Browsing HV - Master i Samfunnsernæring by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 210
The application of a new classification of food based on degree and purpose of processing: a quantitative study of Norwegian food sales from a representative sample of retail stores
(MAEH;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Background and aim: Although generally recognized that increased consumption of processed foods is contributing to the obesity epidemic, industrial processing is generally underestimated or overlooked in frameworks for ... -
Are ovo-lacto-pesco-vegetarians and vegans risk groups for suboptimal iodine intake? Iodine intake and status in a group of Norwegian vegetarians
(MAEH;2016, Master thesis, 2016)BACKGROUND: Iodine is a trace mineral of vital importance for brain development and function. Vegetarians generally avoid or limit their consumption of animal foods. Salt iodization in Norway is exceptionally low, and ... -
The association between estimated hepatic SCD-1 enzyme activity and overweight and obesity.
(MAEH;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Stearoyl Co-A desaturase (SCD-1) has an essential role in the human fatty acid metabolism as a rate limiting enzyme that ensures the synthesis of monounsaturated fatty acids from saturated fatty acids. Changes in fatty ... -
Attitudes towards increasing the intake of plant-based foods and reducing the intake of meat in segments of Norwegian consumers
(MAEH;2020, Master thesis, 2020)ntroduction From a health- and environmental perspective, it is beneficial that the population increases the intake of plant-based foods and reduces the intake of meat. In order to achieve such a change, it is necessary ... -
Barnehageansattes påvirkninger og erfaringer ved grønnsaksserveringen i barnehagen
(MAEH;2015, Master thesis, 2015)Bakgrunn: Norske barn (i barnehagealder, 0-6 år) spiser de fleste måltidene i løpet av en dag mens de er i barnehagen. Tidligere studier viser at kostholdet i barnehagene er blitt vesentlig forbedret de siste 10 årene, ... -
Betydningen av gode kilder til vitamin D hos unge, friske voksne
(MAEH;2011, Master thesis, 2011)Bakgrunn: Størsteparten av den voksne befolkningen i Norge har et utilfredsstillende serum 25(OH)D₃ (vitamin D) nivå, særlig om vinteren. Dette gjelder også de som bor sør i landet. Unge friske voksne er en utsatt gruppe ... -
Bioaktive fytokjemikalier i fullkorn: En systematisk oversiktartikkel
(MAEH;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Nasjonale kostråd fremhver fullkorn som en viktig komponent i et sunt og bærekraftig kosthold. Fullkorn er en god kilde til et bredt aspekter av viktige næringstoffer, som flere B-vitaminer, mineraler og sporstoffer. Mindre ... -
Breastfeeding as a human right based approach to adequate food
(MAEH;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Background: The nutritional status is crucial for the mental and physical development of the infant. Breastfeeding has positive short- and long term health outcomes that are beneficial for both the maternal and infant ... -
Breastfeeding practices among infants in Bhaktapur, Nepal
(MAEH;2013, Master thesis, 2013)Introduction: Adequate nutrition status during the first two years of life is important for health throughout life. Breastfeeding is the optimal way of providing infants with the nutrients they need for normal physical and ... -
Breastfeeding practices among Saharawi women in the Algerian refugee camps
(MAEH;2013, Master thesis, 2013)Background: Optimal feeding of infants and young children living under difficult conditions are important to secure their development and survival. Refugees are a particularly vulnerable group. A previous study in the ... -
Brukererfaring om brukermedvirkning : en kvalitativ studie av brukerlæreres sin opplevelse med brukermedvirkning i møte med kommunens psykiske helsetjenester
(MAEH;2011, Master thesis, 2011)TEMA: Brukermedvirkning i lys av empowermentideologien. HENSIKT: Studien har som hensikt å studere brukerlæreres sine opplevelser med brukermedvirkning, i møte med kommunens psykiske helsetjenester. METODE: En kvalitativ ... -
Bærekraftig mat: En kvalitativ studie av ulike aktørers synspunkter om bærekraftig mat og produksjon nå og i fremtiden
(MAEH;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Bakgrunn og hensikt: Det later til at det er lite enighet rundt hva som ligger i begrepet bærekraftig mat og hvordan vi definerer en bærekraftig matproduksjon. Hvordan skal vi legge til rette for at de som kommer etter ... -
Cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors in a healthy Norwegian child population: The Health Oriented Pedagogical Project (HOPP) - a cross-sectional study
(MAEH;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Background: Risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs) can already be found in child populations. This risk is known to track from childhood into adulthood and in some cases concludes in cardiovascular or metabolic ... -
Challenges of realising the human right to adequate food of slum dwellers of Banda parish - Kampala city
(Master thesis, 2010)The general objectives of this study were to determine whether the diet of slum dwellers of Banda Parish outside Kampala city is adequate in reference to the normative content of the human right to adequate food (RtF), and ... -
Challenges with iron deficiency anemia among women of reproductive age in Saharawi refugee camps, Tindouf Algeria
(Master thesis, 2010)This study was carried out to assess the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and identify the possible causes of the problem from the public health and nutrition point of view. The target group used is women of ... -
Child undernutrition in the Far-West Terai of Nepal
(Master thesis, 2010)Introduction: Child undernutrition remains a major health problem in Nepal. Nearly 50% of the children below five years are stunted. A cross sectional study was conducted in the Far West Terai of Nepal in 2009. Methodology: ... -
A comprehensive metabolic profiling after a short intervention with different fat quality in healthy individuals
(Master thesis, 2023)Introduction. Metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) represent major health challenges in the world today. Dysregulation of the lipid metabolism, including elevated cholesterol ... -
Deltakere i kostveiledning sine opplevelser av barrierer, sosial støtte, self-efficacy og nutrition literacy for oppnåelse av vektreduksjon.
(MAEH;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Bakgrunn:Overvekt/fedme er viktige helseutfordringer i verden, og Norge er intet unntak. Offentlig og privat sektor i Norge tilbyr profesjonell ernæringsveiledning til overvektige. Suksessraten er imidlertid ikke høy for ... -
Developing a monitoring and evaluation system for a child nutrition program in Nepal: a qualitative study
(MAEH;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Background: It is estimated that 45 percent of deaths among children under five years of age is caused by undernutrition. Several organizations are trying to help the governments in reducing undernutrition. However, to ... -
The development and evaluation of a bread baking intervention
(MAEH;2012, Master thesis, 2012)Bread is part of the Norwegian food culture, and a large part of our daily diet. However, the intake of fibre and hole grains is to low, and the Norwegian government encourages an increase in the intake of wholemeal bread ...