Økonomiske levekår for personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne. Ulike metoder for kartlegging
In order to ensure that measures to enhance the financial circumstances of disabled people in Norway are targeted and accurate, a systematic documentation of their financial conditions is necessary. The aim of this report is to describe suitable methods to survey the financial conditions among people with disabilities. Researchers at Norwegian Social Research at Oslo Metropolitan University have written the report on commission from The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir). Based on previous research and exchanging thoughts with other researchers, parents and representatives from stakeholder organizations, we recommend using the following three methods: 1) The “Expert Model”, 2) Surveys 3) Register-based studies. Through the “Expert Model” method, one can calculate additional expenses for differing groups of disabled people. One establishes an expert group consisting of professionals with knowledge about the diagnosis/ disability in question, and professionals with knowledge about relevant areas of consumption where people with disabilities incur additional expenses. The Expert Model approach can be combined with option 2) surveys and option 3) register-based studies. The survey can base the questions about income and expenses on the experts’ input. Register-based analysis of selected diagnostic groups can describe changes over time regarding income and the distribution of income across different sources of income. The additional expenses people with disabilities incur due to their disability can be calculated using the Expert Model and thereby be deducted from the income in the balance of income and expenditures. Denne publikasjonen handler om de økonomiske levekårene for familier og husholdninger der barn eller voksne har nedsatt funksjonsevne. På grunn av helsemessige utfordringer kommer denne gruppen ofte dårlig ut i levekårsundersøkelser. Økte utgifter og begrensninger i inntektsgrunnlaget som andre grupper ikke har, er en viktig årsak til dette. Hvordan ulike kroniske sykdommer og funksjonsnedsettelser påvirker de økonomiske levekårene, er lite dokumentert. I notatet går vi gjennom litteratur som tar for seg økonomiske levekår for denne gruppen. Videre presenterer vi relevante metoder som kan benyttes for å gi en bedre oversikt. Til slutt oppsummerer, vurderer og rangerer vi de ulike metodene som har blitt presentert.