Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 3931
Acoustic Performance of Sound Absorbing Materials Produced from Wool of Local Mountain Sheep
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Abstract: Wool of mountain sheep, treated nowadays as a waste or troublesome byproduct of sheep husbandry, was used for the production of sound-absorbing materials. Felts of two different thicknesses were produced from ... -
The acquisition of prosodic marking of narrow focus in Central Swedish
(Journal of Child Language;Volume 49 , Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We investigated how Central Swedish-speaking four-to-eleven year-old children acquire the prosodic marking of narrow focus, compared to adult controls. Three measurements were analysed: placement of the prominence-marking ... -
Acquisition of the majority language in Norwegian ECEC: Relating language-learning environment in ECEC to expressive vocabulary
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Developing proficiency in the language(s) spoken in any given society is crucial for the inclusion and attainment of children in that society. With an enrolment rate in Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) ... -
Activating the person in the changing situation: A dynamic analytical approach to labour activation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)For several decades, the turn towards labour activation has dominated European social work and social work institutions. While social work research and practice focused on labour activation have long considered “the person ... -
Activation by technology: Young people’s use of digital tools provided by the government
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Modern welfare agencies are increasingly offering clients digital tools in their service delivery. Since young people are prolific users of digital technology, this trend should be to their advantage. However, the quantitative ... -
Activistic citizenship in nursing homes: co-ownership in the mundane
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The traditional narrative of dementia, focused on cognition as constructive of personhood, has been challenged by person-centred care as well as a rights-based citizenship lens. However, reports of everyday discrimination ... -
Acts of bridging in communication with newly arrived Ukrainian children in the Norwegian ECEC context
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this paper, we explore emergent communicative practices in a situation where a group of newly arrived children start attending early childhood education and care (ECEC) in a new country. The data are collected in a ... -
Acute Post-Exercise Blood Pressure Responses in Middle-Aged Persons with Elevated Blood Pressure/Stage 1 Hypertension following Moderate and High-Intensity Isoenergetic Endurance Exercise
(International Journal of Exercise Science;Vol. 13, Iss. 3 (2020), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)International Journal of Exercise Science 13(3): 1532-1548, 2020.This study investigated the acute post-exercise hypotension (PEH) response in persons with elevated blood pressure or stage 1 hypertension following moderate ... -
Acute symptoms of depression and traumatic stress in men and women who terminate pregnancy after detection of fetal anomaly: A prospective observational study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Objective: To assess acute and long-term stress in men and women after the detection of fetal anomalies leading to pregnancy termination. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Tertiary referral centre for ... -
Adaptation and validation of the evidence-based practice profile (EBP2) questionnaire in a Norwegian primary healthcare setting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Access to valid and reliable instruments is essential in the field of implementation science, where the measurement of factors associated with healthcare professionals’ uptake of EBP is central. The Norwegian ... -
Adapting a patient-reported outcome measure to digital Outpatient specialist health care services for type 1 diabetes: User involvement study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background:Diabetes self-management is crucial for patients with type 1 diabetes, and digital services can support their self-management and facilitate flexible follow-up. The potential of using digital patient-reported ... -
Adapting Interaction Analysis to CSCL: a systematic review
(Conference object, 2021-06)Interaction Analysis (IA) (Jordan & Henderson, 1995) is a fundamental reference in the learning sciences, and a core method within the International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Surprisingly, despite ... -
Adaptive learning with artificial barriers yielding Nash equilibria in general games
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artificial barriers in Learning Automata (LA) is a powerful and yet under-explored concept although it was first proposed in the 1980s. Introducing artificial non-absorbing barriers makes the LA schemes resilient to being ... -
Adaptive learning with artificial barriers yielding Nash equilibria in general games
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)Artificial barriers in Learning Automata (LA) is a powerful and yet under-explored concept although it was first proposed in the 1980s. Introducing artificial non-absorbing barriers makes the LA schemes resilient to being ... -
Adaptive reuse of industrial heritage building – comparative life cycle assessment using a case study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Materials production dominates the total Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the construction industry. On the other hand, most existing building stocks are expected to last for the next 30 years, which can contribute to ... -
An Adaptive User Pairing Strategy for Uplink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
(IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications workshops;2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Conference object, 2020-10-08)Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is consid-ered an important candidate for the next-generation cellular networks to address the issue of exponentially growing data traffic from technologies like the Internet of Things ... -
The Added Value of Civil Society Organizations in the Provision of Welfare State Services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Civil society organizations (CSOs) that deliver services on behalf of public authorities operate under increased competitive and standardization pressures. Given this background, many CSOs experience a need to justify why ... -
Addiction and autonomy: Why emotional dysregulation in addiction impairs autonomy and why it matters
(Frontiers in Psychology;Volume 14 - 2023, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-02-06)An important philosophical issue in the study of addiction is what difference the fact that a person is addicted makes to attributions of autonomy (and responsibility) to their drug-oriented behavior. In spite of accumulating ... -
Addressing controversial issues in religious education by enacting and rehearsing democracy through Forum Theatre: student perspectives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Both policy and research emphasise the significant role that addressing controversial issues plays in democracy and citizenship education. However, less work has examined what forms of democratic learning are promoted when ...