic Field during UN Climate Change Summits
(International Journal of Communication;6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Taking the global climate-change summits (the COP process and particularly the Copenhagen 2009 COP15 summit) as a point of departure, this article looks at the dynamics of a momentarily articulated transnational journalistic ... -
Moscow as the main heroine in Pasternak´s novel Doctor Zhivago?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In 2008, Robert N. St. Clair and Wei Song published a book entitled The Many Layers of Culture Within Each City, applying their analytical framework to case studies of Harbin, Rio de Janeiro, ...