Browsing SVA - Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 507
Economic Strategies among Long-Term Homeless People: The concept of Harvesting Economy
(European Journal of Homelessness;Volume 4, December 2010, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)The life and economic situation of a homeless person appear chaotic from the standpoint of the domiciled citizen, yet the social and economic strategies of homeless people can be understood as the outcome of conscious ... -
Leadership, staffing and quality of care in nursing homes
(BMC Health Services Research;11:327, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-28)Background Leadership and staffing are recognised as important factors for quality of care. This study examines the effects of ward leaders' task- and relationship-oriented leadership styles, staffing levels, ratio of ... -
"Ungdom uten framtid rystet hele England" : ungdomsopptøyene i England i norske aviser
(Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;Årg 12 Nr 1, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)I denne artikkelen undersøkes framstillingen av opptøyene i England sommeren 2011 i norske aviser. Problemstillingen er hvorvidt opptøyene framstilles som politiske protester eller som ren kriminalitet og vandalisme, med ... -
The Impact of Relative Poverty on Norwegian Adolescents' Subjective Health: A Causal Analysis with Propensity Score Matching
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Studies have revealed that relative poverty is associated with ill health, but the interpretations of this correlation vary. This article asks whether relative poverty among Norwegian adolescents is causally related to ... -
Managers’ Beliefs about Measures to Retain Senior Workforce
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This paper aims to describe and explain the beliefs of public sector managers regarding measures to promote active ageing within organizations and how these beliefs can relate to their own atti tudes, age, gender, ... -
Mindre problematferd for de fleste, større problemer for de få? En studie av tidstrender i problematferd: 1992, 2002 og 2010
(Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning;12(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)I artikkelen undersøker vi tidstrender i problematferd blant norsk ungdom fra 1992 til 2010. Har norsk ungdom blitt «snillere» de siste 20 årene? Videre undersøker vi en påstand om økt omfang av sideproblemer (rus og svak ... -
Parenthood and happiness: a review of folk theories versus empirical evidence
(Social Indicators Research;108(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-08)This paper reviews and compares folk theories and empirical evidence about the influence of parenthood on happiness and life satisfaction. The review of attitudes toward parenthood and childlessness reveals that people ... -
The strains and gains of caregiving: An examination of the effects of providing personal care to a parent on a range of psychological outcomes
(Social Indicators Research;114(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-09-11)This study explores the effect of providing regular help with personal care to a resident or non-resident parent or parent-in-law on different aspects of psychological well-being. We use cross-sectional data from the ... -
What We Know and Don't Know About Mental Health Problems Among Immigrants in Norway
(Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health;16(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-11-03)Mental health problems have been regarded as one of the main public health challenges of immigrants in several countries. Understanding and generating research-based knowledge on immigrant health problems is highly relevant ... -
Ungdom med innvandringsbakgrunn etter overgangen til videregående opplæring Tapte nettverk og svekket skoletrivsel?
(Tidsskrift for Ungdomsforskning;13(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Studien analyserer endringer i skoleengasjement, trivsel på skolen, faglig selvforståelse og sosiale relasjoner til venner, familie og lærer i forbindelse med overgangen til videregående skole, og undersøker om det er ... -
Democratic Mobilisation in Immigrant Organisations
(Nordic Journal of Migration Research;3(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)By analysing the interactions between political opportunity structures and immigrant organisations’ mobilising their members to political participation, this article suggests and applies a systematic classification ... -
Yngreomsorgen i møte med eldreomsorgen – hvordan påvirkes pleie- og omsorgstilbudet til de aller eldste?
(Fontene forskning: et tidsskrift fra Fellesorganisasjonen;6(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Et av de mest slående utviklingstrekk innen pleie- og omsorgssektoren de siste 20 årene har vært en omfattende endring i alderssammensetningen blant brukerne av hjemmetjenester. Relativt sett økte antallet brukere under ... -
Informal eldercare and care for disabled children in the Nordic countries: prevalence and relation to employment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)In an international comparison, the Nordic countries are generous care spender s and a relatively large proportion of the populations receive formal care services. However, in respect of service ... -
Real teams and their effect on the quality of care in nursing homes
(BMC Health Services Research;13(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Use of teams has shown to be an important factor for organizational performance. However, research has shown that a team has to meet certain criteria and operate in a certain way to realize the potential benefits of team ... -
Child welfare clients first step away from higher education. The influence of school performances, educational aspirations and background factors on choosing the vocational track after compulsory school
(Nordic Social Work Research;4(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-04-03)This article addresses the concern that the educational attainment of child welfare clients (CWCs) is generally poor. Dra wing upon previous research showing that former CWCs lack higher education, this study argues ... -
“Does She Speak Norwegian?” Ethnic dimensions of hierarchy in Norwegian health care workplaces
(Nordic Journal of Migration Research;3(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-07)This article highlights implications of two aspects of glocalisation - migration and New Public Management - at different levels in the Norwegian health care sector. They meet in the concept of competence, the central ... -
The psychological effects of providing personal care to a partner: a multidimensional perspective
(Health Psychological Research;1(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-07-30)The expected increasing demand for informal care in aging societies underscores the importance of understanding the psychological implications of caregiving. This study explores the effect of providing regular help with ... -
Changing educational aspirations in the choice of and transition to post-compulsory schooling - a three-wave longitudinal study of Oslo youth
(Journal of Youth Studies;17(5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-10-11)With the transition from a comprehensive compulsory school to differentiating upper secondary schools, young people in Norway are forced to choose their future educational path and look ahead. How does educational choice ... -
'Har vi hatt leksehjelp nå?' Sosial utjevning når alle skal med
(Sosiologi i dag;44(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)I en kompleks verden får tiltak og ordninger ofte andre virkninger enn planlagt, fordi det skjer uforutsette ting i omgivelsene. Det kan også være paradokser innebygd i den enkelte ordning som gjør at resultatene ikke blir ... -
The web as a site of intractable governance
(Assistive Technology Research Series;(35), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)To what extent does the demand and development of online anonymity interact with efforts to achieve universal design and preserve copyright protections? Based on original research, currently in progress, this article ...