Browsing NOVA andre dokumenter by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 117
Economic Strategies among Long-Term Homeless People: The concept of Harvesting Economy
(European Journal of Homelessness;Volume 4, December 2010, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2010)The life and economic situation of a homeless person appear chaotic from the standpoint of the domiciled citizen, yet the social and economic strategies of homeless people can be understood as the outcome of conscious ... -
DISCIT - European Policy Brief
(Andre dokumenter;, Working paper, 2016)Against the background of the Europe 2020 strategy, the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, DISCIT has examined the conditions for the full and effective ... -
DISCIT Final Report - Executive Summary
(Andre dokumenter;, Working paper, 2016)The FP7 project DISCIT provides new knowledge about the diversity in disability policy in European countries and emerging possibilities for policy learning and innovation across Europe. This knowledge shows what steps ... -
Resultater Velferdsbarometeret 2017
(Working paper, 2017)Velferdsbarometeret er en spørreundersøkelse som er tenkt gjennomført ved hvert valg. Den skal ta pulsen på sosialpolitikken og vise hva folk synes om regjeringens arbeid mellom hvert valg. Her presenteres svarene fra ... -
Childhood Housing Tenure and Young Adult Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Sibling Comparisons in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We investigate how childhood housing careers affect young adults’ secondary school and college educational attainments, focusing on the role played by cumulative exposure to homeownership. We analyze Norwegian census and ... -
Neighbourhood selection by natives and immigrants: Homophily or limited spatial search?
(Housing Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-14)Substantial influxes of international immigrants during recent decades have transformed metropolitan housing markets across Europe, North America, and Australia. Where and under what physical and sociodemographic conditions ... -
Collaborative Management in Norwegian Municipalities: Do Middle Managers Make a Difference?
(Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration;Vol 26, No 2 (2022), Academic article, 2022)Norway is an example of the Nordic model in which the local level is of fundamental importance. However, the municipalities are relatively small and increasingly subject to decentralisation of their activities. To compensate ... -
Gutters tidsbruk på dataspill og skolearbeid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Spørreundersøkelser viser at gutter bruker mindre tid på skolearbeid og mer tid på dataspill enn jenter. Tidsbruk på skolearbeid og dataspill blir likevel i liten grad undersøkt og drøftet i sammenheng i forskningslitteraturen. ... -
Speaking Swedish While Black in Norway
(Journal of Critical Mixed Race Studies;Volume 1, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Swedes are almost unambiguously considered White in Norway and, therefore, labeled as non-strangers and non-marked. One of the most striking aspects of studying young Swedish labor migrants to the Norwegian capital is their ... -
Playing without goals: gendered practices in recreational youth football
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Participating in sports is a highly valued part of growing up in the Western world. This is especially true in the Scandinavian countries, where the voluntary sports organizations are closely connected to the welfare state. ... -
Assuring patient participation and care continuity in intermediate care: Getting the most out of family meetings using the four habits model
(Health Expectations;Volume 25, Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction: As a transitional care intervention, intermediate care (IC) bridges the pathway for older patients from hospital to home. Within family meetings in IC, the older patient, his or her relatives, the interdisciplinary ... -
Do large employers discriminate less? An exploration of company size variation in disability discrimination based on data from two field experiments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Sexual Harassment or Just Coaching? Sport Students Making Sense of Possibly Sexualising Coach Behaviours
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Inntektssikring: Har venstre/høyredimensjonen betydning for velgerholdninger og politikkutforming?
(Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning;Årgang 25, nr. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Artikkelen belyser norske velgeres syn på tre veivalg for utviklingen av det offentlige inntektssikringssystemet – behovsprøving, aktivering og innføring av grunninntekt. Analysene er basert på European Social Survey fra ... -
Interpersonal Victimization During Childhood and Adolescence and Educational Attainment in Young Adulthood: A Latent Class Analysis Approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Previous research relates violent victimization early in life to a wide range of unfavorable outcomes in adulthood, among them a lack of educational attainment. A tendency to conduct separate investigations into ... -
Playing without goals: gendered practices in recreational youth football
(Journal of Youth Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-04)Participating in sports is a highly valued part of growing up in the Western world. This is especially true in the Scandinavian countries, where the voluntary sports organizations are closely connected to the welfare state. ... -
Discourse and Knowledge culture as a barrier to integrated policy initiatives
(Journal of Social Policy;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-04)Integrated government initiatives have become a common approach following the institutional fragmentation of New Public Management reforms. Complex societal issues require equally complex solutions, which sectorial units ... -
Do characteristics of family members influence older persons’ transition to long-term healthcare services?
(BMC Health Services Research;22, Article number: 362 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-18)Background: Future demographic and economic changes warrant a better understanding of older persons’ need for health-related long-term care services (LTC). LTC uptake among older people is likely to be influenced by the ... -
Licence to Care – Licensing Terms for For-Profit Residential Care for Children in Four Nordic Countries
(Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research;Årgang 7, nr. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-16)Licensing is a public instrument used to control welfare services. One such service is residential care for children, which is targeted at children who experience maltreatment in their home environment and/or have behavioural ... -
Helsekompetanse og styrket mestring hos barn og unge som pårørende
(Fontene forskning;1/2022 • årgang 15, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-23)I denne litteraturgjennomgangen har vi samlet og oppsummert resultater fra internasjonal forskning i perioden 2010-2020 om opplevd utbytte og/eller effekt av deltakelse i lærings- og mestringstilbud for barn og unge som ...