Blar i LUI - Institutt for grunnskole- og faglærerutdanning på utgivelsesdato
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The After-School Programme: An Arena for Interaction with Others through Body Movements in Play
(Phenomenology & Practice;4 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This article investigates how the body movements in children’s play are related to their interaction with others. Qualitative material was gathered from close observation and qualitative research interviews among eight- ... -
Barrier-breaking body movements in the after-school programme: Children's imitation through play
(Nordic Studies in Education;30 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This article investigates how children learn body movements in informal social situations, and is based upon close observation and qualitative research interviews undertaken among eight and nine-year-old children in an ... -
Brobygging og litteraturdidaktikk. Fra kulturelle ulikheter til meningsskapende likheter
(Texter om svenska med didaktisk inriktning;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010) -
Knowledge about the Greenhouse Effect and the Effects of the Ozone Layer among Norwegian Pupils Finishing Compulsory Education in 1989, 1993, and 2005 : What Now?
(International Journal of Science Education;32 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-02-03)The greenhouse effect and the effects of the ozone layer have been in the media and public focus for more than two decades. During the same period, Norwegian compulsory schools have had four national curricula. The two ... -
The role of professional identity in patterns of use of multiple-choice assessment tools
(Technology, Pedagogy and Education;19, (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-03)This article uses the notion of professional identity within the framework of actor network theory to understand didactic practices within three faculties in an institution of higher education. The study is based on a ... -
Dilemmas of streaming in the new curricula in Norway
(Proceedings of the Sixth International Mathematics Education and Society Conference;, Conference object, 2010-03)The paper describes aspects and dilemmas concerning streaming of students according to ability in an ongoing developmental project in a small town in Norway. The project is part of a governmental effort to implement the ... -
Om yrkeskompetanse for tilpasset opplæring - begrepsparene "åpen og skjult tilpasset opplæring" og "små og store metoder"
(FoU i Praksis;2009, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010-06)Tilpasset opplæring er et bærende prinsipp i norsk skole. Det er et mangetydig begrep uten klar forskningsmessig enighet om forståelse og anvendelse, og forskning har vist at det representerer en utfordring for lærere i ... -
"Det er ingen av mine lærere som forkynner..." : grunnskolerektorers forståelse av egen rolle og eget handlingsrom i forbindelse med religions- og livssynsundervisningen
(Prismet;61 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-09)This article is based on an empirical study focusing on how the headmasters in Norway understand their role of being put in charge of the compulsory education, and their freedom of action in connection with religious ... -
Children's Lived Experience and their Sense of Coherence: Bodily Play in a Norwegian After-school Programme
(Child Care in Practice;16 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-10)This article is based on materials gathered from qualitative research interviews among eight-year-old and nine-year-old children participating in an after-school programme (ASP) in Oslo, and investigates how bodily play ... -
Baseskoler og viktige lærerkompetanser: hva mener lærerne?
(FORMakademisk;4 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Denne artikkelen presenterer resultatene fra en spørreundersøkelse som ble gjennomført blant lærere i Oslo-skolen høsten 2010. Undersøkelsen tok sikte på å finne lærernes preferanser knyttet til skolearkitektur, samt ... -
Blogg og wiki i arbeid med barnelitteratur i lærerutdanningen -Integrering av digital kompetanse i norskfaget
(Texter om svenska med didaktisk inriktning;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Artikkelen presenterer resultater fra et fou-prosjekt på et videreutdanningskurs i lesing for grunnskolelærere 2009/2010, der studentene brukte blogg og wiki i arbeidet med barnelitteratur. Målet var todelt: studentene ... -
Post-Secular Consensus? On the Munich-dialogue between Jürgen Habermas and Joseph Ratzinger
(Australian e-Journal of Theology;18 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger and Jürgen Habermas met in Munich on the 19th of January 2004 to discuss the topic "The Pre-political Moral Foundations of a Free State." However, in the aftermath of the papers, another and more ... -
Bodily Play in the After-School Program: Fulfillment of Intentionality in Interaction between Body and Place
(American Journal of Play;3 (3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This article investigates the relationship between children in an after-school program (ASP) and the places where they play. It focuses on the kind of bodily play the children themselves choose and control. The author ... -
Poesi og lingvistiske kontraster: språklig oppmerksomhet i klasserommet
(NOA. Norsk som andrespråk;27 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)I denne artikkelen analyserer vi et flerspråklig diktprosjekt ut fra mulighetene det gir for metaspråklige samtaler og dermed metaspråklig bevissthet hos elevene. Spørsmålet vi stiller er: Hvordan kan poesi benyttes ... -
Baseskoledebatten i media - hvem mener hva og hvorfor?
(FORMakademisk;4 (1), Academic article, 2011)Denne artikkelen gir en diskursanalyse av et strategisk utvalg av 50 ytringer fra nett-mediatekster, som alle er knyttet til diskursen rundt utformingen av skoleanlegg - den såkalte ”baseskoledebatten”. Denne analysen viser ... -
Learning methods - how to learn social work
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)Social work with marginalized persons in the local community - the experiences of Poland and Norway / Marynia Luszczynska and Reidun Lappen. Work in groups is useful when they are functional. In social work, you will often ... -
Childhood in a multicultural society? Globalization, childhood and cultural diversity in Norwegian children's literature
(Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature;49 (1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-02)An alligator named Johannes Jensen works as an executive officer at the Oslo tax office. He feels different, but doesn't know why. Maybe it is because he wears a bow tie while his colleagues wear ties? Johannes Jensen tries ... -
Old and New Dreams - A New Knowledge Nexus or Just Academic Drift?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011-02) -
Allmennlærerstudenters arbeidsinnsats : bedre enn sitt rykte?
(FoU i Praksis;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011-04)Tradisjonelt har undersøkelser av studentenes arbeidstid foregått ved å be studentene om å estimere sin gjennomsnittlige arbeidstid pr uke, ofte for et langt tidsrom. Denne måten å undersøke på har metodiske svakheter ... -
Vurdering som en del av undervisning og læring
(FoU i Praksis;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011-04)”Et felles løft for bedre vurderingspraksis” ble igangsatt av Utdanningsdirektoratet i 2007 for å lage og utprøve felles kjennetegn på måloppnåelse i blant annet matematikk. Erfaringene derfra inspirerte oss til å undersøke ...