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To Compare or Not to Care? Studying Knowledge-Sharing Behavior by Exploring the Interplay Between SLMX, ELMX, Negative Emotions and LMXSC
(Master thesis, 2022)Knowledge is considered one of the most strategic resources for firms, and employees’ perception of leader-member exchange (LMX) is significant in predicting knowledge-sharing behavior. However, as knowledge is possessed ... -
To Enhance Social Equity Through Urban Planning: The Potential for Innovation
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-11)This chapter explores the innovation potential of one of the most challenging and unruly goals of planning. Namely, how planning can support the development of more socially equal communities, and consider innovation needs ... -
To læringsperspektiv i jazzdans: Fra formidlingspreget danseundervisning til prosessorientert læringsfokus
(MAYP;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Dette forskningsarbeidet er inspirert av pedagogisk aksjonsforskning, der vi ser kritisk på jazzdansdansens undervisningstradisjoner. Vi erfarer at disse preges av ensidig formidling, og at det er elevenes måloppnåelse ... -
To må man være
(NOVA Rapport 9/08, Report, 2008)Til tross for forholdsvis store endringer i livsløpsmønstre og i rammebetingelsene på boligmarkedet, er det forbløffende stor grad av kontinuitet i ungdommens boligønsker og boligvalg. På 1990-tallet var den mest markante ... -
To må man være
(NOVA Rapport 9/08, Report, 2008)Til tross for forholdsvis store endringer i livsløpsmønstre og i rammebetingelsene på boligmarkedet, er det forbløffende stor grad av kontinuitet i ungdommens boligønsker og boligvalg. På 1990-tallet var den mest markante ... -
To perspektiver på ansatte under omstrukturering i organisasjoner: Velvære og interaksjoner
(MALKS;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Planlagte organisasjonsendringer i form av omstruktureringer har blitt en stadig vanligere del av arbeidslivet. Når omstruktureringer gjennomføres hyppigere blir det viktig å vite hva slags konsekvenser slike prosesser kan ... -
To really know them you have to grow them
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Bakgrunn: Kun en liten andel av bakteriene i komplekse miljøer som jord, vann og sedimenter lar seg dyrke på syntetiske medier. Identifisering av flere bakterier vil gi ny viten om biosfærens samlede genetiske og ... -
To receive and to give something back – director’s perspectives on public – private collaborations in Norwegian art museums
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The rapid growth of private museums, contemporary art, and the emergence of private collectors has changed public museums’ room for action and placed heightened pressure on museum directors worldwide. In recent years, ... -
To reformer i norsk bistandsforvaltning – modeller med eller mot strømmen?
(Master thesis, 2021)In this thesis, we compare two organizational reforms within one policy area. How the "Modernization reform for development management" from 2002/03 and the "Reform for the organization of grant management" from 2018/19, ... -
To research by two hands
(Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R);Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): Artistic and Art-Based Research Methods, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-10-03)In this article, we explore artistic research methods by committing ourselves to writing in a sense Cixous is thematizing in her book Three Steps to the Ladder of Writing: a way of writing that includes what is banished, ... -
To tårn, to ledere
(NIBR-rapport 2018:10, Report, 2018)Prosjektet har undersøkt ordførerens representasjonsrolle innenfor den modellen for kommunal parlamentarisme som er vokst fram i Oslo kommune, særlig fordelingen av representasjonsoppgaver mellom ordføreren og byrådslederen. -
To veier til utdanning av helsefagarbeidere - hvordan vektlegges kvalitet og kompetanse
(Master thesis, 2023)Det finnes i dag flere veier til å bli helsefagarbeider. I sin nåværende form oppsto helsearbeiderfaget med skolereformen «Kunnskapsløftet» i 2006, som en kombinasjon av fagene hjelpepleier og omsorgsarbeiderfaget. Det ble ... -
To what degree are Norwegian parents aware of the relationship between meat consumption and greenhouse gases?
(MAEH;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Background: Sustainability and health are high in both the national and global political agenda. Norway has committed to a 40 % reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030, compared to emissions in 1990. The United Nations ... -
To wrap or not to wrap? A study of how long words are split when reflowed on magnified web pages
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Many low-vision users adjust the browser zoom level to make text more comfortable to read. Responsive websites attempt to fit the content within the viewport width, but several types of problems can potentially occur; ... -
to_be_classified: A Facet Analysis of a Folksonomy
(Master thesis, 2009)This research examines Ranganathan’s postulational approach to facet analysis with the intention of manually inducing a faceted classification ontology from a folksonomy. Folksonomies are viewed as a source to a wealth of ... -
Toadstool: a dataset for training emotional intelligent machines playing Super Mario Bros
(MMSys: Multimedia Systems;MMSys '20: Proceedings of the 11th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, Conference object, 2020)Games are often defined as engines of experience, and they are heavily relying on emotions, they arouse in players. In this paper, we present a dataset called Toadstool as well as a reproducible methodology to extend ... -
Tobacco use among Norwegian adolescents: from cigarettes to snus
(Addiction;109(7), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-03-16)Aims To: (i) investigate the development of smoking and snus use among Norwegian adolescents, and (ii) describe the users in each group. Design Two population-based surveys with identical procedures in 2002 (response ... -
Toksiske og essensielle metaller, status hos gatenarkomane
(MAEH;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Bakgrunn og mål: Gatenarkomane har en komplisert livssituasjon, blant annet med mange utfordringer tilknyttet helse og ernæring. Høy risiko for infeksjoner og et mangelfullt og ensidig kosthold gjør dem svært utsatt for ... -
Tolerance Limits, Self-understanding, and Stress Resilience in Integrative Recovery of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)People living with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) experienced that knowledge about their embodied tolerance limits, diet, mental problem solving, and change in lifestyle together with integrative health care ... -
Toleranse, kultursensitivitet og akkulturasjon: Interkulturelle utfordringer for primærhelsetjenesten og nyankomne innvandrere i Norge
(FLEKS-Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice;1(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: Since the 1970s, Norway has experienced a significant increase in population diversity. In 2001, a patient-list system, also referred to as the General Practitioner (GP) Scheme (Norwegian: Fastlegeordning), was ...