Democratic Mobilisation in Immigrant Organisations
Original version
Takle, M. (2013). Democratic Mobilisation in Immigrant Organisations. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 3(3), 126-134.
By analysing the interactions between political opportunity structures and
immigrant organisations’ mobilising their members to political participation, this
article suggests and applies a systematic classification comprising three forms
of democratic mobilisation: immigrant organisations function as a public arena
for their members; they increase knowledge of political participation among
members; and they develop a political culture among members. The article
concludes that open political opportunity structures offer scope for action to
resourceful activists. These activists see that the local political opportunity
structures allow scope for political participation by persons with immigrant
background, and use the immigrant organisations as an arena to develop a
political culture of political participation. Immigrant organisations can serve as
agents of political integration through projects, which aim to mobilise members
to political participation.